It looked as if they were going to let them go.

In fact, he did think so...

But Ding Dangmao wouldn't let them go out intact. Since their legs and feet have been removed, why should they spare other legalized limbs?

Of course, this cannot be done now.

You have to drain their value before you start.

As the saying goes, preventing people from becoming enlightened is like killing their parents. If Ding Dangmao dismantles most of their legalized places and uses them to feed themselves back... it is equivalent to their years of rank practice in vain.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a complete revenge.

On the other hand, Ding Dangmao said today that he will not kill if he collects money.

To be a man, you have to talk about credibility.

In the color zone mode, it is a very important virtue to talk about credibility.


The fall of the Hundred Hunting Squad set off a storm in the world's top echelon.

Everyone knows that the invincible special forces of Qingtang Kingdom are all in the red zone!And it was almost killed by Ding Dangmao alone!

Maybe the information is distorted, but after this battle, the red zone officially has a very heavy weight in the eyes of all the top echelons in the world. Taking this opportunity, all countries in the world are focusing on the feasibility of the color zone model...

In particular, Ding Dangmao himself was directly praised as the number one in the world in public opinion.

You must know that if all the top echelons of the entire big country are added together, if they go head-to-head with the Hundred Hunting Squad, they will be able to fight at most three to seven - three of them, and seven of the Hundred Hunting Squad.

However, such a terrifying team was buried in the hands of Ding Dangmao.

How can we not shock everyone in the know?

How can you not make the whole world jealous?

The panic spread to the upper levels of Qingtang Kingdom, and the voice of retaliation suddenly weakened. The sluggish momentum of the upper level affected the lower level, and even the nationwide repression slowed down.

After they got the news, they had to get out of the crackdown.

Attended the meeting again.

Moreover, the current top echelon power users do not feel safe, and they must form a team in twos and threes to walk together in order to save them from the fear of being assassinated.

Although their sanity knew it was useless.

At the holographic projection conference, the top echelons of Qingtang Kingdom gathered again.

And this time, for some reason, there were fewer people.

They had a heated quarrel over the destruction of the Hundred Hunting Squad.

Many people think that without everyone's weakening of the Hundred Hunting Squad over the years, who will win and who will lose; now that the Hundred Hunting Squad has failed, how should Qingtang face the red zone... Facing Ding Dangmao revenge?

If he assassinates people, who can stand it?

The conference room was so noisy, until everyone's projection screen, a cold and solemn voice descended on the venue——


Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned.

When they figured out who the speaker was, everyone's pupils shrank and their hearts were shocked.

"I once believed in you, and you would manage this country for me..."

"But I was wrong, Qingtang Kingdom will fall apart sooner or later in the hands of you worms!"

Chapter [*] The Strongest Cultivator (Part [*])

[Snake of Reincarnation] It was said that there are less than five superpowers who can compete head-on with Ding Dangmao.

From his perspective, he wasn't lying.

Because as a member outside of time, he knows many secrets of this world, and he also has a spectrum in his heart for who is strong and who is weak.

In the heart of [Snake of Reincarnation], one of the people who can compete with Ding Dangmao is the founding teacher of Qingtang Kingdom, the most powerful practitioner in the world...

Baili Zhengde!


"Since I have been practicing the Tao, I have gone through countless lives and deaths, seized the house and rebuilt three rounds, and spent more than [*] years in total. Not only did I become a god, but I was only one step away from the realm of the Mahayana..."

"Back then, I ended the war, created the Tang Kingdom and protected you, but it was just to make it easier for you to grow up, so that I could leave the noise of others and focus on proving the Tao and becoming an immortal..."

"I used to build a prosperous Tang Dynasty and a strong Han Dynasty. They can give me at least hundreds of years of peace, but now the Qingtang Kingdom has only been established for a few years, and you have reached the point of destroying the country!"

"Really, I'm so disappointed..."

There was no figure, but the top echelons of Qingtang Kingdom, especially the older generation, couldn't help lowering their heads, not daring to refute a single sentence.

And even the young people who had not experienced the prosperity of the founding of the country did not have the idea of ​​​​bringing his temper.

No matter how ignorant, the top echelon of Qingtang Kingdom should have heard his name.

Baili Zhengde......

The national teacher of Qingtang Kingdom, the super power user of the power law system, one of the strongest in the super power world!

In Qingtang China, after officially joining the top high-level echelon, they will visit this ancient ancestor of the township level - although they can't meet, but across the retreat, they can also feel the surging momentum of Baili Zhengde.

Powerful, vast, terrifying, oppressive...

Although, only one of the strongest.

But in everyone's eyes, it is the undisputed number one in the world!

Even the Hundred Hunting Team has no idea of ​​hunting this person.

"Old Ancestor, the current situation in Qingtang Kingdom is the Ding of the Red Zone..."

A person with the surname of Baili, I don't know how many generations of the grandson of this old gentleman spoke, but he was interrupted before he finished the sentence.

"Ding Dangmao! A very thoughtful little guy!" Baili Zhengde's voice echoed in the virtual conference room: "He is much better than you, isn't he?"

When everyone heard the words, they didn't dare to say anything more.

Baili Zhengde sighed to himself: "In the past [*] years, I have witnessed the birth of a splendid dynasty, and I have also seen the collapse of the kingdom's territory. Those dream bubbles and work hard..."

"I have also built dynasties and watched them collapse before supporting new ones."

"The little guy Dante Dangmao woke me up. The feelings of family and country, the replacement of dynasties, and the consciousness of the nation are nothing but nothing!"

He exclaimed: "In this world, the polity! It is a tool to serve the strong! Starting from this principle, the color zone model he created is a polity that is more advanced than the country... He dares to reform , is naturally more than a hundred times better than your group of clinging to the incomplete!"

As he spoke, his figure appeared at the venue.

Then, Baili Zhengde picked up a crystal coin and said, "Look at the creation you are proud of, the crystal coin... Thinking that you have the right to mint coins, you can rely on printing money to attract all the money. The blood of the world feeds itself?"

"On this basis, what kind of currency exchange rate has been created, a castle in the air built on falsehood - obviously there is a better path in front of you, and you have to crawl on the ground with your old money, it's really a bunch of insects. ."

He couldn't help but think of a thousand years ago.

The mortal tried to use the real gold and silver in his hand to exchange for his magic weapon to defend against the enemy.

What a ridiculous idea is this?

The so-called currency is only an expedient measure that the mortal world has to endow an item with value and make it a substitute for barter.

In contrast, the contribution points issued by their self-cultivation sects are much easier to use. How much you contribute to the sects, the sects can give you corresponding rewards, and even get comprehension magic tools and spirits. stone......

But what is unexpected is that after being in retreat for so many years, the mortal world actually spent those worthless currencies, but abandoned the more convenient and easy-to-use contribution point system.

This kind of sloppy behavior. . . .

If it is ancient, I can still regard it as an expedient measure that you had to do.

But now, you are still playing these low-level things?

Is it even because of playing this that the Qingtang Kingdom collapsed?

"That little guy, Ding Dangmao, has one thing right!"

Baili Zhengde flicked his fingers, and the crystal coin in his hand turned into slag: "This kind of thing is really worthless!"

A superpower who speculated in stocks couldn't hold back: "National teacher, it is true that our currency system has taken some crooked paths, but if there is no currency, should we return to the barter era of barter?"

Baili Zhengde glanced at him.

As if recalling, and then remembering who this person is.

"The little guy who goes the other way." He showed a sarcastic look: "The currency, which can be exchanged with each other, is its biggest flaw!"

Have you heard that Zongmen's contributions can be interchanged?

The nature of currency interchangeability is not conducive to the rule of the strong.

You work, I give you money, and your money can only buy materials from me, forming a closed loop - but if money can be given to others, someone will find ways to collect more money in order to get more money. many positions.

Suppose, one hundred people work every day, and the strong provide them with equivalent resources; and ten of them use their brains, they don’t want to work, but form parties and try to make money in it, then the output of labor will decrease. 10% off!

It is true that if those ten people dominate the remaining ninety people, they can make up for the 10% of the output by making those ninety people work overtime.

But in Baili Zhengde's view, why?How old are you?

I don't make them work overtime so that they don't wear out too quickly, so they don't get scrapped prematurely - you make them work overtime just to make life easier for you?Will you pay for the early scrapping of Ninety?

You are my private property.

There is only one exploiter in the world.

"I have decided to let go of the Internet and let the 'machine' oversee the country."

"The rebellion in the southeast happens to make the old man move his muscles!"

"Oh, there is one more thing, Qingtang Kingdom has given me a color regionalization in these four years, ready to participate in the regional competition four years later."

Chapter [*] The Strongest Cultivator (Part [*])

Qingtang country, southeastern state.

A dragon shadow hangs high in the sky, and under the bright sun, a piercing dragon roar spreads throughout the city. Millions of people are frightened by the roar and tremble.

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