All day on Sunday, Yanrong did not go out. He did homework, read books and helped Berto do housework. Until the evening, he called Wang Jin and asked tentatively, "are you off work? Are you busy today? "

Wang Jin said: "just after work, it's OK. It's not busy. What did you do today?"

Yan Rong talked about what he had done during the day and asked again, "did you solve the problem of your colleagues yesterday?"

After a moment's pause, Wang Jincai replied, "it's solved."

In fact, Yanrong is not particularly concerned about this matter. What he wants to ask is whether Wang Jin opened the notebook today and read his love letter.

But he didn't want to ask so directly. If Wang Jin hadn't seen it, he was now suggesting that Wang Jin would go to see it. There would be no surprise.

He decided not to take the initiative to mention the matter. When Wang Jin discovered it himself, he said, "brother botu is going to visit his parents the day after tomorrow. He will go for about ten days."

"Yes," Wang said

Yan Rong said happily: "next Friday holiday, if you are not busy, you will go to school to pick me up."

Wang Jin said with a smile: "good, certainly not busy."

Yan Rong also laughed and said, "brother botu brought a big bag of yak jerky to me from Qinghai. Yesterday, he forgot to bring some for you. This week, I will take a bag to school. In addition to the one for my classmates, I'll leave some for you. It's delicious

"Is it better than you?" Wang said

Yan Rong ha ha ha two, stink fart way: "do not have me delicious."

On Monday, yummy Yanrong went back to school. During his lunch break, he took out the delicious yak jerky and gave it to several classmates who had a good relationship with him. He said that he was brought back by his family when he went to travel.

A classmate asked him, "is that your father? It doesn't seem like he came to pick you up last week

Yan Rong is not ready to come out of the cabinet to his classmates. He just let everyone misunderstand him and said vaguely: "it's not him. He was too busy last week. He will come this week."

"Ian's handsome father is a surgeon, and his work is very busy."

Another girl said casually, "doctor, have you heard about it? The school doctor resigned and left. A new school doctor came this week. I haven't seen myself. It's said that I'm also a handsome boy. "

Yan Rong listened to this carelessly. After all, changing the school doctor is not a big event that can affect his life.

It was not until lunch in the restaurant on Wednesday afternoon that he met the new school doctor who was also queuing up to buy meals.

Why did Jin Yue come to their school as a school doctor?

He remembered that when he first met Jin Yue last winter, Jin Yue said that he and Wang Jin were college students. After graduation, he left Beijing and went back to his hometown. He worked in that second tier city for years.

Wang Jin graduated from a famous medical university, and Jin Yue was also a student of that school. Even if his major was poor, he would not be reduced to being a school doctor.

…… Yanrong can't help but wonder if he has any conspiracy.

Besides working and working overtime, Wang Jin has basically no spare time activities to do. He doesn't like to drink or go to night clubs. Naturally, there is a lot less unnecessary social activities. He leaves the hospital every day and goes home to read books and popular variety shows. Recently, he starts to watch Disney movies in recent years.

There is waiting for Yanrong's phone call.

There is no evening study in the international school, but there are many evening activities. Yan Rong usually calls him between 9:00 and 10:00.

It's very late today. It's already ten o'clock, and the mobile phone hasn't ring yet.

He decided to take a shower, undressed and went into the bathroom.

A few seconds later, he stepped out again, naked and bent over to find a sealed bag in the desk drawer. He put his cell phone in it, sealed it and took it into the bathroom.

Sure enough, when he was half washed, Yanrong called.

he quickly washed the foam off his hands and dried it up and then picked it up.

Yan Rong over there asked, "I went to the reading club and it ended a little late. Are you asleep? "

Wang Jin replied, "not yet I'm reading

Yan Rong said: "what book to read?"

Wang Jin opened his eyes and told lies: "Oxford clinical emergency manual."

Yan Rong did not doubt, said: "Oh. I'll tell you something. "

"What?" Wang said

as like as two peas, as like as two peas, he was very angry. "I have a new school doctor in my school. If I didn't admit the wrong person, he would be exactly like your ex boyfriend, even if his name is the same."

Wang Jin:

His ex boyfriend is not only one, but Yan Rong only saw that one.

Yan Rong doubted: "why don't you talk? Do you already know that? "

Wang Jin really did not know, said: "of course I don't know, I am also very surprised."

Yanrong put his heart down and said, "that's all right. I'm not sick recently, and I won't take the initiative to talk to him. I don't care about him."Wang Jin said with a smile, "well, ignore him."

Yan Rong felt that Wang Jin didn't care about Jin Yue, so he stopped saying and changed the auxiliary way: "do you miss me?"

"Yes," Wang said

Yan Rong tried to say something to me

Wang Jinshun said with his mood and context: "I miss you very much."

Yan Rong was a little disappointed, his voice dropped a little, and said, "I miss you too."

Wang Jin listened to his mood seems not high, soft voice coax way: "today Wednesday, the day after tomorrow evening we will meet."

Yan Rong brought up the interest again and said, "you come to pick me up, and then we will go home directly."

"Good," Wang said

Yan Rong said: "you are not allowed to work overtime, and I don't want to go out. We just stay at home for a weekend, and we can do love many times. I didn't do enough last week, so the time is too tight."

Wang Jin said with a smile, "good."

Yan Rong stopped talking.

Wang Jin waited for a moment and said, "why don't you talk?"

Yanrong said: "you, you say some lust and love words good?"

Wang Jin: What? "

He heard a very slight gasp in the receiver, his heart moved and said, "what are you doing?"

Yan Rong also did not answer, whispered: "you say it quickly."

Wang Jin holds the mobile phone in his left hand and pokes his empty right hand down.

The panting sound was like the paws of a kitten, gently scratching his eardrum and nerves.

Yanrong also needs to listen to him say some gorgeous love words, but he doesn't need anything. He just needs to think about the picture of Yanrong's hand eroticism, and it's hard enough.

But he still said, to the mobile phone gently said some words in bed. Yan Rong's experience of hand pornography is not much, so it needs some guidance.

In his provocation, the wheezing voice there became more and more urgent, and even mixed with several uncontrollable murmurs.

The two arrived at Gaochao one after another.

After calming down, Wang Jin asked, "is it comfortable?"

Yanrong aftertaste for a while, way: "did not have with you comfortable."

"I feel the same way," Wang said

Both of them laughed and felt that each other was very cute.

Yan Rong likes to explore with Wang Jin, which is also a part of love for him.

In the past, when he secretly loved Liang Xi, he had no sexual fantasies about him. At that time, he didn't know anything about Liang Xi, and he didn't even experience the pleasure of □. It is Wang Jin who leads him to feel the beauty of sexual love. His infatuation with Wang Jin is the desire of both soul and flesh. His psychology and physiology depend on Wang Jin very much. He hopes that Wang Jin can give him more wonderful experience, whether it is love or love.

Therefore, in his eyes, the demand for sex is equal to the demand for Wang Jin. He doesn't think there is anything to avoid, unless Wang Jin doesn't want to give it to him.

But why didn't Wang Jin want to? Wang Jin must love him and want him very much.

Yan Rong secretly thought that if Wang Jin still didn't find the secret of the love letter when he met this weekend, he would write "I love you" in every medical book of Wang Jin's family, and then let Wang Jin read all of them to him.

If he is angry, Wang Jin will be happy if he loves him.

This evening, he was tossing and turning on the bed with his quilt in his arms, laughing, sulking, and laughing.

Why is Wang Jin so good?

Wang Jin didn't mean not to read the love letter. He has been too busy recently. He has been running between the ward and the operating room for several days in a row. He seldom sits down behind his desk for more than five minutes. When he drinks water, he is repeatedly searched by the family members and nurses of the patients.

Originally agreed to go to pick up Yanrong on Friday, but Wang Jin couldn't go on time because of the patient's temporary condition.

At that time, he immediately sent a message to Yanrong, explaining the situation, and then said, "maybe you'll be busy until 8:00. You should go home and wait for me first, don't be hungry."

Yanrong has his home key.

When this message was sent, Yanrong was having the last class. When he saw the call back after class, Wang Jin's mobile phone was no longer answered.

He was a little disappointed, but he also understood Wang Jin's work. He packed up his things and planned to go back by subway.

Originally, Wang Jin came to pick him up. He was anxious to leave soon. He had been looking forward to school soon. Now, he is not in a hurry.

Anyway, the school gate is blocked, and it will take at least an hour for the nearby subway station to be less crowded.

When the students walked on and on, he carried his shoulder bag and left the classroom slowly.

There are very few students on campus. Most of the staff are ready to leave now in order to stagger the rush hour with students.

It's no surprise to meet Jin Yue at the door.

Jin Yue drove a silver gray domestic car, put the window down, and said politely, "looking at you from afar, how can I leave here? Is no one coming to pick you upYan Rong didn't know what he wanted to do and said, "I'm on duty. I'm late."

The more he laughed, he said, "where are you going? I'll see you off. "

Yan Rong said, "no, thank you."

He refused politely and stiffly, but Jin Yue, as if he didn't recognize it, still said with a smile, "do you want to go to Wang Jin's house? I'm on my way. Come up. "

Yanrong didn't mean to get on the bus.

Gold more put up floating on the surface of the smile, looking at Yan Rong said: "by the way, we have a chat."

Yan Rong didn't eat his way: "do you want to talk to me about Wang Jinzhou? I don't want to talk to you. "

Jin raised half of his eyebrows and said, "don't you want to? Or fear? "

Yan Rong straightened his back and said, "what am I afraid of?"

Kim looked at him with a smile.

The young man's temperament can't stand up to the general. After all, he didn't hold back his breath. He opened the passenger's door and went up.

As soon as he went up, he regretted it.

What do he and Jin Yue have to talk about? No matter what happened before, Wang Jin's present and future are his. He doesn't care about the past.

Jin Yue asked, "are you hungry? Would you like something to eat first

Yan Rong refused: "No

The more Kim thought that he would say something like this: "are you afraid of me? So nervous. "

Yan Rong pursed her lips and said, "because you look mean."

Jin Yue looked at him sideways, laughed and said, "I was robbed of my boyfriend by you. Of course, I didn't mean well to you."

Yan Rong:

Wang Jin was busy until 8:40, and finally finished his work. He cleaned his hands and called Yan Rong at the first time.

"Are you home?" he asked

Yan Rong said, "here we are."

Listening to his listlessness, Wang Jin thought that he was about to fall asleep again. He asked, "did you not eat? Don't be hungry. You're disobedient

Yan Rong said: "when will you come back?"

Wang Jin looked at the time and said, "you can go by changing clothes. What do you want to eat? I'll buy it on the way. "

Yan Rong thought for a while and then said, "fried chestnuts with sugar?"

Wang Jin promised, "OK. I'll be home in twenty minutes. "

On the way, I bought fried chestnuts with sugar and packed two portions of beef noodles and took them back together.

Not far from home, the car is full of chestnut sweet flavor, and his mood is similar to this taste.

He has not had such a mood for a long time. He wants to hold the whole world in front of one person.

When he got home, he opened the door, and Yanrong rushed out from inside and held him full.

Wang Jin quickly stood still, one hand hugged Yan Rong, took away some beef noodles in the other hand, and said with a smile, "Hey, be careful to burn you."

Yan Rong smelled the fragrance of the noodles and asked, "what is that?"

Wang Jin said: "beef noodles and chestnuts can't be eaten as rice. You let me go. Let's eat first

Yan Rong also did not let go, said: "I am not hungry."

Wang Jindao: "but I am hungry, do operation for a few hours, fast hypoglycemia."

Yan Rong originally just around his waist, at this time more forceful, way: "don't, don't let you eat."

Wang Jin was helpless and asked, "am I not happy to pick you up?"

Yan Rong didn't speak, just hugged him.

Wang Jin said: "chestnut is stir fried, still hot, eat it?"

Yan Rong turned his head and looked at the things in his hand and said, "I heard people say that fried chestnuts with sugar are delicious. I don't know what it is. Is it sweet?"

Wang Jin said with a smile: "very sweet, I help you peel the shell, you taste it?"

Yan Rong was quiet for a moment. He didn't know what he thought and slowly released his hand holding Wang Jin.

They finally left the porch and went in and sat down at the table. Wang Jin put the noodles aside, peeled a chestnut and handed it to Yan Rong.

Yan Rong took it and put it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and then said, "it's not too sweet, it's not so delicious."

Wang Jin saw that he had a little bit of a temper today, and followed him: "then don't eat, eat noodles."

Yan Rong said with a straight face: "I'm not hungry."

Wang Jin is very hungry, and he peels a chestnut. Yan Rong seldom shows his temper like this. He doesn't know how to coax him.

He peeled chestnuts and was about to put them into his mouth. Yanrong suddenly said, "you are not allowed to eat them."

Wang Jin:

Yan Rong melancholy out of a sentence: "I hate Jinyue."

Wang Jin finally found something wrong.

Yan Rong couldn't hide anything in his heart. He immediately said, "one year it snowed heavily and the bus stopped. You went seven kilometers by bike to buy fried chestnuts with sugar and frostbite your ears, just because Jin Yue said he wanted to eat it. Is there such a thing? "

Wang Jin:

Yan Rong hurt way: "I hate fried chestnuts with sugar." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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