Wang Jin has thought about the scene of Yanrong leaving him for countless times. Yanrong has been able to take care of himself and has the courage and ability to pursue a better world. Even if there is more sadness and helplessness, he can say goodbye to Yanrong without regret, because he has done everything he wants to do and should do for Yanrong.

However, at this time, Yanrong was still a little muddleheaded young man. He still had love and dependence on him, so he said that he should be separated.

He was in a trance. Why didn't he lose Yanrong before he grew up?

Yanrong said those two words, then hurriedly side over the body, with his arm wiped the tears on his face, said: "you work, I want to go."

Wang Jin couldn't bear to be sour. He wanted to hold him and comfort him. But the person who made him sad was just himself. At last, he could only say: "you said that you came out of the cabinet. What's the matter? Have you fallen out with your classmates

Yan Rong retreated and said, "I can solve it."

Wang Jin frowned and said, "if there's something wrong with the school, I'd like to help you find Liang Xi..."

Yan Rong interrupted: "if something happens, I will look for him myself. Thank you."

His eyes were full of tears, and he couldn't even see Wang Jin's face clearly. He choked and tried to say, "thank you for being with me for a few months. I will remember your kindness to me. I hope that in the future No, there's no future. We don't want to meet again. I don't want to see you again

Wang Jin:

Yanrong left.

Wang Jin stayed where he was.

After a long time, he held his knee, slowly bent down, and breathed heavily.

The air is real, the lack of oxygen dizziness is also true, all this is true.

He really lost his Yanrong.

Yanrong came out of the office, and finally collapsed. He rushed to the corner of the corridor, facing the wall, covering his eyes with his hands, and crying soundlessly.

His mind flashed scenes from his acquaintance to love and then to the moment. He found that Wang Jin had never promised him anything except the sentence "marry after the 20th birthday".

From the beginning to the end, it was really his wishful thinking that they could love each other forever, but Wang Jin just regarded him as a passer-by in his life.

He had been in love for a few months, and he had never been in love for a long time.

He cried enough. When he left, he met congcongcong, who was sitting in an automatic wheelchair. He came to find Wang Jin again, with the lunch box on his leg.

Congcong saw him face-to-face. He was embarrassed and said, "I heard that your father is back. This steamed bun is really delicious What's the matter with you? "

Yan Rong's eyes were red and swollen. He looked very embarrassed, but he tried to be brave and said, "no, I'm very good."

Congcong guessed: "today Monday, are you skipping classes? Was your father scolded? "

Yan Rong does not speak, but blocks the way to let congcongcong pass. Cong Cong has to continue to chat up with him: "how high are you?"

Yan Rong said: "high one."

Congcong said in surprise, "I thought you were older than me, and I was one year higher."

Yan Rong boasted: "I transferred to school, so I went to high school. I am older than you."

Congcong said, "Oh."

One of them was sitting and the other was standing, with big eyes staring at each other in the corridor.

Congcong couldn't help it and asked, "don't you want me to give your father steamed stuffed buns?"

Yan Rong:

Congcong said, "I heard from the nurse that you don't have a mother."

"Is it amazing that you have a mother?" Yanrong said

Congcong said, "sorry, I didn't mean that. I mean You and your dad have a great relationship. "

Yan Rong face a black, said: "who and his feelings good, he is not my father."

Congcong thought he had just been scolded by Wang Jin. What he said was angry. He said: "before, my father and I had such a good relationship. Last year, he found a junior who wanted to divorce my mother. I hated him. When he was just sick, he wanted to die. I want to make him regret all his life. Who told him to treat me and my mother like that. Later, I had an operation, and I couldn't stand up. He cried so much that he was more sad than me. His hair turned white all night. At first, I felt that he was a little pathetic

Yan Rong: What do you mean by that? "

Congcong was also a little confused. He scratched his head and said, "I just want to persuade you not to be angry with your father. I will certainly regret it later."

Yanrong said crazily: "I told you that he is not my father."

He stepped forward, reached out his hand, and said, "aren't you going to treat me to steamed stuffed bun? Thank you. Bring it

Congcong was polite just now. He didn't want to let him eat at all. The two in the lunch box were specially reserved for Wang Jin.

Yan Rong spread his hand in front of him, a pair of "you this niggard" expression.

The two little boys fight each other. Whoever is despised will lose first.

As a result, congcongcong reluctantly gave the lunch box to Yan Rong. He turned the wheelchair around and went back to the ward.Yanrong held the lunch box, the feeling of victory lasted for not a few seconds, and soon felt bored. He had already separated his hand with Wang Jin, but also blocked others from approaching Wang Jin. What's the use of him?

He can't stop the other weak and lovely people in the world. Wang Jin will always meet one of them again. The tenderness he got from Wang Jin will also get it.

The imagination was too much for him to think about it any more.

He thought that if Wang Jin was really his father, he would love him forever no matter what he became, grew up, became disabled, became ugly and became not cute at all.

Liang Xi, who is working, was told by his assistant that Wang Jin made several phone calls and asked him to contact Yan Rong.

He called back to Wang Jin inexplicably and asked, "what's the matter? What's the matter? "

Wang Jindao: "you call him and let him tell you by himself. I don't know the details. I only know that he came out of the cabinet at school."

Liang Xi was surprised and said, "is he still in school now?"

"No, I don't know where he went," Wang said

Liang Xi was even more surprised: "what do you mean? What do you mean you don't know? "

Wang Jin was silent for a moment and said, "we broke up."

Liang Xi:

Wang Jin did not want to say more, but urged him to contact Yan Rong quickly. Although he was full of doubts, he also heard the tiredness and worry in Wang Jin's tone, so he did not ask any more.

Yanrong came out of the hospital and sat on the subway in a trance. When he left the station, he realized that his destination was Wang Jinjia.

He hesitated for a moment. Since he has already come, he might as well go and take his luggage. He has divided his hands, and he can't stay in the other party's house to occupy space.

He had the key to Wang Jin's family and opened the door with a heavy heart.

For a long time, he regarded this place as his and Wang Jin's home. After coming to China, this was the first place he regarded as "home" from the bottom of his heart.

He likes all the things in the family, the plants and plants in the yard, all the furniture in the house, the books he and Wang Jin read together, the songs they heard together, the movies they saw together, and every corner they had been intimate with. The sweet and lingering at that time can be vividly seen, but it makes him even more sad to recall.

Wang Jin is no longer his fiance, but his ex boyfriend.

The word "Qian" in Chinese is a fickle villain. At one time, he said that he wanted to look forward. At the same time, he said that the former was the old man.

Yan Rong thought bitterly that he would not have to study Chinese any more. He would not be able to marry to China.

He didn't have much luggage, only clothes and toiletries. Most of them were bought by Wang Jin. The rest were martial arts novels. Nothing else was left. The small suitcase was not full.

After finishing, he sat down by the bed and began to cry in silence.

There is only such a little thing in this family that belongs to him. Wang Jin will soon forget him as soon as he leaves.

Wang Chao, who just woke up, came down from upstairs and heard the news. He said, "Yanrong, why didn't you go to school?"

Yan Rong was busy wiping away tears and then turned to say, "I asked for leave."

Wang Chao saw his suitcase and said, "Why are you crying? What is this for? "

Yanrong stood up and said, "I'm going to leave."

Wang Chao didn't understand and said, "where to go?"

Yan Rong whispered: "I broke up with your brother."

Wang Chao opened his mouth wide.

"He gave us steamed buns and left." Wang Chao said on the phone, "I said to see him off, but he refused, and I didn't dare to force him. Those steamed buns are very delicious

Wang Jin:

Wang Chao said, "what are you two doing? I didn't think it was right for you to pull me to drink yesterday. But when I came back to watch you go to bed and put your arms around him, I thought it was more than I thought. How could you two be separated when I opened my eyes today? "

Wang Jin said: "if he doesn't let you give it away, will you? You don't listen when you're supposed to listen, but you're sure to listen when you shouldn't

Wang Chao was unjustly wronged and said, "his eyes are swollen like two peaches. He has to cry after saying nothing. He has to go by himself. I dare not do it. If I touch him, you can't cut me to death."

Wang Jin listen to his description, Yan Rong is a little poor, but also heartache and irritable, where there is the heart to listen to him blind poor mouth, directly hung up the phone.

Wang Chao is very depressed and shouts at the mobile phone: "when who hasn't divided hands, how big a matter?" Throw away the mobile phone, and shout to the air: "you when 1, there is no good thing, I bah, bah!"

When Liang Xi contacted Yanrong, Yanrong had already returned to his home with Baitu.

Liang Xi asked him, "what's the matter with the school?"

Yan Rong said: "brother Liang, I came out of the cabinet at school."

Liang Xi was not surprised to know that he had come out of the cabinet. Instead, he was stunned by the new name and asked, "what's the attitude of your classmates and teachers?"Yan Rong said: "I don't know. I'll leave school soon."

Liang Xi thought for a while and said, "don't worry about it. Take a rest at home."

Yan Rong said, "well."

Liang Xi tentatively asked him, "do you have a quarrel with Wang Jin?"

Yan Rong said: "No

Liang Xi breathed a sigh of relief. Since Yan Rong said that there was no such thing, it might not be a big deal. He didn't want the two to break up. He said a few good words for Wang Jin in front of Baitu. If he really broke up, how could he tell Bai Tu.

Yan Rong said: "there is no discomfiture. I don't like him, so I dumped him." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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