For the same injury, it only takes less than half a second for the Perfection Law Realm to heal itself. It takes nearly half a minute to put it on the Holy Blood Knight. You must know that he is a three-attribute law realm... What about others?What about weaker laws?

"Don't just watch it, you can't beat it alone, won't you two fight together?"

Ding Dangmao watched the recovery of the Holy Blood Knight, and he said to those old-fashioned law realms: "I have to remind you first, you will never find such a good opportunity after now, you really don't do it? "

His words changed everyone's expressions.

In the eyes of Ding Dangmao, who knows people's hearts, it is impossible to hide it.

Sure enough, more figures followed in the next moment!

"Pavillion Ding! Offended—"

It was Mo Xiucheng who launched the offensive first. He expanded his own domain, merged with the real universe and Ding Dangmao's domain, and quickly joined together.

The next moment, his body split directly, and more than [-] kinds of consciousness were separated instantly, followed by more than [-] kinds of attacks evolved from law-level superpowers, which combined into a turbulent offensive with charm, pressing like a wave. past!

As soon as the Perfection Law Realm shot, it showed the difference between him and the incomplete.

This group of guys with different consciousnesses who can't talk to each other, the synchronization rate is very poor, it is better to fight separately in the field, in order to break out the strongest combat power.

"That's right!"

Suddenly, a phantom figure rose up from Ding Dangmao's body.

That is the technological crystallization of the red zone, the host of the spiritual world, and the biological brain that has been upgraded by [Domain·Lumberjack's Spring]!

The moment it appeared, it was linked with Ding Dangmao.

Under the air link, his computing power skyrocketed to a terrifying level.

Zhan Nian·[-] million!

Think power!

Based on the biological brain, the majestic psychic power surges out, the spiritual power contained in the biological brain is naturally much higher than that of a single person, and the converted psychic power will naturally be much outrageous!

In the realm of perfection, the instinct can reach the atomic level.

This completely compensates for the side effects of psychic power.

Psychic power can't work on living things, it can only work on non-living things, even things like the Mechanical Emperor are in the category of 'creatures'.

What qualifies as a living being?This has to be looked at infinitely microscopically.

Humans are living beings, and the flesh, bones, and skin of human beings are also in this category. As long as things grow on human beings, mind power will not be able to act on them. If we continue to microcosm, the same is true of cells, the same is true of cell nuclei, and the same is true of DNA. The same goes for basic groups...

Ultimately, but at the atomic level, that's the scene.

Could a single atom be considered a living thing?

No, it doesn't count!

That is to say, with the use of psychic power down to the atomic level, the living thing can be directly blasted into atoms!


boom! ! !

In the void, there were countless ripples in the space.

Everyone's perspective seemed to be distorted, and in the process, Mo Xiucheng's layered attacks were subtly blasted away by Ding Dangmao!

The current Ding Dangmao is an uncompromising law realm.

The power of thought has reached the million-ton level!

But what he can perfectly control at the atomic level is less than a ton.

Therefore, Ding Dangmao needs to be killed!

Every thought is equivalent to a T1-level self. Ding Dangmao purifies these thoughts to the point that they only work on the power of the mind, and they don't even assign a body to them, so that they can perfectly control what they are assigned, just like him. Thought motivation.

Every thought is assigned to one kilogram of thought power.

With their abilities, they can perfectly bring out this kilogram of psychic power to the atomic level!

[-] million thoughts, that is [-] million kilograms, that is, [-] tons!

It is only one-tenth of Ding Dangmao's existing one.

However, enough is enough!

The remaining [-] million thoughts play the role of observation, tactics, overall planning, distribution, etc. The purpose is to unify all the thoughts and work hard towards the common goal!

Ding Dangmao, as the main consciousness, sits in the center and points out the strategic goal.

Just saw Mo Xiucheng's overwhelming law-level offensive, and under the slow-motion observation of many thoughts, countless shortcomings were exposed!Countless flaws!

After that, a wave of atomic-level psychic power spewed out.

Mo Xiucheng, instant defeat!

He felt that he was not facing a person, but a terrible civilization!

The other party just used the most common superpower (psychic power) in a common way, and his own tricks that are incomparably mysterious, exquisite, and high in artistic conception are like complex math problems, and they are instantly asked by the master. crack.

Even Ding Dangmao never used his law-level power.

Even the original elements have not been used...

The power of mind is the same as that of ordinary power users.

It's just that the control is more exquisite, and the subtlety is more terrifying.

"So strong!"

"Damn it! Can't beat it! Run!"

"I surrender!"

"It's impossible!"

Soon, the scattered personalities quickly gathered, and re-formed a stitched monster with more than [-] faces. Mo Xiucheng looked at Ding Dangmao with fear...

"Mind power can achieve such purity! Even a peerless genius in the spiritual system, who has been trained for tens of thousands of years, may not be able to reach your level... I lost!"

The law of scattering is quickly gathered.

The body of their laws, in the final analysis, is still a biological structure, and even if there is a real defense under the attack of the atomic level, it will not last long.

It's like a super energy field blasted away by technological weapons!

However, Mo Xiucheng also saw his own flaws.

If the outer shell of the body is replaced with a more advanced strong interaction material...

I'm afraid it won't be broken up so easily by a mortal-level attack.

The moment Mo Xiucheng failed and his body was shattered, attacks from several other law realms followed one after another, turning into a surging tide.

Directly attack and kill Ding Dangmao!

Chapter 241 Still Invincible (343) [[-]/[-]]

The time and space of the resetter is stuck, Jia Ao's super-light speed virtual particle is annihilated, and the mechanical emperor's warp 99% light speed kinetic energy weapon is superimposed on the triple offensive.

It even blocked Ding Dangmao's dodging space from time and space.

Forced him to suffer!

I have to say that if Ding Dangmao's body of law is to be shattered if he really suffers such a blow, this is already the ultimate attack in the physical world, and it is very terrifying.

However, Ding Dangmao did not move.

"Can't even make me stand up..."

The brilliance of the Speed ​​Force bloomed, time and space were distorted in front of it, and the superluminal virtual particles (with a negative mass) shot straight to the edge of the universe, and in the blink of an eye, several tons of meteorite material outside dozens of astronomical units were shaved off.

Positive particles and negative particles, when the two meet is not annihilation, but cancellation.

Positive and negative offset, all are nothingness.

In the end, the pure kinetic energy weapon that reached 99% of the speed of light was released in the subspace of the Mechanical Emperor, and dozens of law fragments with a mass of only 1 gram were submerged in the layers of atomic power.

They shattered the atomic-level telekinetic shield with extremely superb speed.

One, two, three, four...

Layer upon layer, the number exceeds the sky!

In the end, the True Injury Law projectile with a mass of only 1 gram exhausted all its energy and turned into fine powder, and stopped in front of the Psychodynamic Barrier.

A few meters away from Ding Dangmao.

"To push one gram of matter to 99% of the beam requires at least 13 tons of nuclear explosion power, plus the energy that escapes, I'm afraid not every law fragment will consume a million tons of energy. ?"

"Moreover, if you use the law fragments as projectiles, you don't have to worry about the increase in mass after approaching the speed of light. It is also a proper real damage... This set is used to deal with others, which is acceptable."

Under the same energy, for the strong, the power of kinetic energy weapons is far more than bombs.

But for people in the realm of law, whether it is a kinetic energy weapon or a laser beam, it is not enough to see.

The time and space of the resetter was stuck, and he chose to break the speed force.

Jia Ao's virtual particles evade by distorting space.

And the mechanical emperor chooses kinetic energy weapons, then Ding Dangspear will resist!

Ding Dangmao could clearly see their movements long before they started. After all, the observers of [-] million thoughts can clearly see everyone and the environment in the vicinity. The smallest expressions and the smallest energy fluctuations, Can't escape their perception.

Defeat the Holy Blood Knight at the front line, defeat Mo Xiucheng who went all out, and defeat the trio of imprisoned sneak attacks, all in an instant.

After taking the next attack, Ding Dangmao's psychic power exploded.

The three suffered the same treatment as Mo Xiucheng. In an instant, a large amount of laws and flesh and blood were scattered, and they were seriously injured on the spot!

Ding Dangmao himself was still sitting on the chair and did not move a step.

In space, he glanced at the audience indifferently.

"Who else?"


"It's really amazing!"

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