Not only the eastern world, but even the western world was involved in the war.

The east and the west are throwing each other, and the inside is also littering. In short, if you don't make me feel better, I won't make you feel better!

This battle without gunpowder has continued to this day.

As a result, in the past [-] years, technology has not developed much at all; even compared with the purely technological plane of materialism, it has developed more slowly...

On the contrary, highly targeted super power props are booming.

The more super power items that can only benefit the top few people, the more they can get the protection of cause and effect and luck, the more research funds they can get, and the easier it will be for scientific research.

In this way, under the influence of realistic objective conditions, the social atmosphere has also changed.

Scientists serve the superpowers and serve the upper echelons.

Material science, few people go.

Therefore, even if this battle without gunpowder smoke continues, the intensity is not as strong as it was at the beginning, at most it is only one-quarter to one-fifth.

However, the change in the atmosphere made the material technology slump.

The speed of scientific research is still as slow as a turtle.


In the red zone, Ding Dangmao's investment in material science is quite strong.

Naturally, it has also been targeted by various countries.

However, he will hang up!

There are 100~200 units of T1-level willpower consumption every day, [-]% of which are invested in the research of material science, and use the method of enhancing luck to develop wildly!

As for other countries, in order to interfere with the development of scientific research in other countries, the willpower that is invested in it every day is probably only 7~8 units of T1-level willpower, which is completely crushed by the open Dangmao.

In addition, he will also charge 700~800 units of T1-level willpower to the cans of willpower every day, half of which must be used by the prophets and the fortune-seekers, these superpowers, to use their superpowers to keep red. The area's scientific research has continued to advance by leaps and bounds.

That's why the red zone is progressing so quickly.

Two words: open and hang!

That nonsense, if he doesn't hang up, how can he consume so much energy every day?

Moreover, the secret Ding Dangmao has not been spread out.

It is estimated that it will take a long time before other countries can respond!

...with one hand, he touched the memory crystal ball from the Han Dynasty.

Ding Dangmao checked the memory of Li Feichi, the president of the Co-Aid Association.

From his memory, it can be seen that the terrorist attack was really done by the Mutual Aid Society. He felt that he could give a warning as before and retreat, but unexpectedly encountered an accident and cut his way home.

Then, of course, they were captured alive.

Now even the memory is being played with.

From Li Feichi's memory, Ding Dangmao did see a lot of secrets, for example, according to the statistics of the Gu Gongzhu Association, the suppression of the red zone by Qingtang Kingdom alone used at least 10 units of T1-level willpower every day. .

All kinds of curses and bad luck are coming to the government, people, facilities, and scientific research in the red zone one after another. If there are [Happiness Poker] to resist these invisible attacks, I am afraid that the red zone will have frequent accidents every day.

No wonder there are so many broken things in the Blue Zone.

No wonder why the Purple Zone has developed so hard.

In addition, he also saw a lot of broken things in Li Feichi's memory. Qingtang Kingdom and the major super groups, in order to suppress some things, used the mutual aid association, and indirectly did many things that were not human!

The more he looked, the more relaxed Dangmao's brows became.

"Well, I thought it might be too sinister to use a propaganda machine to deal with people."

"Since you are not human first, then I am welcome!"

Ding Dangmao took out a box of 53 playing cards, and then called the propaganda machine. After murmuring with him for a long time, he finally came up with a plan.

He glanced at the black material given to him by the five major countries...

It's nothing more than vote cheating, high-level bribery, erotic transactions, and desolate islands. Although the exposure is shocking, Ding Dangmao still thinks it's not enough!

Let's be more exciting and make big news!

"As the saying goes, spread a rumor and break a leg."

"What's more, what I'm promoting are real people!"

With a wish in his mouth, he tossed 51 cards and watched them disappear.

There are two cards left, one to ban the clown, and the last one to destroy the clown according to the process.

Afterwards, it is to give the propaganda machine enough willpower to let it go to Qingtang National University!

Chapter [-] The Power of Propaganda (End)

The network of Qingtang Kingdom is much more developed than that of the Red Zone.

Moreover, in such a country where money is paramount, the Qingtang Kingdom does not even have a public media, and the famous media are all controlled by super groups, which means that all belong to private media.

Every media has its own independent tendencies and positions.

That is to say, even if there are rumors, false information, etc., they will broadcast it for traffic; if one party thinks about banning the dissemination of news, either the media itself or the group behind them... But But can't stop all the media!

It doesn't matter if you are a rumor or something, they don't even want their mother for traffic.

No news?Then make up your own rumors too!

In fact, the government's control over the media is very light, because this is the world of superpowers, and the group bosses behind each media are powerful superpowers who are indispensable, but they don't take the government so seriously.

Therefore, if it is the Qingtang Kingdom, it is very suitable for rumors...

"Recently, the Five-Nation Alliance once again analyzed the memories of Li Feichi, the president of the Co-Aid Association, and they promised to open up all of Li Feichi's memories to the world in an orderly manner, and there will never be any hidden secrets; at present, the memories that have been made public internationally for......"

"Tian Song Kingdom broke through the prison on the barren island, and rescued the base used for human experiments in Li Feichi's memory. ."

"In addition, there is a report that the crystal coin, the only value-preserving currency in the world, has fallen below the critical point due to the massive replication of this physical currency for hundreds of years, and the Eastern world will likely usher in the fifth economic crisis. …”

"This is a very dangerous signal. The crystal coins in the hands of citizens are rapidly depreciating. When the new currency is issued, the value of the crystal coins will be completely reduced to zero. It is not yet known how the government will solve this problem. Are we going to bear the bitter fruit?"

With a thought, a T2-level power user changed the stage.

He smiled disdainfully: "What is breaking news, have the requirements for media people been reduced to this level? Or do they think that news is just reading the manuscript with a dull expression, no matter how outrageous the content of the manuscript is?"

Speaking of these words, the power user's wife leaned on his shoulder. She was a T3-level power user, but she seemed very uneasy at this moment.

"Could it be true?" His wife said worriedly: "That media person has a point. Let's not mention the human experiment base. Qingtang Kingdom has issued crystal coins for more than [-] years. Inflation is getting worse."

His husband smiled and said: "Inflation is an economic problem, and it is global. You don't have to worry about the crystal coins. When the sky is falling, there are tall people supporting them; if the crystal coins are really worthless, the most anxious person Not me."

The T2 power user didn't take this news to heart at all.

From his point of view, there are a lot of eye-catching news like this every day.

But his wife was still a little uneasy: "However, the large-scale copying of crystal coins is indeed true. Although crystal coins are made of super materials, they are also physical currency, so they have the possibility of being copied in large numbers... .... Didn't he just catch a power user who copied crystal coins a few days ago, it is said that his super power is [crystal coins copy], obviously only at T5 level, but he can copy hundreds of crystal coins at one time. "

"This is only in Qingtang. If they break the law, they can still be punished. What about abroad? What about those war-torn areas? Even the Five-Nation Alliance, which is unhappy with us?"

Immediately, the husband laughed.

"How is it possible, they have to maintain the value of crystal coins, do you really want to hear this? It's boring to try to make sense!"

Seeing that the wife really wanted to understand, the husband had to explain it carefully.

After the explanation was clear, the doubts in the wife's heart were dissipated.

It completely forgot about it.


"Damn! Damn! Damn that's impossible!"

Still in Qingtang Kingdom, a T5-level power user with bloodshot eyes, gritted his teeth and counted the crystal coins in his wallet one by one.

But after counting, he frantically threw the crystal coins on the ground!

The whole room was filled with the sound of crystal coins jingling.

"I've been working for decades! I've worked so hard to save so many crystal coins, how the fuck do those people do? How dare they!?"

It's over, it's over.

The news continues to be broadcast.

When talking about the previous four economic crises, how big capitalists and high-level government officials passed on losses to the people, why the people of Qingtang Kingdom lived worse than the last, and how they lied...

"Liar! Thief! Thief! Robber! Fucking bastard!!!"

The man remembered the grand occasion when the stock market collapsed overnight during the fourth economic crisis. At that time, there were queues on the rooftop, and the streets were full of beatings, smashings, and looting.

Yes, they will do it, they will do it!

Crystal coins depreciated to the point of worthless, all the hard work of the people turned into a dream bubble, can't pay the mortgage, can't pay the water and electricity bills, was fired by the company and can only wander on the street... T5 level?In Qingtang Kingdom, T5 level is worthless!

At best, it's better than those low-level ordinary people who have no dignity.

T4 level in Qingtang country, can only be mixed in the middle class.

And if the economic crisis breaks out, the middle class will be a fart!

After venting his incompetence and fury at home, the man pushed the door and walked out, just in time to meet the same grim-faced neighbor...

"You, did you watch the news too?"

"Look! Those bastards can really do such a thing!"

"What should I do? What should I do? I still have parents to support, and children..."

"We can't sit still!"

The man gritted his teeth and his eyes were red: "The people above want to treat us as victims! Bah! We won't make them feel better!"

While speaking, deafening protests broke out on the street.

Here comes the familiar parade.

Zero yuan purchases, smashes and grabs followed closely.

And this time, people want more than just venting!

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