Up to now, Wei Shangguo has turned the country into a district, and the tacit understanding in the past has almost been broken, especially the red district has put on a look of isolation from the world, and the connection between countries has gradually lost.

This time, the Hanshang Kingdom came not only because of the mutual aid association.

He wanted to reconnect with Wei Shangguo.

Even after the end of the first regional competition, it was seen that although there were foreign forces making troubles on Wei Shangguo's side, there was not much friction between the high-level officials.

Discoloration and exchange from area to area proceed in an orderly manner.

In this process, losing is losing, winning is winning, and no one is lying.

This makes the Han Shang Kingdom and even other countries have ideas...

With a different idea, these four countries sent envoys to apply for a diplomatic visit to Wei Shangguo's newly established Interregional Security Bureau to release their goodwill.

Naturally, their application was approved quickly.


It is convenient to receive foreign guests, and the red area is a pure grass team.

But fortunately, other districts understood, and the foreign guests who were received also flew directly to a red area isolated in the scattered area and the purple area. This place was the headquarters of the Inter-District Security Bureau.

Ding Dangmao won the previous battle.

Then, the inter-regional security bureau is naturally set up in the red zone.

It wasn't long before the headquarters of the Inter-District Security Bureau was built with the cooperation of the power users in various districts, which allowed the foreign guests to settle down.

The process can be left to professionals.

"The people sent by the three countries, Gangjin, Nanqin, and Beiwu, are all serious diplomatic ambassadors. The strongest in the team is T2, but they are only part-time bodyguards... Look at Han Shangguo! That's the heavyweight!"

Their arrival naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Others are just serious visiting missions.

But the Hanshang Kingdom is different. The people they send are headed by the only secular sect in the Hanshang Kingdom...the suzerain of the Soul Gathering Sect!Empty!

It was a girl with blue hair who looked less than [*] years old; dressed in a jacket and hot pants, with her hands in her pockets and still chewing bubble gum in her mouth.

If you put on ear studs, match it with a modified motorcycle, and hold a baseball bat or something, then you will be a proper urban motorcyclist.

No matter how you look at it, it is different from the traditional impression of the master of a sect.

"Kong Xiang, a thirty-eight-year-old T1 power user, the suzerain of the largest sect Soul Gathering Sect in the Hanshang Kingdom, and the most important video blogger in the Hanshang Kingdom! The scope of the video is extremely broad. It is said that the previous paragraph Time has also fixed the rotten work of biting lighters... Pavilion Master Ding, do you have any clues?"

After listening to the staff's report, Ding Dangmao rubbed his eyebrows.

In this place, many people outside the red zone reject spiritual links because it makes them feel like their privacy is being violated.

To this end, there is also a special provision that the spirit of linking is not allowed here.

If you want to say something, you have to say it openly.

Even if Geng Dangmao reported the situation to his cronies, he could not skillfully use the spiritual link to report the situation.

You have to be patient and listen to their inefficient way of 'talking' to report to yourself.

"I don't know, I have absolutely no clue, it's none of my business."

He opened his mouth to deny Sanlian, saying that the suzerain's private life has nothing to do with me.

In fact, he is a little confused now.

Why did the Han Shang Kingdom send this suzerain?

Is it the will of the whole country, or is it the meaning of her sect?I don't know, it depends on the situation. Anyway, Ding Dangmao was not familiar with the Han Shang Dynasty.

There are even some sects left in this country.

However, Soul Gathering Sect is the strongest one, and it is also the only one that has joined the WTO!

These sects are basically the remnants before the founding of the country; anyway, they were successful in the founding of the country, and they did not cause trouble themselves, and they would not die even if they lived for hundreds of years.

Ding Dangmao was far away in the office, penetrating the obstacles of the layers of walls with his perspective eyes, and watched the missions coming down from the four planes, among them, the three medium-sized countries were similar to what he imagined.

But when he saw the fourth one, which was Han Shang Guo.

He found that the Hanshang Kingdom had a larger number of embassies, a higher average super power level, and a more professional appearance. Although the people of the Soul Gathering Sect were dressed differently from the country's professional embassies, they also looked quite professional. serious.

The only exception was the sovereign who was chewing bubble gum.

She was slightly taken aback after walking out of the steps, and then glanced at Ding Dangmao.

It was as if through layers of reinforced concrete, he met Ding Dangmao's eyes.


The latter winked at himself, with an 'I can see it' expression, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Oh, not an illusion.

Now that he saw it, Ding Dangmao observed it in an open and honest manner.

"Pavillion Ding, did she discover us?"

"Yes, they are T1 power users, and they found that our peeping is normal."

"Then, shall we avoid it?"

"No, she didn't express disgust anyway, keep reading."

After the last batch is arranged, there will be a meeting tomorrow, but it will be a big meeting...

Meetings are all about small things, and small meetings are about big things.

It didn't take long for Ding Dangmao, the host, to find the envoy of the Hanshang Kingdom with representatives from the three districts of green, blue and purple.

Chapter [*] Differences in National Policy (Part [*])

"Pavillion Ding, I have long admired the name."

"Raised to the Sect Master."

When they first met, the two shook hands and exchanged greetings for a while.

All parties took their seats and entered the topic.

The ambassador of Hanshangguo said: "We came to visit your country recently, one is to restore friendly relations with your country, and the other is to know how your country views the cancer of the mutual aid association?"

He spoke in a normal tone, neither condescending as a big country, nor humble in the face of the leader of the red zone, but neither humble nor arrogant.

"The Mutual Aid Association, this organization is indeed a cancer." Ding Dangmao nodded.

While speaking, his team had already set up a barrier around it.

Prevent the conversation between the two sides from being overheard by others.

"Although the Co-Aid Association is backed by Qingtangguo and has the capital of Qingtangguo Company, it is still a charitable organization on the surface. In fact, everyone knows what this product looks like."

Ding Dangmao's tone was calm, with a hint of murderous intent: "It's not a day or two for the bastards of the Common Aid Association to do things in Weishangguo. In the past, I could turn a blind eye on arms sales, but now... .. they went too far."

To carry out terrorist attacks in other countries like that?

It's all like this, can I also go to your country and try it?

"Pavillion Ding, can you be sure that it is a mutual aid society?" the ambassador asked.

Ding Dangmao said: "There is no evidence, but there are clues, but the clues extend to Qingtang Kingdom. They can't possibly open the door of the country for us to check in?"

This is true.

So, the reason why the mutual aid association can still dance like this.

It is entirely because there is no strong evidence... Maybe there is evidence, but for an organization like the Mutual Aid Society, the evidence must be stronger!

The messenger just nodded when he heard the words, and then said: "Indeed, the Co-Aid Association has always been cautious, and people can't get a handle on it; however, in recent days, they have kicked the iron plate, and the president of the Co-Aid Association, Li Feichi, shot an arrow. It has exploded the low-orbit satellites of seven or eight countries, and now it is in trouble."

Ding Dangmao is a know-it-all when it comes to things in the red zone.

But for international matters, he had to delay for several days to receive the information - such as shooting a satellite with an arrow, he really didn't expect it.


You really only shoot satellites with bows and arrows!

Besides, it’s not just the mutual aid society, it’s because the excess energy has nowhere to be released, so it took all the satellites around it along with it, right?

Ding Dangmao has roughly released the results.

"Is he so brave?" Ding Dangmao raised his eyebrows.

The ambassador shook his head: "No, according to what he said, his arrows were cursed by others, which caused a catastrophe. So far, Li Feichi has been placed in the base of the mutual aid association and has never appeared again."

"Too much injustice will lead to suicide, and he deserves it." Ding Dangmao commented calmly.

It was just an arrow, and Ding Dangmao could also guess. In fact, the satellites of the mutual aid association were not completely destroyed. After only a part of the satellites were destroyed, the power of desire found other satellites—and he could only blame himself. I didn't make it clear when I made a wish.

It didn't say that they had to be shot down, nor did it say that they couldn't destroy other satellites.

But it has happened.

"Three satellites of our Hanshang Kingdom have also been destroyed." The ambassador showed a smile: "This incident has caused quite a stir in the world. If the murderer cannot be found, the mutual aid association must pay for it."

"Speaking of which, the people who did this are considered highly skilled, and directly let the mutual aid association take such a big blame. If they can't prove their innocence, the entire organization will have to be dissolved."

Ding Dangmao heard the words and said, "Disband? What's the use, change the name and make a comeback."

"There is compensation." The ambassador said: "If this incident occurs, how can countries not compensate? Besides, everyone likes to see that the mutual aid will suffer."

In that case, it's not bad.

Compensation, this is real money.

Do you think that Qingtang Kingdom will set up an international organization similar to the mutual aid society without spending any money?

As a result, this product has only brought a few days of income, and it has to pay back!

If you can't find the murderer, you will not only have to lose money, but also have to be dissolved!

One can imagine how busy the Co-Aid Association is.

"I wonder what Pavilion Master Ding thinks about this matter?" he asked.

Ding Dangmao said, "I just found out."

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