Unless he is willing to give up this identity and give up 100% of the idealistic authority of this universe, his strength will always be trapped in the limit of the plane.

Want to progress?The method is simple.

Either boil, through enough time, use the authority in hand to fine-tune and change the rules little by little, and perfect the rules of the plane to the best; when the plane breaks through the limit, he can also reach a higher realm.

It's not that he can't do this...

But if you want to do it, you have to spend tens of thousands of years.

The world destroyer who pursues speed will naturally not consider this direction.

The other is to fuse and devour other planes, plundering other people's resources like a robber, and it can also promote the limit-breaking upgrade of the plane.

The last one, and the one that takes the most time, is to let the plane develop, wait for it to expand, collapse, and return to zero dimension again and again, and then the Big Bang will come again, and it will continue to be completed in the process of annihilation and birth. itself.

One is to rely on the help of intelligent life, the other is to plunder the resources and rules of other planes, and the last is to rely on plane consciousness itself...

In fact, in the multiverse, more than [-]% of the planes are lifeless, and even if there are more than [-]% of the planes with life, intelligent life cannot be born!And most of the planes with intelligent life can't interact with other planes, let alone produce strong enough to hold authority.

Therefore, most of the planes in the multiverse can only grow in the third way. Not only is the speed extremely slow, but there is no direction to speak of, and the possibility of accidentally growing crooked is also as high as [-]% or more!

Unfortunately, this is a plane that is 'lucky' enough.

The World Destroyer chose the second promotion method for it, and it was also the fastest one.

It's a little risky, but compared to other planes in the multiverse, its luck is not a star!

"I don't have the time to play the development game."

"Plunder, become stronger, it's that simple!"

In the ocean of laws, the long-immersed [fictional character egg] was finally filled with laws, and seeing it burst out of the ocean, another strong character was born!

I saw that on the Fire Star, which was the closest to the sun, in the high temperature of hundreds of degrees, a branch plunged into the ground, took root and sprouted at the fastest speed, and grew like crazy.

Its trunk is extremely thick, and the top of the tree spreads up toward the sky, spreading its branches and green leaves toward the sun as far as possible, greedily absorbing the energy belonging to the sun, the star of light.

With the intake of energy, flowers bloom from the top of the tree, and fruits grow in the center of the flowers. Even if there is only one fruit, it shows a powerful momentum that cannot be underestimated.

The trunk continued to grow stoutly, the roots spreading all over the planet.

After nearly a month of gestation, the divine tree that had almost covered the surface of the planet finally blossomed and fruited, and a humanoid creature with horns on its head, three eyes, and a pale body emerged from the fruit.

"My lord."

He bowed his head to the World Destroyer and said expressionlessly, "I will be at your command."


"What Saiyan, playing with real flowers."

After seeing the captives captured by Hongzhuang, Ding Dangmao saw at a glance the things he was familiar with in his previous life... Nima's, if he were himself, he would also play this kind of trickery!

To be honest, Ding Dangmao felt bad when he saw the name of this item.

Then in the universe, when he discovered the invader's Lei, Ding Dangmao had a guess in his heart - when he saw the serious Saiyan captured today, he couldn't hold back.

In other words, with that [Fictional Character Egg], can all the awesome avatars he knew in his previous life be summoned by that World Destroyer?

This kind of configuration, thinking about it, makes the scalp tingling.

He couldn't help but think of such a picture: the sky is full of artificial intelligence-controlled interstellar fleets, the ground is an endless Zerg army, the four hawkers grinningly spread chaos in the different space, and in the dark and deep space is the indescribable Cthulhu. A demon god, well-known powerhouses in various dramas and movies are interspersed on the battlefield...

My mother, how to fight this?How the fuck is this?

Even the absolute imperativeness of [Fictional Character Egg], those summoned characters can be regarded as players or reincarnators without character but with character power; fighting against such an opponent is absolutely terrifying!

However, Ding Dangmao thought of one thing.

He looked at the captive Saiyan...

Well, it stands to reason that they are not humans, but props.

Just like your own [propaganda machine].

Thinking of this, Ding Dangmao has an extra flashlight in his hand, which is the upgraded version of the [Egg Laying Lamp] [Split Lamp]!

"Pavillion Ding, what are you doing?"

Hongzhuang instinctively felt that the other party might want the whole big job.

"It's okay, just watch."

The light shot out, and the Saiyan who was illuminated was stunned, and then the whole person was split as if torn apart, and finally was divided into two in front of the two!

Hongzhuang's eyelids twitched.



The update should be back to normal tomorrow

Chapter [-]: Doom is Coming (End of Volume)

Who this 'saiyan' is, Ding Dangmao doesn't know.

Maybe it's the character created by the World Destroyer, but it doesn't matter. In short, although this thing does seem to be wise, it is really just a prop.

This shows that he, like other props, can be copied.

[Splitting Lamp] Under the light, even if he split directly, he quickly blocked the face of the two and divided them into two. This scene made Hongzhuang raise his eyebrows.

Doppelganger, this superpower is not without.

There are even permanent avatar superpowers, but super powers that can force others to avatar, Hongzhuang knows that such things are very rare.

But why did you split him up?


The two Saiyans who split out got out of trouble on the spot. The moment they were free, they ran towards Ding Dangmao, and the light group condensed in their hands was enough to cause a million-ton nuclear explosion.

The two had the same expression, without any hesitation.

He was determined to kill Dang Dangmao.


Ding Dangmao turned his hand and pressed down, and by the way cut through the space and swallowed the energy light group of the two Saiyans, and then gently spread out part of the field, shrouding the two of them in.

By the way, Hongzhuang is isolated from the outside.

It's been a long time since I learned from each other, I didn't expect Ding Dangmao to control the law to this point.

Hongzhuang sighed to himself.

In the field, Ding Dangmao pinched the mouths of the two of them, and while pressing them into the ground, he persuaded: "I and your creator are of the same origin, and there is no difference between doing things with me and doing things with him. Wouldn't it be beautiful for you to submit directly to me?"

Of course, from these two murderous eyes, Ding Dangmao knew their attitude.

He didn't mind either, and directly used the power of the domain——

【Field · Memory Disc】

Having directly invaded their brains and memories, he intends to forcibly brainwash them to gain their loyalty!

But as soon as he went deeper, Ding Dangmao discovered something.

You can not only see the 'memory' in their minds, but also have no problem changing them, but once you want to go to the bottom, you can only see things like programming, and you can only see chaos at the core.

Since their birth, they have shouldered the instruction of 'kill all intelligent creatures in this universe', no matter what their character and memory are, they cannot violate the requirements of the instruction.

If there is a conflict, it will even be forced to change the character and memory by the underlying instructions, and even directly turn into an unconscious puppet to complete the instructions mechanically.

I originally thought that they are not intelligent creatures, and they do not have superpowers to anchor their memories and minds. Naturally, they can change whatever they want...

But it is precisely because of this that their core has built an extremely powerful protective wall.

Even if Ding Dangmao played in person and used the power of the realm to penetrate into the core, he was still unable to start.


"They're not real people, they're closer to what we know as strong artificial intelligence. They just behave like intelligent creatures, but their hearts are actually just empty shells."

"Naturally, such a thing cannot give birth to superpowers, and there is no soul at all; it is precisely because of this that their underlying logic is so strong that even I can't change it."

The two Saiyans were bound again and closed again.

"In other words, failed?"

Hongzhuang asked in surprise.

After explaining, he also understood Ding Dangmao's previous plan.

He supports Ding Dangmao's plan. After all, this kind of extermination family from outside the world has no human rights at all. Naturally, if he catches it, he will have to toss it hard!

It's a shame to fail brainwashing.

In other words, so many strange-shaped captives cannot be used for themselves, and the meaning of their existence can only be used for research to see if they can extract their strange abilities and use them on the creatures of this world.

The flesh of this Saiyan is very weak (relatively speaking), and it is not worthy of the terrifying energy they control. If people in this world can't reproduce this energy, then only in terms of flesh, their value is Not big.

In contrast, the Zerg mother nest obtained by the Holy Blood Knight has a high research value!

In addition, they have even caught many strange creatures, some are just a ball of energy, some are completely two kinds of combat power before and after transformation, and some can even release the ability to distort the rules... ..

If ordinary people see it, I am afraid they will only be confused.

And the vigilance is directly full.

But when they looked at the law realm, they got a lot of inspiration, and they all said that the power can still be used in this way!

However, the successive victories inevitably caused disdain in the hearts of everyone.

Crisis of extinction?That's it?

It is indeed very strong. Although there is no body of law, it does have an output that is no less than that of the law. If it is replaced by the previous people, it may be difficult to resist, but now?

Technology is developing, times are changing, and civilization is progressing.

This group of advance troops who came to invade is not enough to see.

Contempt is unavoidable, or it should be a fluke mentality similar to prayer. They hope that the comers from the opposite universe will be weaker, so that everyone can get through this crisis safe and sound.

The research on the intruder is proceeding at a rapid pace.

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