These are just the tip of the iceberg on the battlefield.

There are many more memes that keep blooming on the battlefield.

On Ding Dangmao's side, many people have never fought such a strange battle.

But they still tried and made mistakes with their excellent qualities, and then modified their tactics to attack again, reversed the initial unfavorable situation, and pushed back.

Take prisoners if you can, and destroy them if you can't.

When a war is fought, trillions of casualties are light.



"Memes? I remember it was dangerous."

Looking at the distant battlefield, Ding Dangmao couldn't help but complain to his acquaintance: "It seems that there is no cost to use it, but if you use it for a long time, it will definitely lead to the collapse of the rules of the universe...even in the void. Use, it will also affect the lifespan of the multiverse."

The world still obeys the law of conservation of energy.

Memes, without a doubt, break this law.

Not even breaking this one rule!

"People are dying, why are there so many mothers-in-law's scruples." Capital Spear said calmly: "If it were me, I would love to pull the entire multiverse to die together!"

Ding Dangmao couldn't deny it, but he thought of something and said, "Hey, if you think about it carefully, the memes they hold are also a lot of wealth."

"...Let's talk about it first, I have no plans to fish in troubled waters." Capital Spear said.

What he said was unequivocal.

"I'm just joking." Ding Dangmao shrugged: "Let's look at the memes in the distance... Oh, this is so powerful that it can force people to separate good and evil personalities, even the law realm. cannot be avoided.”

"Not only human beings, but also matter. The things that are irradiated by it will be super doubled, and there will be two extreme phenomena that conflict with each other... It is equivalent to the conflict between good and evil, right Right."

After a battle, Ding Dangmao opened his eyes.

It turns out that meme apps can be so powerful in battle!

The multiverse is built by rules, and memes don't play by the rules.

Letting them run wild will only mess up the universe.

Therefore, Ding Dangmao just sighed and did not lose his bottom line.

Memes?He sees one refining one!

Chaos beast?He sees one kills one!

As the virus of the multiverse, the things that are inherently opposed to the law, whether it is Chaos Beast or a meme, as long as it takes a small head, it must be cleaned up!

Otherwise, this thing will not only be the nemesis of life, but will also reduce the lifespan of the multiverse.

What's more, the memes belonging to the forces of chaos, although they are the opposite of the law, can also be eaten by the law realm as food and become stronger after purification.

The masters of more than a dozen new planes are commenting on this war.

And there are some veterans who have not participated in the war for various reasons, and are quietly observing every move on the battlefield.

Neither side intends to intervene.

Just let it take its course.

And just like that, the scales of war tipped over time.

Seeing that the Heidings are retreating, and the five returnees have not yet appeared.

Someone can't sit still!

Chapter [-] Battle (Part [-])

It is natural to raise these black people to increase their strength after slaughtering.

And the progress bar of the treasure bag.

But outside the plane, even if they kill the enemy from the air, many Dangdang spears will not get the willpower; so they will pay attention to the captives and plan to hold the enemy in front of them before killing.

to maximize experience.

But obviously, the prisoners are not so easy to catch, especially the prisoners of the law realm.

If you die in vain in the war, it can be regarded as a considerable loss.

And the rule realm is not to mention, even if it kills tens of trillions of mortal things, it can’t match the experience given by a rule realm; seeing the law and rule realm enemies falling one after another in battle, all the spears are distressed. Gotta be bleeding.

"I can't stand it anymore."

God Venerable, who is a collection of human consciousness, was the first to speak, and he said: "Forget it, no matter what conspiracy the beasts have, the soldiers will block the water and cover up, so let me explore the way!"

While speaking, he left his plane and shot towards the battlefield!

God Venerable, he is the most suitable to leave, because he is the only person in the entire universe. He is equivalent to a super upgraded version of [Flesh and Blood Fusion]. The spirit and physical body that are active in the plane on weekdays are quite of his personality.

These avatar personalities, derived from believers who have merged with the deity, have survived in a miraculous way and will be conditioned... and sheltered by the deity throughout their lives.

He left, away from the plane, and he didn't have to worry about the authority being divided.

The first to kill the battlefield——

God Venerable left, and the personality clones in the plane also fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, everyone wanted to stop them, but they didn't say anything.

Only the group leader looked at the back of the God Venerable leaving with a gloomy expression.

He's not blaming God Venerable's aggressiveness, but thinking about why those behind the Black Ding crowd still haven't attacked. Can you really hold back your anger and watch?

In the observation of everyone, the gods slaughtered the Quartet on the battlefield.

It's like being in a no-man's land!

Soon, there were dozens of law realms that perished in his hands, and even a law realm was killed by him head-on, with amazing results.

Keep killing and absorbing.

Everyone can feel that his strength is growing and becoming stronger.

The progress bar of the treasure bag is also improving.

I'm afraid it's one step closer to extracting the next item.

Seeing this, Ding Dangmao couldn't sit still.

"Group master, let's go to test one or two!"

"Let me see what conspiracy the group of reincarnated dogs have!"

"Mere traps, watch me find them all!"

One reason after another was thrown out, and the masters of many planes left.

Among them, the group leader did not move.

His own mother plane covers hundreds of thousands of light-years, and there are ten galaxies at the river system level alone. There are countless civilians under his command, and the subordinates of the law and the law are beyond the imagination of most people.

Compared to these, Heidingzhong was not very attractive to him.

... also good.

Let them go and find out.

Let me see what tricks those Unifiers are up to!


"God Venerable is very powerful, and his attack method is also the Dao of Zhan Nian?"

The shady spear, who was also observing the battle, asked: "He can also have thousands of clones, and each clone can use different superpowers and different props, whether it is fighting individually or working together, all Played very nicely.”

"It's the first time I've seen God Venerable take a serious shot, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

With a sense of admiration, the shady spear commented here.

At the same time, he is also consulting like Ding Dangmao.

And Ding Dangmao's eyesight is naturally quite powerful, he has seen through the essence of God Venerable, and said: "No, although it is similar to Zhannian Dao, it is also something different... It is also spiritual, Even spiritual."

"If I guess correctly, it should be the embodiment of the split personality; I have sent people to the plane of the gods, and those split personalities and superpowers used should belong to the believers of the gods."

Everyone knows what the gods do.

For his behavior, people are also quite critical.

Although he has never attacked Ding Dangmao's compatriots, what is the difference between his plan to complete the unity of all things and the one who is unified?

...the difference is one voluntary and one not!

As God Venerable started to kill, other Ding Dangmao entered the arena one after another, and all the newcomers were excited, but unfortunately they did not have the qualifications and strength for the time being.

"Why did the group leader only stay?"

"I don't know, he probably doesn't like it."

After Ding Dangmao and his guards joined the battlefield, the situation was completely one-sided.

A large number of Heidings were driven back and could only be passively defended.

Even the micro-planes and half-planes they carried were besieged, and many rule realms broke the rules of the enemy universe by bombarding the barriers from the outside world, causing these powerhouses who were huddled in their shells to run out one after another.

Embrace it, divide it and eat it.

This scene is simply heart-wrenching.

No wonder someone would become a unified person. This kind of pure plunder will become stronger without any side effects. It is indeed one of the basic benefits of the Ding Dangmao group.

It is also a special feature that other serious powerhouses dream of.

Suddenly, Ding Dangmao raised his brows.

Something has come up...

At the same time, on the battlefield, the scene where many Dangdang spears scrambled was quite violent. Although it would not be a big fight, at least they were getting closer and closer, and the planes of Lihe Dingzhong were getting closer and closer. .

At the same time, they seemed to feel a burst of heart palpitations!

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