Yanrong sympathizes with Wang Chao when he meets such a bad person, but he is still willing to hide his ears and steal the bell again and again. If it was not for his ex boyfriend to get married again and again, wouldn't he be cheated all his life?

Yan Rong felt that he was too self deceptive. If he was Wang Chao, he would want to know the truth more. He didn't want to be "nice to him". What he gave each other was true love. Of course, what he got should be sincere, otherwise it would be too unfair.

All of a sudden, before he left his job, he thought of something he said about Yuejin from international school. At that time, he hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to believe in Wang Jin. He believed that Wang Jin really loved him, not because of the reason mentioned by Jin Yue.

But what the truth is, he did not go to explore, he seems to have been wishful thinking of his own feelings, that Wang Jin for him and he is the same passionate love.

Is it possible that he is just like Wang Chao, deceiving himself?

He and Wang Chao sat opposite each other in the private room, looking worried and gloomy.

When the door was pushed open, he didn't know the person who came in. He thought it was the wrong room, but Wang Chao had already stood up and called people: "big brother."

He also stood up in surprise, staring at Wang Qi.

"Yan Rong, this is my big brother," Wang Chao said

Yan Rong was flustered. He didn't know that he was going to meet Wang Jin's brother today. His face turned red and he stuttered: "you Hello. "

Wang Qi said, "Hello, don't be so polite. You are a little bit higher than I think. I think all the freshmen are so tall. "

He also used his hand to compare the height, which was at least one head shorter than Yanrong's actual height.

Wang Qi had a serious face. Yanrong didn't know whether it was a joke or a serious one. He didn't dare to laugh and didn't know what to say. He was embarrassed to think that why didn't Wang Jin say something to him in advance? "You are a grown-up," he is still regarded as a child, which is very annoying.

This is really wronged Wang Jin. According to Yan Rong's usual state, even if he suddenly meets Wang Qi, there will be more surprises. Wang Jin would not have thought that before meeting Wang Qi, Yan Rong would suddenly become sensitive again because of listening to Wang Chao.

Soon, Wang Jin also arrived, a door to see Yan Rong mood is not high, expression and body are tight.

At first, he thought that it was Wang Qi's insincerity that made Yanrong so stiff. He put his hand under the table and wanted to pat Yanrong's leg to appease him, but he was shunned by Yanrong. He soon realized that it was not right. Yanrong was really unhappy.

Wang Qi is not a talkative person. When asked about Yanrong's study and school life, he didn't say anything to Yan Rong. He only talked about his work and current affairs occasionally. He knew Yan Rong's life experience, and it was easy to ask questions that he shouldn't ask. Moreover, he didn't think that a little boy like Wang Jinhe could last a long time, but he didn't know what to say to his face.

Wang Chao was so poor that he couldn't stop. He couldn't see the depression and despair before his two brothers came.

It seems to be harmonious and beautiful, but everyone has a little hidden idea.

When he left, Wang Qi gave Yanrong a gift, a golden 12 inch K.

All night, Yanrong only at this time actively cast a look at Wang Jin. He didn't know whether this gift could be accepted or not. When people were at a loss, they would rely on their instinct to rely on the closest people.

Wang Jin took over for him and said, "thank you, brother."

Yan Rong quickly parrot words: "thank you big brother."

Wang Jin looks at him, he gives Wang Jin a small white eye.

Wang Jin laughs, according to the past practice, will roll his eyes to show that the temper is almost.

After saying goodbye to Wang Qi, Yanrong takes Wang Jin's car to go back. Wang Chao also wants to go. Wang Qi stops him, so he has to leave with a sad face and be admonished. He also makes a gesture to Yanrong to pull the zipper of his mouth and tells him to keep his mouth shut.

In fact, he was quite at ease with Yanrong, otherwise he would not have said those things to Yanrong at the beginning.

Wang Jin takes Yanrong back to the car. After getting on the bus, Yanrong takes out the gift he just received and opens the machine to play.

"Fasten your seat belt first, then go back to play," Wang said

Yanrong fastened his seat belt and held the notebook in his arms.

Wang Jin jokingly said, "do you like it so much?"

Yan Rong said: "like, also like your brother."

Wang Jin:

Yan Rong turned to see him and said, "why don't you tell me to meet him today?"

Wang Jintan airway: "originally wanted to give you a surprise, it seems that you are not very surprised."

Yan Rong was so tight that he didn't speak.

Wang Jin did not want to understand why he suddenly made a small mood. Seeing that he didn't want to talk, he stopped asking and stepped on the accelerator and drove home.

After a while, Yanrong himself could not help, said: "in the future you will arrange any appointment, you should tell me in advance.""Good," Wang said

Yan Rong pursed her lips and solemnly said, "I am an adult. If you don't discuss with me, you will make a decision. I will be angry."

Wang Jin thought, is it because of this unhappy? He promised, "OK, I'll discuss everything with you in the future."

Yan Rong felt that his attitude and tone were sincere, and he felt much more comfortable. He also thought that the more Jin was not a good man, he always deliberately said disgusting words to stir up the relationship between him and Wang Jin. Wang Chao's ex boyfriend was also a bad man, but Wang Jin was so good that he didn't suspect Wang Jin because of the two bad guys.

He began to reflect on himself and said, "I don't seem to be enthusiastic about your brother today. Will he not like me?"

Of course, Wang Jin can't tell the truth. Besides, regardless of his love affair with Yanrong, Wang Qi should not hate such a young man as Yan Rong. He said, "if he doesn't like you, how can he give you a gift? Don't think about it. He just doesn't like to laugh or talk. It's like this everywhere

Yanrong recalled, yearning for a way: "he is handsome and cool, too good."

He hopes that he can become a man like Wang Qi in the future. He is so tall and muscular that he knows Kung Fu!

He suddenly thought of something, turned to blame Wang Jin: "by the way, you still cheat me!"

"What did I cheat you?" Wang Jin said in surprise

Yan Rong said: "you told me that your brother and your father look very similar, which made me think that he is also van diesel, but he is Brad Pitt at all."

Wang Jin couldn't laugh or cry. The facial features of Wang Qi and Wang's father are really similar. Wang Qi is the one who looks like his father most among the three sons. Yan Rong understands "looking like" as "all men with bald heads and tattoos", and now comes to blame him.

He was curious again and asked, "if my brother is Peter, who am I?"

Yan Rong said: "of course you are Mufasa."

Wang Jin: Oh. "

It's hard for him not to fall behind. Wang Qi is handsome and cool, Brad Pitt, he is a male lion, and he is his father as soon as he appears.

But think about it, Yanrong really likes this male lion, but he doesn't say that he likes Brad Pitt very much.

Back home, because Wang Chao will come back soon. There are no more cars in the yard. Wang Jin drives the car into the garage. When he comes out, he sees Yanrong beside the two cuckoos, which were planted together in spring.

Wang Jin called him: "don't play there. There are mosquitoes. Be careful to bite your bag."

Yan Rong ran back and said, "there are no flowers on the cuckoo. Last week there were many."

Wang Jin said: "the flowering period of Rhododendron will come to early summer, and the next time it will bloom will be next year."

He took the key to open the door, Yanrong stood beside him, on tiptoe, happy way: "next year when flowering, I and you are almost high."

Two people's height now also difference 78 centimeters, according to Yan Rong this year's speed, it is really next year may be almost the same.

Wang Jin is a little melancholy, I don't know what words to take, and opens the door silently.

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