On the fifth day of the first month, Yanrong went out of the hospital.

When he got home, Berto helped him clean up his room. He saw a pair of red earphones and said casually, "these earphones are so beautiful."

Yan Rong is folding clothes, turning to look at the past, said: "is Wang Jinzhou sent me a new year gift."

Berto was stunned for a few seconds because of this slightly special address. Then he slowly put away the earphone and carefully said, "he seems to be good to you."

Yan Rong turned back and said, "well, very good. He likes me very much."

Berto's mood is a little complicated.

In recent days, Wang Jin has taken care of Yan Rong day and night, which makes him less prejudiced towards Wang Jin, but it will not completely change his impression for a while.

He still felt that Wang Jin saw Yan Rong as young and beautiful as a toy. He was tired of eight achievements and didn't want to.

Even if it was because he had been slain by others before, it was hard for him to have any confidence in Wang Jin, such an unmarried man who changed his bed mate every three days, picked up a child at random from the roadside and took him home to sleep.

He didn't understand Yanrong's thoughts. Sometimes he felt that Yanrong was still in love with Liang Xi, but sometimes he felt that the child was seriously in love with Wang Jin.

This "seriousness" is exactly what botu is most worried about. He is afraid that Wang Jin will hurt him in the future.

After resting at home for a few days, Berto made the sick meal in different ways every day. He didn't let Yan Rong do anything. He was surrounded by all kinds of things. He took good care of his food and daily life, hoping that he would get better soon.

Yanrong's body recovered quickly. He was not used to being taken care of by botu. Occasionally, he found that Liang Xi looked at him from the corner of his eye, and the whole person was at a loss.

In fact, Liang Xi was also concerned about his body, and was afraid that he would be misunderstood by looking at him in the eye, so he always secretly observed it.

However, the children are too sensitive. He thinks that Liang Xi is bothering him. He can't help him by bothering him. He adds a lot of chaos, which will only affect people's lives.

On the night of the 14th of the first month, Yan Rong successfully snatched the right to wash dishes. In the kitchen, he heard Liang Xi and Bai Tu say that they would go to Liang Xi's parents' home for the Lantern Festival the next day.

After washing the dishes, he quietly went back to his room to call Wang Jin.

A few days no see, two people also did not contact, waiting for Wang Jin to pick up the phone time, he was actually a little nervous.

"Hello," Wang Jin said politely over the phone, "who is it?"

Yan Rong opened his mouth, but did not make a sound, Wang Jin deleted his mobile phone number? Because he had an operation, Wang Jin felt that he couldn't be on him, so he didn't want to contact him again?

Wang Jin urged: "Hello, why don't you talk?"

Yanrong took a breath and said, "Hello, I'm Yanrong."

Wang Jin smiles, tone also becomes gentle rise, say: "I know."

Yan Rong pursed his lips.

Wang Jin asked him, "does the knife edge still hurt?"

Yan Rong said: "no pain."

Wang Jin said, "that's good. Do you want to play with me

Yan Rong hesitated for more than ten seconds before he said, "can I go to your house tomorrow?"

He didn't want to go with Liang Bai to Liang Xi's parents for the Lantern Festival. He was afraid it would be offensive.

"No way," Wang said. "My parents haven't left yet."

Yan Rong was a little disappointed.

Wang Jin was silent for a moment, and then he said with a smile, "do you want to date me?"

After a while, botu came to Yanrong and said that he would go to Liang Xi's parents' house for the festival tomorrow.

"I'm not going," Yan Rong said. "Wang Jinzhou is going out with me."

Berto was a little suspicious and asked, "he doesn't have to work? Tomorrow is not a public holiday. "

Yan Rong said: "he was on duty for six days during the Spring Festival, and now he can take turns off."

Berto had to give up.

Back to the room, he worried about the matter and Liang Xi said.

Liang Xi is doing a detective program recently. Turning over the book of famous detective Conan, he said casually, "isn't this a good thing? They have such a good relationship. "

Baitu said: "he has just had surgery for half a month. What if Wang Jin doesn't pay attention and the knife edge is infected again?"

Liang Xi was speechless and said, "you were not so dirty before. What were you thinking about?"

Berto slapped him and said, "can you not? Did Wang Jin ask him to go out to teach him math problems

How could it be!?

At nine o'clock the next morning, Wang Jin came to pick up Yanrong for a date. Yanrong came out of the room with a one shoulder schoolbag on his back.

Berto asked curiously, "what is the endorsement package for?"

Yan Rong said: "I have math problems that I can't do. Let him teach me."


When he went out and got on Wang Jin's car, Wang Jin asked, "do you really have math questions to ask me?"

Yan Rong fastened his seat belt and said, "really."

Wang Jin didn't expect that he really wanted to do his homework. He said jokingly, "why didn't you ask your brother Liang Xi? He's better at math than I am. "Yan Rong did not answer, deliberately said: "you will not?"

Wang Jin said with a smile, "do you want to bet with me? If I could, all day today, you would call me brother. "

Yan Rong felt that he was really naive and said, "if you don't, I'll call you one day uncle."

I don't know how to poke Wang Jin's smile. He couldn't stop laughing all the way.

When they went to Starbucks, they really started to do their homework.

Before the Spring Festival, Yanrong almost finished his homework, leaving only these problems. Wang Jin forgot about calculus, but there was no problem with high school mathematics.

It's not twelve o'clock before Jiao Yanrong finishes his homework.

Wang Jin takes Yanrong to lunch, stops the car and enters the hotel. Yanrong slows down, shakes his mind, and can't find him. He stands there and calls out, "Wang Jinzhou."

No one paid attention to him.

He changed his voice: "brother."

Wang Jin came out from behind the screen at the door of the hotel. Chao Yanrong grinned and took him in by hand.

Yan Rong:

He thought of a sentence that his classmates used frequently recently: mother's mental retardation.

After dinner, they went to see a movie. It was Yanrong's film last night. Wang Jin reserved the tickets.

When he arrived at the cinema, Wang Jin went to get the tickets. Yan Rong was waiting beside him. He happened to meet several students who also came to see the film.

After a brief exchange of greetings, the classmate asked, "did you come alone?"

"No Yan Rong refers to Wang Jin who is queuing up before taking tickets.

A female classmate said, "how handsome! Is that your father? "

Another said, "so young, isn't it?"

"That's his adoptive father," the girl said

Yan Rong:

Female students slow to think of this is not the thing to mention, immediately a face sorry.

Other students said: "Yan Rong, which movie do you watch?"

Yan Rong looked at several people's faces and understood everything.

The original people around him did not know that he was an adopted orphan, no one said before, just don't want to embarrass him.

He thought no one knew that he was different from others.

In fact, we all know.

After getting the ticket, Wang Jin saw some half grown children standing there. Yan Rong was surrounded in the middle. He looked very nervous. His face was red and the atmosphere was strange.

Wang Jin went over and asked, "what are you doing?"

When the children saw him, they were even more embarrassed and said hello to him in different degrees in Chinese: "Hello, uncle."

Wang Jin:

He was also worried that Yanrong was being bullied. Looking at the current situation, these young girls seem to be Yanrong's classmates.

"Hello," he said, "are you Yanrong's classmates?"

The children nodded and said yes, and one said, "which movie do you watch?"

Wang Jin showed them the tickets.

The child said, "ah, it's the same scene as us, just in front of us."

No one seems to be happy.

Yan Rong walked to Wang Jin, with his back to the students and said in a low voice, "I don't want to see it."

Wang Jin frowned and said, "OK, just as I want to remember, there are other things."

Yan Rong turned and said calmly as far as possible: "you play, I'll go first."

Those students looked at each other, so they had to say goodbye to him.

Out back in the car, Yanrong sat on the co driver with his head down, feeling depressed.

"Why don't we change to another cinema?" Wang said

Yan Rong shook his head and said, "no, I'm a little tired."

Wang Jin stopped talking and drove out slowly.

Yan Rong thought Wang Jin would send him home, but Wang Jin stopped the car in front of the hotel.

Wang Jin got out of the car. He stayed for a while and had to get down.

Wang Jin asked him for his ID card, and then went to the front desk to open the room.

Date or something, and sure enough, I still have to go to bed.

Yanrong stood behind, looking at Wang Jin's back, and felt that he had never been disgusted.

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