And at the moment the Stone Man fell to the ground, Crystal Pioneer Scarner was tempted, and the opportunity came! It has been cautiously finally ushered in the dawn of victory!

As early as the beginning, Skarner had already judged the strength distribution of this strange team in his mind. From its point of view, no matter which is a thin monkey or which looks weak and weak, there is no threat. No human being can pose any threat to it. Except for this big stone man, the billowing magma and the breath of hellfire erupting from it cold Snaka is extremely disturbed. Therefore, it has been enduring the small team. The desire to shoot, calmly waiting for the prey to appear flaws, and then, it will kill in one blow, and now, it has finally waited!

In Skarner's view, no matter what happened to the other person and monkey, no matter whether it was good or bad, it would not pose any threat to it. It had only this big stone man in its eyes. And once this stone man has a problem, it is the best time to hunt!

As long as the strength of this big stone man drops to the point where it is no longer dangerous to him due to fatigue, he can act with peace of mind and no longer worry about unexpected moments!

And now, after seeing that big rock man fell down due to his physical strength, he was still crawling on his hands and feet and on the ground, trying to pull the human and monkey who were thrown out because of his fall and pull together. When the huge bodies huddled together, trying to use their bodies to continue to protect the man and the monkey before his strength recovered, Skarna knew that the best time to shoot had arrived!

At this moment, this is the moment when this small team that has penetrated into the Shurima Desert is the weakest. The monkeys have no idea about life or death, but they should still have a breath, otherwise, they may be eaten by the human being to restore their strength. Up.

The human being can know by his size that he is definitely not a powerful warrior. Maybe he is a magician. However, the older the magician, the stronger the strength. Depending on the age of the human being, even a magician would not be anything. A powerful existence, let alone, he is hungry like this, I am afraid that he can't even lift his hands, how can he still have the strength and spiritual power to communicate the elusive and free magic elements on Valoran continent?

Therefore, the combat power of that human can also be ignored. Now, the only big stone man with the smell of **** and sulfur on his body who is jealous of it is finally exhausted, so what else does it need to care about? When will you wait if you don't make a move? Do you have to wait until the big stone man exuding the scent of **** sulfur rests and recovers his energy?

It Scanner is a well-known wise man and brave of the Crystal Scorpion family. How could it make such a low-level mistake, not to mention, what if the human and the monkey starve to death for a while? I am not the scavenging vultures in the Shurima Desert, the crystal scorpion clan, they only eat delicious live food, not dead!

Therefore, at the moment the Stone Man fell, the Crystal Pioneer Skarner made a judgment in his heart that the opportunity had come in an instant. After eliminating the possibility of danger, in that moment, Skarner gave the group in front of him. The prey was sentenced to death.

As the overlord of the Shurima Desert, the crystal scorpion family is naturally not a weak person. In addition to strong vitality and combat power, The address of the latest chapter of I have hundreds of millions of disciples of Wanjie Login: have hundreds of millions of disciples to read the full text of Wanjie Login: have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in at Wanjie. txt download address: have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 1633 One Hit Kill!) Read the record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (

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