"Sure enough, it is the family of the extinction - no, it's just the heir of the extinction! It has more brothers and sisters in this universe!"

When looking through his memories and instincts, Mo Xiucheng noticed a terrifying reality.

This thing is not just a single one.

Its compatriots, thousands!

Chapter [*] Pain (Part [*])

Venus, the consciousness of the mechanical emperor spreads all over the planet.

Covered by the grid, he was able to know every little story that happened in every inch of the green district. Nothing on the surface of this planet could hide from him, and he ruled the world with absolute control.

In Qing District, in addition to the Mechanical Emperor, there are also two power users.

And because of the social structure, only the strongmen of science and engineering are qualified to step into the channel of ascension, so there are only two law realms born from the green area, and one is dual-attribute and the other is single-attribute.

Even, both of them chose the path of mechanical ascension.

Today's body structure is no different from the conceptual and information-based mechanical emperor.

Three intelligent machines not only rule Venus, but even its moons.

The tentacles of machinery are all over the earth, even reaching into the clouds.

Let the actual control scope of the Qing District continue to expand.

Today, the expansion and progress of the Green District has been interrupted.

In the sky, an interstellar gate suddenly opened!

From the inner door, thousands of snake-like creatures jumped out of the door. They were hundreds of meters long, strangely-looking, and had extremely high energy levels!

As soon as it debuted, the magnetic field on the planet was even disturbed.


The Great Mechanical Emperor pressed his subordinates to the inexplicable thoughts of astonishment. He had not yet decided whether to kill the other party or just wait and see, but he saw this group of gadgets attack directly——

The power of a nuclear explosion is released from their mouths, spray!

The quality is not high, but the traffic is amazing!

Laser-like rays shot out of space and hit the surface of Venus instantly. In the blink of an eye, thousands of suns with tens of millions of megaton nuclear explosions rose up, almost tearing the darkness apart...

And the mechanical emperor, the long-lost anger surged.

Then he skillfully turned off his anger module, not letting excess emotions affect his judgment, and then the ground on the surface of Venus split open, and countless cannons rose up, bursting with dazzling brilliance.

Like 1 gram of law fragments that can shoot 99% of the speed of vacuum light, he still has a lot.

At the same time, a large number of starships took off, or the starships on standby took off in place, aiming at the group of monsters in space...fire!

For a time, Venus was caught in the battle of home defense.

Countless casualties.

But fortunately, the number of people in the green area is relatively small, even only [*] million.

Most of the facilities were destroyed.

At the same time, Jupiter, Earth, the moon, etc., were all attacked.


Can't hide anymore.

The successive divinations and prophecies have left the gradually expanding group of "Demon Gods" with nowhere to hide. These terrifying monsters have been bred from the asteroid belt and have reached maturity after sufficient growth—but they have also become more exposed. many.

I can't hide any longer, so let's get out there.

As a result, under the command of the remaining law-realm extermination family, a large number of demon gods reached the sky above various planets and satellites through the gate of space, and carried out an extremely ferocious slaughter!

Cities on many planets were destroyed as a result.

And the lives living above were also horribly injured.

Except for the Earth...

At the moment when the enemy appeared - no, even before it appeared, Ding Dangmao felt something in his heart, and immediately put the red zone into a state of emergency.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the door of space opened.

Thousands of monsters came here.

If it is replaced by the law realm, even if the number of these monsters is reduced by ten times, it can directly push down the power civilization on the entire planet, enough to see their horror.

Their attacks can properly reach the law realm.

It just doesn't really hurt.

"Destroy them!"

Ding Dangmao issued an order, the spiritual network was fully functioning, and a large number of starships and soldiers rose into the air, killing the enemy that had just appeared!

Over the years, Ding Dangmao has raised a very powerful army.

Everyone swallowed the worm pill, and under the action of the [Concession Cap], they all withstood the limit enhancement of the six worms, and they are the highest worms.

Moreover, in addition to many strange skills, it even has the ability to control the super energy field, which can cover its own attacks with a certain increase in damage, which is really terrifying!

Coupled with the operation of the spiritual network, everyone cooperates very well.

And the suppression of the starship attack, blocking the enemy's attack.

Then these mortals will appear in person, and in various ways, with only double-digit casualties, they will directly shred many monsters in space!Boom!

The scene of Earth Star's stubborn resistance was also seen by another Law Realm.

"Sure enough, Earthstar's resistance is the strongest. With Ding Dangmao in charge, you don't need to feel the pain to make progress, but the others..."

His eyes were on the other planets.

There, there, he saw that it was very difficult for civilization to resist. One "Devil" can kill several battle-type starships, and they can only be killed by the law realm, and other mortals are just harassment.

Messy and unorganized.

too weak!too weak!

Only to be completely crushed!


After the demons ravaged, only a piece of scorched earth was left.

They are not hatched from [Fictional Character Eggs], but they all have a common parent body, their mother body is the product of [Fictional Character Eggs], and they themselves - have been converted.

Every demon god has an output that is no less than the law realm.

Taken together, its combat power is no less than that of the strongest.

It's a pity that it's just a beast, not a real Xeon.

The mortal army of Earth Star was enough to deal with it, and Ding Dangmao didn't even take action himself, but just swept aside; so after the battle, thousands of demon corpses and many starship wreckage floated in space, and dozens of demon gods was captured alive.

Just need to make some modifications and you can use it for your own use.

They can even use their eggs to hatch new daemons.

Ding Dangmao felt that it was strange that the arrival of this group of demon gods was not so much to destroy, but to distribute weapons, and they themselves were extremely powerful biological weapons.

Therefore, Ding Dangmao was very vigilant about these monsters.

The battle on the Earth planet ended quite easily, while the other planets were a little more difficult. Their systems and technology made it difficult for the mortal army to form an effective resistance, and only those flawed law realms could go forward to fight.

Only the green zone can achieve a record similar to that of the red zone.

At least the Mechanicus never disappoints when it comes to blasting troops.

In addition, the most difficult battle is the upper part of the violet area...

On the satellite, the two great perfection law realms are down-to-earth.

At this level, the stamina and resilience in battle are very strong, and even after a few days and nights, you won't get tired at all—but it's a trial-level fight.

And here, Di Ye, who is in the realm of the perfection law, has already used all his strength.

Mind Power Shaping Biological Brain!

Zhan Nian·[*] million!

Mind power clone · endless running!

Within the range shrouded in the realm, a large number of thought power clones rushed towards the world-destroying family like a tide, and every move and action could shake the earth.

Chapter [*] Pain (Part [*])


Within the realm, as the battle passed, this extremely powerful world-destroying family became more and more excited and ferocious, resisting every move from Di Ye's attack.

Such a self-destruction-level offensive has brought the power of every thought power clone to the limit of the limit, and each of his thought power clones is his own standard... And Di Ye himself has long been washed. The Six Dan Worm Warriors!

It stands to reason that in terms of pure melee combat, he should be the strongest group of people, even the top heaven-level or even god-level transformed people are not his opponents.

However, Di Ye was wrong.

The strength of the man in front of him was beyond his imagination.

Even if the opponent has no realm, even if his unique attack is so fast, he can still stand still in the wave-like attack.

Even if the body is broken, it can be healed at an unimaginable speed.

Simply outrageous to the extreme!

"You're in a mess."

The Destroyer Family captured Di Ye's fragile thoughts, and his high momentum quickly faded, because the opponent in front of him made him no longer interested.

Di Ye's resignation made him feel bored.

So, here comes the counterattack!

"Seventy-five... no, seventy-fold..."

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