
Ding Dangmao sat up from the bed naked, leaned against the wall to the living room, and filled himself with a bottle of nutrient solution.

One thing to say, the material of the practical car series is strong and flexible, at least it can withstand the huge force of the two users of the force worm pill in hand-to-hand combat.

Back in the bedroom, he also brought a bottle to Qin Lele.

The latter took it rudely, also sighing.

"Sorry, there's been a lot of things these days. 41 new districts have been added recently. I won't go home next month."

Ding Dangmao was the first to speak, asking for leave from his wife.

Qin Lele nodded and said: "Actually, there are quite a lot of things in the department. It is estimated that there are [-] million people in the new district... But the children have to go home on Saturday and Sunday, but I don't have time. go home."

Ding Dangmao: "The third child has already submitted an application for retiring and returning to school, and he will be back in two days, but it will take a month or two for the university to accept people, so the third child has time to stay at home for a while. Son."

Thirteen children, all three except the head, went to serve in the army.

The remaining ten still have to go to school.

Naturally, they go to boarding schools.

After the holidays on Saturday and Sunday, Qin Lele was all at home, and Ding Dangmao came back occasionally.

However, the regional competition has just ended, and the next day will definitely be very busy. This is the first time that [-] million people are accepted here. Once it gets busy, there will definitely be various emergencies that need to be dealt with.

Although Qin Lele is not in charge of this, but there are still eggs under the nest?

They are all civil servants. Once they are busy, everyone will be busy.

It happened that the third child retired and returned to school, so let him take care of the children.

"By the way, the eldest and the second child haven't come back for three years." Qin Lele said lazily: "These two children have been gone for three years, and I don't know how to go home and see."

Ding Dangmao: "Oh? I often see these two training."

Watched with a mental scan.

Qin Lele: "You are the commander-in-chief of the army. Of course you can come and go as you please, but I can't go in, but I haven't seen those two children for three years."

...then if they don't go home, what can I do?

He knew that it was Qin Lele who was changing the way to bury himself.

Wei Shangguo is not very peaceful, so Qin Lele has always refused to support the three children to join the army, which is also a bit of selfishness of the parents.

On the contrary, Ding Dangmao, who had a clear distinction between public and private, was extremely open-minded about this matter.

As long as there is no ideological problem, he will not interfere with other people's choices; when it comes to joining the army, every parent wants to prevent their children from joining the army, so there is still a ghost army in the red zone!

Even Qin Lele was going to play singles, Ding Dangmao agreed.

Of course, it was also because Ding Dangmao was quite confident in Qin Lele's strength...

"Don't think about those business affairs all day long. Have you ever taken care of your child's academic performance? Qin Ba's test scores in the class have always been ranked downstream! I heard from the teacher that people are also very naughty in the class—" Qin Lele said. .

"I took the time to read the grades. Qin Ba was so-so in the exam, and the questions that he knew were always filled in the wrong answer without noticing, or the wrong word was accidentally written, and the grade was always the same. Ten points lower."

Ding Dangmao spoke soothingly, saying that he was also very concerned with the children's academic performance.

In the red zone, under the environment of the National Super Memory Potion + Memory Compression Pack, the students ranked first and last in the whole grade in the exam, and the difference was only more than [-] points.

Of course, it is also related to the school still using the previous evaluation methods.

Most of the questions are purely memory questions.

For the students in the red zone, it will naturally not be difficult.

Therefore, Ding Dangmao thought about changing the education model. The reason why he did not move is because, under the premise that there is no shortage of materials, whether it is the current education model or the education method of his previous life, there are some problems.

The grass-roots team in the Red Zone has to slowly figure out a new education system.


Soon, a week passed.

On behalf of the residents of the new 41 area, all who wanted to go have gone.

There is no obsessive-compulsive disorder in the red zone. Those who don’t like the red zone system should leave quickly if they want to leave. Otherwise, they will cause trouble in the red zone in the future due to various reasons, which will be a headache for social security.

Even during this week, there were staff in the red zone who kept shouting on the street, explaining the rules and regulations of the red zone, and distributing books about the atmosphere, customs and rules of the red zone.

Its purpose is to let people who don't like the red zone model run away.

Sure enough, this trick worked well.

Thanks to the demonized propaganda on weekdays, many people have packed up and left. They are more looking forward to a relatively free reform meeting, or other scattered areas - and the power users also plan to go to the green area to try their luck. .

The large-scale relocation, the red zone side is also doing its best to escort.

If there is one less person, the resettlement work in the red zone will be easier.

Almost a week has passed since tens of millions of people left.

The red zone begins to receive this area.

The first is the presence of troops to prevent riots and maintain order.

Then there are all kinds of people's livelihood supplies, which are pulled into the lira.

Then all kinds of workers came to encircle the site, build more office buildings, erect new signal towers, and start preparing for the millions of people in the district to get permits.

Enter the county, enter the county, enter the town, and go to the countryside.

Just counting the population is an incredible job.

In each district, at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people must be dispatched to manage it.


In the new green area, a power user put down his mobile phone.

On the mobile phone, the news of the Green Zone is playing. Today, the military court's verdict has been handed down.

There are a total of 7 T2 power users, who are regarded as the masterminds of the escape.

It was because of them that all the team members in the 7 regions fled.

They, very rarely... no, it should be said that they are uniquely sentenced to death!

In the Green Zone, in this government that respects high-level power users, a full seven T7-level powerhouses have been sentenced to death!

This caused an uproar in the whole area.

The senior management is also well ventilated, and has no objection to the decision.

The ones who were sentenced were completely stunned. Five of them refused to accept the sentence and were about to make a bloody escape, but they were surrounded by more fully-armed power users of the same rank.

After a fight, all five were wiped out.

Their clansmen, who had begun to form a family scale, were also implicated and exiled.

The remaining two, although not violent, took the initiative to take responsibility.

So their families were spared the doom of exile.

"Good job! That's how it should be!"

He was satisfied with the content of the verdict.

At least, it reflects fairness and the inviolability of the rules.

Don't let it, the high-ranking master regards the rules as farts. How can a T5 Xuan-level fart like him feel safe?

Chapter 155 The Real Terrorist Attack [343/[-]]

"Listen! This area has been renamed Green 59 from now on! As residents of the Green Zone, you must also obey the rules of the Green Zone!"

After reading the news, it was time for work.

The T5 power user also began to work hard, reading out the policies and relevant regulations about the green zone to these residents, to make sure that power users are the rules and habits of the superior.

Partitioning, layering, and clear structure are all things that must be done.

The area he came to was originally the territory of the Tooth and Blood Party.

But now, after a regional competition, the owner has changed.

It is equivalent to the success of the revolution after a long time, and the outsider patted him down when he flipped his hand!

Many residents of the Tooth and Blood Party moved because of this, but not everyone was willing to leave, and not everyone could bear it.

"From now on, the houses in this area will be allocated centrally by the green zone. The green zone does not yet recognize Wei coins. If you have Wei coins in your hands, then these things will be invalid, but you can exchange crystal coins for green coins— Tsk, don't look at me like that! Lao Tzu's previous experience is the same as yours!"

"From now on, you should remember that the treatment of ordinary people and power users is one day and one place. After the zoning is completed, ordinary people have to move into the lowest-end community and live separately from power users and their families! "

"From ordinary people to T1 power users, they are divided into four levels of heaven and earth, Xuan Huang, and the permissions corresponding to each level are different! Ordinary people like Huang level and Xuan level can only be squeezed into a few hundred. In a dormitory with a thousand people in one building, the elites of ordinary people at the prefecture level and the sky level are only eligible to rent out!"

With the promulgation of the policy he said, the faces of the crowd on the street became more and more bad.

The bad talk was almost over, the power user changed the subject and said: "However, the green area is not a hell, each community has a corresponding canteen, as long as the payment is made on time, the canteen can always manage meals.. ....Yes, we are in charge of the meal!"

"Working in the green zone is much better than leaving your food out to eat!"

Indeed, most of the people in this area are disheveled.

The Wei Shang Kingdom was in turmoil, and the bottom of the scattered areas were like refugees.

Even after being recovered by the Tooth and Blood Party, it will be difficult to solve the food problem for the time being.

In the crowd, one person stumbled to the front, raised his hand, and asked, "This, this power user, I want to ask, if there is no money, does the green area not care about accommodation and dining halls? ......?"

Ordinary people interrupted his speech, he was a little upset.

After all, it is a scattered area, and there is no good habit of superior and inferior.

With a cold snort, the power user said: "Who said it doesn't matter? If you don't have money, you can apply for a loan from the bank in the green zone, and then work part-time to repay the debt slowly; also, the big man above is kind and allows you to use Exchange materials and crystal coins for money."

"Don't tell me you don't have any start-up capital!"

After saying this sentence, the face of the ordinary person became very ugly.

He first turned his head and glanced at the crowd behind him. They were all ordinary people just like him... Due to work, they were bound to this city.

But the harshness of the green zone completely shattered their illusions.

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