So he also turned out his trump card!

【Hypnosis speaker】

[Speaker that can hypnotize non-living things]

[The horn can change the essence of the item]

[It is a tool that can distort the rules]

[Inappropriate and frequent use will lead to rejection from the world]

[Someone was struck to death by Jie Lei because of this]

【I hope users can make good use of it】

Chapter [*] Rule Manipulation

What has the World Destroyer done in the past three months?

It stands to reason that the [Hypnosis Horn] item's ability is completely focused on the 'hypnosis item', which is completely opposite to the [Hypnosis Glasses] that specializes in biological hypnosis.

But for the past three months, World Destroyer has not simply hypnotized objects.

The goal he aimed at was the rules!is authority!

In the past three months, he quietly infiltrated this universe during the battle, without using the power of authority, he was not discovered by Ding Dangmao. the rules of this universe.

He makes this aspect feel that he is the owner of [*]% authority.

And the [*]% authority in Dangdang's hands?Fart doesn't count!

In this way, the universe was hypnotized by the World Destroyer.

But at this moment, hypnosis is only [*]% completed. After all, the object of hypnosis is not a simple object, but a universe...

When he issued an order, he mobilized [*]% of the authority of the entire universe!

At this moment, Ding Dangmao was stunned to find that [*]% of the authority in his hand had been removed at once, leaving less than half of it - the universe didn't know what the wind was blowing, and suddenly it didn't. Recognized!

At the same time, Ding Dangmao's trump card - the attack of the Speed ​​Force Legion had arrived.

The unparalleled speed made them approach the World Destroyer in an instant.

Divine Speed ​​Power, although not as pure as Mind Power, is a power that Ding Dangmao is accustomed to use, even if it is immature, it is definitely not bad!

But it is this incomplete maturity that prevents him from exerting the full power of the Speed ​​Force. Even if he has the ability to reverse time and space, he cannot break through the shackles of the speed of light.

"God Speed ​​Force, I'm familiar with this!"

The World Destroyer raised the corners of his mouth lightly, [Ability Tape] was a prop they shared, and both of them also had props to upgrade props, so naturally he had also come into contact with Speed ​​Force.

He also immediately saw through Ding Dangmao's current level.

In terms of speed force, his level is not high, not to mention that he has to use it for the incarnation of mind power, then the level is even lower, and it is all supported by [energy valve].

It's okay to face other people, but his opponent is the World Destroyer.

"Rule, crawl in front of me..."

"The speed of light changes, and the reduction is ten thousand times!"

The next moment, the speed of the psychic legions that were running at high speed dropped instantly, the speed of light on the entire battlefield was instantly reduced by ten thousand times, and even the psychic legions that came with the group were also affected.

The upper limit of their speed is ruthlessly limited by the upper limit of the cosmic light.

It's like the upper limit of the universe before restrained the ability of the two to break through the rules, the limit of the universe is difficult to break... the difficulty is extreme!

The speed of [*] meters per second is the speed of light.

Even if they have the protection of the speed force, even if they are close to the speed of light, they will not get side effects such as time slowdown and mass increase, but they still cannot break through the last barrier.


been cracked!

Ding Dangmao's ultimate move, the speed force that he gave high hopes, was cracked.

The instantaneous drop in the speed of light broke his link to the Psychic Legion, and they could only rely on the reserved intelligence to act; when Ding Dangmao saw their movements, it would have been more than ten seconds or even a few minutes ago. things are up.

Then, he saw the figure of the World Destroyer traveling through it.

A large amount of Speed ​​Force was absorbed, and then transformed into another power...

Inverse speed force!

His speed was also close to the speed of light, so when he approached Ding Dangmao, Ding Dangmao had just discovered him - too late!

The big hand pressed down, directly pinching Ding Dangmao's head.

Immediately afterwards, a surging force came, and the rules were superimposed on Ding Dangmao's body, causing him to suffer a very serious beam curse...

At the same time, he was thrown out!

At sub-light speed!

But he reacted and made adjustments in an instant, and when the speed force came to fine-tune it, it was already too late...

The instant sub-light speed voyage made Ding Dangmao stunned.

He was stunned for less than a hundredth of a second.

However, it fell into a state of slowing time under the sub-light speed navigation, and fell out of the extremely solid battlefield, and smashed it towards the brilliant sun of the star system!


Three months, really nothing for interstellar warfare.

Even the so-called 'modern war' in ancient times lasted for a few months, so it was normal for Ding Dangmao and the others to fight in the regular realm, and the battlefield below was still not over.

In this universe, many satellites and planets that serve as bases and arsenals have been ravaged for many times, and various facilities have been constantly moving underground.

In the sky, in the deep space of the universe, it is an interstellar confrontation.

Those battleships with red paint are outrageously three times faster than ordinary starships. All kinds of weapons and battleships with strange shapes show unimaginable black technology.

The battle of the stars belongs to mortals.

Among these mortals, the most active are some individual law realms, or innate law realms that are not pure enough, or those who destroy the world in attack and defense no less than the law realm...

They are not involved in higher battles.

It's just abusing vegetables in the low-end bureau.

Rao is so, but also made a very terrifying result.

The more advanced battlefields belong to different spaces. A large number of different spaces rooted in the plane barriers are smashed by the law realm, and the scattered law fragments can form dozens of half planes.

The existence of those who kill and kill in the low-end game is the most common here.

In the interstellar war, Zerg like a brutal monarch, or a heavyweight killer like a world-destroying demon, can only be used here to delay time.

The natural law realm cultivated by Ding Dangmao can burst into a powerful extraordinary system, and in the form of a small team, they can fight against those strong men in the law realm...

But most of them are haunted by dozens of times the number of fictional characters.

The mutual killings that lead to the law realm still occupy the majority.

If you can't win, run away, if you can't escape, then kill, if you find an opportunity, you will kill each other!

This is the battle of the law realm.

As the fighting time went on, they all sacrificed and died, but they were all almost evenly matched.

The gap is smaller than everyone thinks.

Therefore, the situation of the war was more tragic than everyone imagined!

Finally, it is the battlefield of the ruled realm!

Ding Dangmao's figure was smashed straight into the sun. He just stood firm under the protection of Divine Speed ​​Force, but he stepped on the fragile floor with one foot.

Looking back, all I saw was a stretch of metal earth.

...Dyson Sphere!

The site of the mechanical emperor.

But under his stampede, the radius of kilometer sunk directly, and the whole earth was shaking because of this.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he looked into the distant space.

But you can only see the past.

The deceleration of the speed of light has already spread to this place.

Chapter [*] Trillions of Lives (Part [*])

Damn, the speed of light in your house is [*] meters per second?

After finally getting out of the sub-light speed state, Ding Dangmao came back to his senses and just wanted to counterattack, but the rules of the universe returned to normal in an instant, and he saw a scarlet lightning, reaching a speed far exceeding the speed of [*] meters per second, in an instant. The front of Ding Dangmao.

Boom! ! !

This piece of Dyson sphere seemed to have detonated a nuclear bomb. It was pierced through a huge depression, and the World Destroyer rushed into the sun with the head of Ding Dangspear—

On the surface of the sun, the high temperature of [*] degrees washed his body.

Occasionally, the corona of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of degrees was avoided by them.

The fierce shock wave hit the two of them, the surrounding rules changed again, the speed of light was cut ten thousand times again, and the two people covered in lightning punched their flesh on the surface of the sun, showing no mercy.

The temperature and shock waves on the surface of the sun are of no use to the two of them.

As a regular environment, with a height of two meters and a mass of hundreds of thousands of tons, their body density is comparable to that of a white dwarf, and naturally they will not be affected and damaged by the environment just because they are fighting on the surface of the sun...

No, there are still.

It's just very weak on the surface.

The deeper you go, the higher the temperature you experience, the more uncomfortable it is.

A body equivalent to the density of white dwarf stars can only withstand high temperatures of hundreds of thousands of degrees.

Boom! ! !

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