Having said this, Ding Dangmao paused and said, "By the way, can this be the case? The news for certain groups of people is rated as "very", and the news for others is rated as crossed out after reading it." down", what do you think?Can it be done? "

Hearing this, the propaganda machine blinked.

Then he smiled and praised: "You scheming and sinister villain!"

Ding Dangmao was very satisfied: "You can understand what I mean."

And the propaganda machine said: "But I have to say in advance that the effect of my propaganda varies from person to person. The more powerful the power user, the harder it is for me to change their cognition!"

"Besides that, I can't force their self-awareness! For "lower" news, some people click on it and then leave after a few glances, and some people have to comment a few words if they think it suits their taste— This is out of my control! "

Yes, just like ordinary people brushing the news.

Some will close the window, and some will click in thinking that they may be interested.

The three levels of medium, upper and very high exist to improve the concentration of readers, and even achieve the desired effect of the propaganda machine through emotional cooperation.

At the propaganda machine, Ding Dangmao nodded.

Said he understood.

And the propaganda machine added: "Of course, I also have a special usage, if you control news TV, or more sound channels, with so many media, I can save a lot of effort when using it... .."

Ding Dangmao's eyes lit up: "I really have it!"

After all, he is the leader of the Red Zone, the master of the Spark Pavilion.

A decree affects the existence of [*] million people.

It's simply too simple to have a voice channel.

So the propaganda machine eagerly said: "Tell me, who do you want to spread the news about?"

Dang Dangmao opened his mouth and chatted with it for a few minutes.

I saw that the eyes of the propaganda machine gradually collapsed...


"Major news! Marriage Law 4.0 is finally implemented! Derailment and punishment!"

"Marriage is not just a matter of a few people. It belongs to a serious social contract. It cannot simply be run with a sense of morality, but must be bound by rules."

"Pre-marital inspections have become a mandatory inspection item, and the results of the inspections have to be kept privately on the grounds of 'privacy'. The inspection results of either party must be informed to both spouses."

"Set up a cooling-off period for marriage. Marriage is a major event in life. No one should playfully treat marriage. Think twice before doing it."

"Additional marriage conditions: both husband and wife are required to hold a half-year couple's certificate."

"Law Adds 'Marriage Breaking Offence'..."

Articles of news spread around the red zone.

In the red zone, as long as there are radio stations, TVs, computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices around, they will receive the news immediately - especially ordinary people, when they notice the news that has just been released, their heads seem to be much clearer.

It's like drinking a super memory potion.

Every sentence in the news is deeply imprinted in my mind.

Then they couldn't wait to tell others what they had just learned.

In this way, the decree, which was deeply remembered like a ideological stencil, quickly spread throughout the red zone in less than half a day.


Four today.

Good night everyone, I'm asleep.

Chapter [*] The Power of Propaganda (Part [*])

The operation of the propaganda machine is not to stuff information into your head out of thin air.

Instead, they made their voices heard through media such as social media and serious news channels. Although there are personal media (not privately owned) in the red zone, in general, Ding Dangmao's control over the media is close to [*]%.

Of course, the Internet is also a medium.

Therefore, after the decree was issued, and within half a day after the news was broadcast, the [*] million people in the red zone knew about the new Marriage Law and remembered it very deeply in their minds.

And the price Ding Dangmao paid was only the T4-level willpower of 1 units.

If in ancient times, these willpowers were smashed down and the information was spread by means of human-to-human transmission, I am afraid that it could only be spread among millions of people.

Of course, the mysterious abnormality of the red zone was soon known by others.

Naturally, it also aroused the surprise of insiders.

But they didn't respond to this...

Because in the past, in the acceptance process of the new red zone, whenever there were signs of **** or large-scale illegal gatherings, once there was an uncontrollable risk, the people of Xinghuo Pavilion would take out a "thinking disc" to motivate them.

With one move, it can cover the crowd for several kilometers.

calm them down quickly.

The news this time is just to force people to memorize the content, which is equivalent to the superpower that can engrave words and actions in other people's brains.

It has long been seen in literary and artistic works.

It's usually a move that villains use to brainwash - but everyone checked it carefully and found that it's just memory, and it doesn't have the effect of brainwashing.

The promulgation of the "Marriage Law" has been in the air for a long time. Those who should be opposed, those who should be in favor, but also those who are in favor occupy the vast majority... When it is officially implemented, it will have to be next year.

But for Ding Dangmao's usage, the propaganda machine can be described as extremely frustrated.

"Can't you be more forceful? I'm a propaganda machine, yes, but who told you to use me for propaganda? Can't you think of some ways to use it?"

Obviously, the propaganda machine refers to Ding Dangmao during the rejuvenation period.

Have a troubled heart.

And it is still at the stage of expanding its influence with rectification.

"It can be used, but it's not necessary." Ding Dangmao said calmly: "This kind of thing is useless for yourself, but if you use it against other forces, if you use it too much..."

This kind of thing that can set off a revolution in color (harmony) is too sinister.

It will be feared and rejected by the vast majority of forces.

Besides, the middle and high-level power users have a strong repulsion force on the propaganda machine. If they can fool ordinary people, they can't fool them...

The propaganda machine can only be used in the red zone unless it is a special case.


"Affecting [*] million people in the red zone in one breath?"

In all the ** districts, everyone who got this news was stunned.

Is this an outrageous power user in the red zone, or is it a terrifying super power item that has been researched, and it can actually have such an effect?

Like the blue zone is muttering, to know that you have cultivated the strongest speech-type superpower, a live broadcast can drive the frenzy of millions of people is already very impressive, what is your red zone?

No, it can't be said to be 'He De He Neng'...

Everyone knows the power of the red zone.

Outrageous is outrageous, but not unacceptable.

In recent days, the international side is still turbulent. Among the five major countries, the Han merchants are the leader, and they are constantly throwing out memories belonging to Li Feichi, which can cause a wave of public opinion every time...

Relying on this trick, it made Qingtang Kingdom give up a lot of interests.

But not enough!

The Qingtang Kingdom has gradually become familiar with their methods, and began to use public opinion tactics to counterattack. For a time, everyone threw unidentified black materials to each other, and the people were dazzled and didn't know what to believe.

The matter of the propaganda machine, let the five major countries see the hope of completely suppressing the Qingtang Kingdom in public opinion!

So, they sent messengers again and found the person in charge of the red zone.

and submitted the request.

Soon, the news reached Ding Dangmao's ears.

"One thing to say, their faces are really big."

Ding Dangmao still remembered that in catching Li Feichi, everyone worked together, and even Xiang Jingjing did at least half of it.

He was restrained by the people in the red zone, so he didn't let him escape.

But later, when analyzing the activities of Li Feichi's memory, the red zone could not be squeezed in - even, this group of persecutors excluded the red zone intentionally or unintentionally.

Of course, they used legitimate means, in short, it was a trick.

And whether it is the rules of other countries, the rules of their private alliances, or the unspoken international rules, the grass-roots team in the Red Zone does not understand; besides, they are powerless and powerless in that place, and they are helpless in the face of procrastination.

Grandma's, didn't she agree to do business.

This is not regarded as one's own.

Naturally, the red zone is excluded.

Now that Xun Si Red Zone has a hand in propaganda, he sent someone to find the Red Zone.

"Help me reply to the letter and tell them that the red zone can meet their requirements, but I need Li Feichi's full set of memories, the unedited version; in addition, this is only the basis of cooperation, and the rest of the price is calculated separately, and the cost is also up to them. out......"

Ding Dangmao's demand was quickly passed on to the five major countries.

So the two sides sent messengers to meet.

Sitting at the negotiating table and starting to bargain, the five major countries said that they could pay the cost, and they could also afford the price of asking the red zone to take action, but Li Feichi's memory can only be partially released...

Ding Dangmao said that Li Feichi's memory is the big one!

Just kidding, an old-fashioned T1-level powerhouse who often stirs up troubles in the world, the secrets in his mind are much stronger than squatting in his own area.

At least in international affairs, he knows everything.

What are the hidden things, it is a precious wealth.

For example, Ding Dangmao wanted to know, what kind of organization is the 'out of time' in the illusion?Listening to the name, could it be that in the state of speed force, the time pause, reverse flow, reset, etc. that I often experience are all the ghosts of them?

An organization of a group of time-based power users, then they are quite awesome!

So the two sides stalemate at the negotiating table for a long time.

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