Especially for management talents, such as the position of the head of the household registration department, there are dozens of candidates who have passed the assessment, waiting for him to be replaced at any time.

In the beginning, many people ate public meals for the purpose of increasing officials and titles.

Just like Wei Shangguo's previous bureaucratic thinking, his style of conduct will be more or less sloppy, as if he has become a manager, he is like a great official.

Going a step further is to cherish their political wings, form gangs in the Spark Pavilion, engage in power and wealth transactions, etc. - even if the points cannot be traded, some people want to trade crystal coins, and they can do it again after they leave the red zone. use.

Naturally, these people were the quickest to be fired.

Quite a few went straight to prison.

Whether it is resignation or dismissal, or thrown into prison after an unidentified incident, all must hand over the memory; and the content of the work in the memory, as well as the experience and perception of the work, will be handed over to the next successor.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the position being paralyzed after the replacement.

On the contrary, the newcomer will do better than the previous one.

After a minister left, dozens of alternate opportunities came. They had already passed the exam, and Ding Dangmao also reviewed their memories one by one, and it was natural to know who to arrange.

Soon, he summoned a twenty-eight-year-old man who had only one partner, and was neither a lover nor a vested interest; he also worked in the household registration department, and the department's The operation is very familiar

Ding Dangmao briefly explained the matter to him, and asked him if he would like to be the acting minister, and the latter naturally agreed with a warm welcome.

Regarding the departure of the former minister, he expressed his understanding... well, I can't understand it.

As a single female main department, he doesn't know how such a sea king can distribute his love to so many women, and would rather give up the ministerial position to open a harem-in the end, the super power level has actually risen, which is really a miracle!

Within five minutes, a newcomer sat in the position of the minister.

The surrounding people looked as usual, and many high-level executives shook hands with the new arrival. The atmosphere in the conference room was not heavy after the former minister left, but was used to it.

Isn't it just replacing an administrator, everyone is used to it.

Compared with the predecessor, the newcomer will be purer and more motivated; if one day, the newcomer will become an old man, and his energy and pure heart will be exhausted... Then he will also It's almost time to leave.

Of course, this is limited to management positions.

In terms of management positions, in layman's terms, it means arranging various talents to do things corresponding to their majors in various environments. It is the kind of experience that is greater than professional ability, so it is easy to replace.

If it is an academic talent, it is not so simple.

If you pour all the knowledge of a mathematician into another person, he will only have a strong memory of knowledge points, formulas, topics, etc., but he cannot inherit the other's 'intelligence' and 'flash of inspiration'. class comprehension.

Therefore, academic talents are called iron rice bowls.

On the side of Xinghuo Pavilion, it is obviously the official family meal, and the treatment is also good, but this bowl is made of ultra-thin plastic, so it has to be eaten carefully, for fear of leaking...


In the red zone, outside the Xinghuo Pavilion is fine, and the human touch is relatively strong; while in the Xinghuo Pavilion, the group of people who eat public meals, not to mention who you know, who are their relatives, are all treated equally, no one comes here. Good to use.

Mainly because the trick of handing in memory is too ruthless.

Whether it is corrupt behavior, or the human society is a devastating blow.

This is why, no matter the better the people, the higher-ups, they all highly respect Ding Dangmao—because they hope that Ding Dangmao is not a human being, but a god who is aloof and equal to all desires.

In this way, they can no longer reject the issue of handing over their memories.

And don't worry about the gods blaming yourself for your own selfish desires.

And the fact is pretty much the same.

Ding Dangmao did not contain any prejudice. He has always been doing things in strict accordance with the rules and regulations. As long as he sets the rules, he will never violate them.

As an example, he stood firm.

No smoking, no drinking, no bad habits, and he is dedicated to others, but even if he meets his partner at work, he will not talk about small ambiguous things, and he is businesslike.

Moreover, Ding Dangmao has always shown his character generously, and he has also made his bottom line very clear, and he will not hide his policies.

Not to mention high-level, even netizens can see at a glance what kind of person Ding Dangmao is!

Fear comes from not knowing, from being unfamiliar.

It is like the emperor who was powerful and unparalleled in ancient times. He showed his imperial power from a high place, and he liked to play riddles with people, and his subjects might fall to the ground in an accident.

Civil and military officials, who is not afraid?

In contrast, Pavilion Master Ding is frank and clear about everything. Everyone knows how to get along with him, and naturally they will not be afraid of him—of course, because he understands too well, no one dares to touch Ding. The bottom line of swinging the spear.

This has also led to a very good relationship between Ding Dangmao and the high-level executives; and this ethos spread to the Spark Pavilion, and then to the entire society...

The idea of ​​equality can take root in people's hearts.



No one knew what Ding Dangmao was thinking.

His memory has never been shown to anyone.

In fact, Ding Dangmao is not playing a role, he is playing in his true colors; but the reason why his image is so frank, mechanical, and official is because this is the easiest and most convenient method.

He has seen too many people's memories.

Regardless of gender, age, or occupation, or any status.

Ding Dangmao has seen all the memories, the beautiful, the dirty, the filthy, the sacred... and even the very special ones, and understands their inner logic.

With the accumulation of vast experience, this makes him able to penetrate people's hearts.

It also made humanity gradually become transparent in his eyes.

Before proposing the 'Couple Certificate' bill, he had guessed that [*]% of the ministers with the harem would resign, and the subsequent development also confirmed his conjecture.

For him, those at the top no longer have secrets.

On the other hand, he would not be surprised or puzzled by other people's outrageous thoughts. To be honest, those departments that probe memory also have the same psychological characteristics as Ding Dangmao. Can be calm.

Instead of getting angry like the first mission from the change meeting.

To be honest, in ancient times, Ding Dangmao would be able to build a magnificent dynasty even with the most top-level emperor's mind.

But...not for the red zone.

Compared with the imperial mind, it is better to be candid and more suitable for leading the red zone.

Rather than engaging in some kind of subjugation technique to make subjects suspect and confront each other to ensure their own prestige—it would be more appropriate to clarify the reasons and interests, and use the simplest and most straightforward words to lead the people.


A few days later, the detailed rules were drawn up, and the news of the couple's certificate was on the news.

Although it can be processed in a week, the certificate will not take effect until three months later, which is to give those who open a harem to quickly sort out the relationship.

As a result, the teenagers and girls who were dazzled by hormones launched a protest.

After they were qualified, they began to demonstrate.

For a time, the momentum was quite huge...

Until the anti-protest gang joined in.

"Return my freedom to love! Love is sacred and inviolable!"

"Return my freedom to love! Love is sacred and inviolable!"

For a time, the bus stopped, and the streets were filled with the protests of the demonstrators.

Most are young people.

But they protested in the streets, and the crowds on both sides of the street were not indifferent.

"I'm super, this group of people who are now charging and fucking came out to protest, delaying Lao Tzu to catch the bus!"

Watching this scene, a student gritted his teeth and complained to his friend beside him: "Nah, look at their position, a man is next to N women, and the benefits of co-authoring are all occupied by you. right?"

His friend nodded and said, "I can't even eat weeds, so it's good to refill them now, and pick wild flowers at will; Brother Ding didn't let them pick more wild flowers, and this group protested."

In the beginning, they too had that idea of ​​the sacredness of love.

I even felt that Xinghuo Pavilion was meddling.

But now, both men and women (girls can also open harems, but the number is small, accounting for about 30%), after seeing the scene of the parade, they all express that they can't hold back.

Before, when you didn't come out, we only regarded you as a legend.

What about a dozen people in the harem group, what kind of girl you like the most, we are just listening to it...

However, when these people marched in teams, the big guys were enlightened.

His grandma's!I said why can't I find a female (male) friend?

It turns out that all the resources have been robbed by you bastards!

"You protest against you? What? Hurry up!"

"Come out for a parade at the age of sixteen? Have you finished your homework!"

"I can't hold it in anymore! Get married if you like it, don't poop while standing in the pit!"

"These dogs have the face to protest."

"Brothers in the live broadcast room, look at the face of this group of current charge! Now charge? A group of LOW guys who don't have the strength to get the harem qualification certificate! The current dog is almost the same!"

On the streets, demonstrators marched.

On the sidewalks on both sides, there were boos.

The parade is still shouting slogans, but the one who sprays people on the sidewalk is called a hundred flowers blooming. Those who know it know that this is a parade, and those who don't know that those people on the street will be killed by the autumn queen.

However, young people are always impulsive.

When you are scolded, you naturally have to scolded you back.

If you can't win, if you are in a hurry, you have to fight!

When the police arrived, it had developed into a melee of thousands of people!

Chapter 165: Red and Blue [343/[*]]

Large-scale unarmed fights involving thousands of people are rare.

Hundreds of police officers arrived, and it took a lot of effort to handcuff hundreds of people. Fortunately, there are cameras all over the place, and everyone wears good clothes. With the addition of lie detectors and memory searches, a good person will not be wronged. , and will not let a bad guy go.

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