Because Wang Chao came back, Liang Xi, who was alone at home, said that he would help him clean up the dust. He asked him to have dinner with him and called Wang Jin with him.

As soon as we met in the evening, Liang Xi was surprised and pointed to Wang Chao's head and said, "is this wearing a headgear or is it really shaving?" Then he asked Wang Jin, "what's the matter with you? How come you don't have any spirit? "

Wang Jin pinched the bridge of his nose and said, "I have been operated for more than five hours during the day."

Wang Chao stretched his head over to let Liang Ximo make complaints about Liang Xi's slap. "It's still dark as a carbon block. You can't find a lamp if you turn it off."

Wang Chao covered his chest and said, "who wants to turn off the light to play with you?"

Liang Xi scolded: "go away, why didn't you bask your tongue off water."

Wang Jin drinks tea, Liang Xi and Wang Chao drink wine.

After drinking two cups, Liang Xi directly asked Wang Chao, "what's wrong with you and Xiao Xie?"

Wang Chao was smiling. His face was too black, and his teeth were particularly white. He said, "no problem. I've separated them."

Liang Xi obviously didn't believe it and said, "what does he really have with that female star?"

Wang Chao didn't care: "who knows, it doesn't matter to me anyway."

Wang Jin asked, "why did you divide it?"

Wang Chao turned his eyes to see the chandelier on the roof of the house. After thinking about it, he said, "personality is incompatible."

Liang Xi and Wang Jin took a look, and everyone knew he didn't want to say.

Wang Chao took the initiative to change the topic and said to Wang Jin: "I heard big brother say that you should bring your partner to meet him at the weekend."

Liang Xi also joked: "Oh, the speed is very fast."

Wang Jin was not embarrassed at all and said, "if you're OK then, you'll go together."

Their elder brother Wang Qi looks very serious. Yan Rong may be a little restrained at that time. If Wang Chao is also present, it should be much better. After all, Yanrong and he are very familiar.

Liang Xi pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "why don't you call me together? I'm his father. "

Wang Chao Tucao: "make complaints about it. You look like your father. My brother is more like you."

Wang Jin squinted at him.

"I don't mean you're old," Wang Chao said

Liang Xi said with a smile: "compared with Yan Rong, he is not old?"

Wang Jin had been so tired during the day operation that he had a wooden face. After listening to this, his face became more wooden.

"Don't take it seriously," Liang Xi said? I'm joking. It's not about whether we're old or not. Compared with Yanrong, who dares to say that we are young? "

This is the truth, Wang Jin received a sentence: "yes, he is too small."

Liang Xi envied hypocritically: "it's only so small. You can see how much he sticks to you. I'm looking forward to my daughter-in-law sticking to me in turn. It's a pity that when I open my eyes, I find that she dreams again."

Wang Chao cooperates to send out the background sound: "ha ha ha."

Liang Xi ignored him and continued to say to Wang Jin: "it's true that you are more like his father. I'm not at all like you. My daughter-in-law doesn't dare to take too much care of him. I think he will listen to you."

Wang Jin laughed, and then remembered what happened last night. He said, "I can't do it recently. It's a little rebellious."

Wang Chao said: "the cold leaves are flowing all over my face. My son is rebellious and breaks my heart."

Wang Jin:

Liang Xi also ha ha ha ha ha, said: "we also come this way, I ran away from home, you kneel down to be beaten, rebellious at this age is too normal."

Wang Jin sighed, a rare distress.

Liang Xi gave a bad idea and said, "if you don't obey the orders, you'll be beaten twice."

Wang Jin shook his head, Wang Chao said with a smile, "forget it, baby, where are you willing to beat."

Liang Xiyi said with a smile, "then it can only be solved in bed."

Wang Jin was awe inspiring: "you see where you look like his father."

Liang Xi said innocently, "I gave it to you earlier. You are his father."

Wang Jin:

He looks more tired than before.

After the end of their respective home, Wang Jin until 10 o'clock, Yan Rong also did not call.

He turned off the light, lay down and sleep with his eyes closed.

After a while, he sat up again and turned on the bedside lamp.

Is it because yesterday's atmosphere was too bad, so Yanrong didn't want to call him again today? What about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? Is it possible that from today on, there will be no more bedtime calls?

Wang Jin took the mobile phone, turned out Yanrong's number and dialed it in the past.

Just "toot" half sound, that side picked up.

…… Have you been waiting for him to call?

Yan Rong said, "hello."

His voice was very light. Wang Jin also lowered his voice and said, "did you sleep?"

Yan Rong said: "not yet."

Wang Jin asked him as usual, "what activities did you take part in tonight?"

Yan Rong said: "nothing."

Wang Jin heard that he had some grievances and said, "what's the matter?"Yan Rong said: "no mood."

Wang Jin asked again, "are you not happy? Or is it uncomfortable? "

Yan Rong did not answer, said: "did you go home?"

"Back," Wang said

Yan Rong said: "no overtime? Did the operation go well today? "

Wang Jin said: "the operation was very smooth. I didn't work overtime. I had dinner with Liang Xi and my brother in the evening."

Yan Rong said: "is your brother OK?"

Wang Jin said: "it's not bad. I've played all night

Yan Rong laughed and said, "I like to listen to him."

Wang Jin also said with a smile: "I'm tired of listening. Tomorrow is Friday. When you come back, you can listen to him poor enough."

Yan Rong said, "well."

He called out, "Wang Jinzhou."

Wang Jin felt that his ears were gently touched by the fluffy and slightly cool cat's paw, which itched and numb to the point that his soul was going out of the body.

At this moment, Yan Rong is particularly sexy. Even if he can't see his face and body, he can be depicted lying on the bed with two white jade legs. His T-shirt is wrapped with his beautiful * *, his broken hair slightly covers his blue eyes, and his pink lips spit out light and soft words.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me." Yan Rong murmured.

Wang Jinyi Zheng, from the heart of the horse out.

Yanrong then said: "I dare not call you, and afraid you will not call, I have been waiting for more than 10 o'clock from eight."

Wang Jin: I'm sorry. "

Yanrong sucked his nose and said, "it's me who should say I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk back to you yesterday. You don't approve of playing games for my good. I'm also angry with you. You're right. I'm too naive."

Wang Jin some subtle embarrassment, Yan Rong did not notice that he was dressed in the "for you" coat of mind yesterday, he took the responsibility of this small contradiction all by himself.

Of course, he would not take the initiative to say that sour.

"Yesterday I had a problem with my attitude and expression. You're already an adult, and I shouldn't treat you like a child," he said

He knew what Yanrong wanted to hear. In fact, looking back on the whole conversation last night, he could easily find the point that made Yanrong suddenly unhappy.

Yan Rong's tone turned bright and beautiful immediately and said, "Wang Jinzhou, you are the best!"

After the rain, the two people again for a while of continuous love words, Wang Jincai urged the Yan Rong who still has class tomorrow to sleep.

Already summer, although not hot to the midsummer when the kind of air conditioning will die, but before going to bed inevitably a little dry.

Wang Jin went downstairs and took a bottle of ice water from the refrigerator. When he went upstairs, he turned off the lights in the corridor. There were lights in Wang Chao's room on the third floor, but there was no sound.

After coming back from Tibet for a few days, Wang Chao has been staying at home quietly. He doesn't like to go out and play like he used to. There's no movement in the room at night. It's totally different from the noisy way he used to listen to music with the stereo on.

The next evening, when Wang Jin was going to pick up Yan Rong at school, something happened.

The patient with spinal deformity was admitted to ICU after operation. After waking up, he was conscious and exhaled, but his lower limbs were unconscious. This is a common short-term postoperative symptom in this kind of operation. However, the family members of the patient suspected that the hospital had made mistakes in the operation, so he was very excited.

Wang Jin, as the attending doctor, had to change his uniform to explain and appease him. He called Wang Chao and asked him to go to school to pick up Yan Rong.

Yan Rong and several students who are also waiting for their families to pick them up are chatting and waiting at the school gate.

Thanks to Kaitlyn, an American female classmate, most of the students in the class know that Yan Rong has a handsome father who is a doctor. At first, Yan Rong was still very uncomfortable. Later, he simply got used to it. When a classmate asked him, "is your father really as handsome as Kaitlyn said", he would be very proud to say "of course.".

When Wang Chao, who was wearing a duck cap and dark skin, waved to this side from afar, no one thought that he was coming to pick up Yan Rong.

He is a popular singer. If he hadn't been exposed to this unrecognized virtue on the Sichuan Tibet line, Wang Jin would not dare to let him come to the school to meet people in broad daylight.

Yan Rong didn't recognize him after seeing for a long time. Finally, he guessed who he was by his voice.

The classmate who has expectation to "handsome father" asked in dismay: "your father?"

Yan Rong said, "no, this is his brother Neither of their brothers looks at all alike

After Wang Chao got on the car, he asked, "are you exposed to the sun like this? "

Wang Chao clenched his fist to show his two heads and three heads of his arms and said," isn't it man? "

Yan Rong was a little envious, sincere praise: "realman! That's cool

In fact, Wang Chao boasted without conscience. Leng Buding met a real boaster, but he was surprised and said, "do you like this?"

Yan Rong said: "I also want to become like this, the skin is a little black, the muscle is bigger!"Wang Chao: , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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