In the morning, Wang Jin still got up at seven o'clock as usual, didn't wake up Yanrong and went to work quietly.

Yan Rong woke up naturally after sleeping, but yesterday's position was too exhausting. He cried until he was almost lack of oxygen. The whole person was still dizzy. After lying in bed for a long time, he got up like a dream.

He doesn't have clean clothes to change.

When he left last week, he thought he would never come again, so he took away all his clothes and personal belongings. Wang Jin washed the clothes he wore yesterday and hung them outside.

Now, at the head of the bed is a new 180 yard suit, not the one I saw last time.

How many clothes does Wang Jin family have?

He pushed the suit away, not too happy.

This week, the school organized a physical examination. His height is between 1.76 and 1.77 meters. It may take another year or two to grow as tall as Wang Jin.

Both of his adoptive fathers were of the same height and stature. They often mixed clothes. The coat that bertou wore the first day often appeared on Liang Xi the next day.

He was very envious. If he could change clothes with Wang Jin one day, it would be very good.

He put on Wang Jin's clothes, rolled up his sleeves and trousers, went downstairs to have breakfast, and then went back upstairs.

After playing with the mobile phone for a while, he felt bored, so he threw the mobile phone aside and took a book from the bookshelf.

The book is called biliary surgery. It is old inside and outside. It should have been read by Wang Jin many times. There are many lines and marks made with different colors of pens.

Wang Jin's words are beautiful, elegant, mellow, not so clear edges and corners, and there is no offensive.

Like his people, gentle and pleasant, people will easily like him.

Yan Rong couldn't understand the content of this book. He only looked for the notes of Wang Jin. Some places were very serious, such as "referring to XXX cases", "combining with X Teacher X paper on x year, x month, x day", etc., but in some places There is a page about certain surgical complications, which seems difficult to understand. The handwriting on the label should be written in different periods. A paragraph is highlighted, with the words "eat the excrement if you can't remember". There is a small line of "eat for the first time" and then a line of smaller words "eat for the second time".

There's no third time.

…… It should be remembered.

Yanrong holding the book, can't help but ha ha.

When Wang Jin came back at noon, he went upstairs and pushed the door. He was surprised to see him sitting at his desk reading those medical books with great interest. He said, "is it good-looking?"

Yan Rong was also very surprised and said: "good looking. How did you come back? "

Wang Jin said: "it's OK in the afternoon. I'll be back."

Yan Rong said, "Oh."

The two were strangely quiet for a moment.

They all need a buffer to adapt to a relationship that has changed.

Wang Jin asked, "are you hungry? To eat? "

Yan Rong nodded: "good."

Wang Jin went to put the clothes in the air and said, "it's dry. You change clothes first."

Yanrong walked over to take off his clothes. He stopped and turned his back to Wang Jin. Then he took off his coat, revealing his snow-white back and his tangled belt because of his large waistline.

There were red marks on both sides of his butterfly bones, which had been rubbed on the wall at the corner of the stairs last night.

Wang Jin took a look and turned away his sight. He gave him his shirt and asked, "how do you wear mine again?"

Yan Rong said, "I have no clothes to wear."

Wang Jin turned his head and took a look at the head of the bed. He went to Wang Chao's room in the morning to pick out the clothes, which were still there.

Wait for Yan Rong to change clothes, two people go out together.

Yanrong thinks Wang Jin can guess the reason why he refused to wear the clothes. He wants to hear how Wang Jin explains it.

Wang Jin did not say anything.

Is Wang Jin stupid? Or do you think there's no need to explain this?

He regretted that he should have questioned him directly.

Yes, why not? He is not Wang Jin's bed companion. He is Wang Jin's favorite person. Can't he even ask for qualification and right?

He secretly looked at Wang Jin several times, and this man was concentrating on driving.

He let out steam again.

Wang Jincai is not stupid. How can he not recognize the meaning of his words? He has no intention to explain at all. Maybe he still thinks that he is naive to hold on to the past.

Don't ask.

Wang Jin asked him, "what do you want?"

He said, "I want to Think about the girl yesterday. "

Wang Jin said: "I called the police station in the morning to ask. She didn't have much physical problems, but her mood was not stable. The hooligan has been detained for criminal purposes. The evidence is very complete. It is estimated that he will be sentenced to more than ten years. "

Yanrong nodded.

Wang Jin seized the opportunity to warn him: "in the future to go to the nightclub, you must be accompanied by adults, just your children, not safe at all."Yan Rong said: "I am not a child."

Wang Jin smiles.

Yan Rong is very unconvinced, said: "fortunately I am not, otherwise you should also be arrested."

Wang Jin couldn't laugh. He was a little embarrassed.

He and Yan Rong's start, is really not good.

Yanrong noticed the change of his expression, sat up straight and asked, "did I say something wrong?"

"No," Wang said

Yan Rong didn't believe me very much. He said, "my Chinese is not good. Sometimes I can't express my meaning. Don't misunderstand me."

Wang Jin said with a smile: "progress is so fast, idioms are used so well."

Yan Rong was suddenly praised by him, and a little happy.

Wang Jin then said, "don't misunderstand me."

Yan Rong: What? "

"Those clothes are my brother's," Wang Jin said

Yan Rong was stunned.

Wang Jin turned to smile at him and turned back to look at the road ahead.

Yanrong also wanted to laugh.

He knew that Wang Jin could not miss what he was thinking.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Wang Jin doesn't bring the clothes of the old people to the people who wear them again and again.

He's not a mean person at all.

Wang Jin is a very good person.

After lunch, Wang Jin took him to buy a new set of toiletries and underwear.

When choosing underpants, he was very interested in several new styles. He liked both the design and the style. But Wang Jin bought him the most rustic cotton boxers, one black, one gray and one white, and two boxes.

He didn't like it very much, but he was embarrassed to say that when he left, he reluctantly looked at the ones he liked several times, both fashionable and sexy.

After leaving the counter for some distance, Wang Jincai said, "you can wear that when you grow up."

Yanrong does not regard himself as a child at all and repeats that sentence with dissatisfaction: "you have not been arrested."

Wang jinchong's ear did not hear, way: "wear such good to development."

He raised his hand and stroked twice. He said in a low voice, "it's so big now. At least it has to be so big to be considered as grown-up."

Yan Rong's face turned red.

There were many people in the shopping mall at the weekend, and the underwear counter was on the floor that couldn't get up and down again. It took a long time to wait for the elevator, which was almost full of people.

The elevator went down and there was almost no one talking.

Wang Jin is tall and handsome. Since he came in, some women are watching him quietly.

Yanrong is aware of this. He is proud and distressed.

Before and Wang Jin came out together, Wang Jin is not have been seen, at that time he did not have so much thought.

Now it's different. He wants to let others know that Wang Jin is his.

Do you want to announce in public that they are in love? That would be a shame.

He frowned and thought wildly, and suddenly felt a warm hand.

Wang Jin took his hand and pulled him to his side.

When the elevator door opened, we went to the first floor. Some of the guests saw their hands clasped together and looked up at them.

He is not very kind, drooping his eyes, Wang Jin is very generous to show people.

In the basement, they get in the car.

Wang Jin did not close the door, let the ceiling light on, turned to look at Yan Rong, eyebrows slightly wrinkled up.

Yan Rong: What are you doing? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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