In fact, from the very beginning, Swain has focused his attention on Chen Beixuan. After all, the strength of the Stone Man has been unexpected, and the seemingly thin monkey suddenly broke out and not only killed it. Countless members of the swordsman regiment made Urgot even ignorant of his life and death!

So, how could the guy who looked at him as the owner of the monkey-and-rock man in front of him was such a simple guy in his imagination?

Even if it seems that he is almost exactly the same as the young magicians of Ionia, they are all bookish and weak, but now Swain is really not sure whether his judgment is correct. After all, continuous The judgment was wrong both times.

So, this one looks like an ordinary young magician, who can guarantee that he will not burst out suddenly, revealing that he is actually an old monster who has practiced for thousands of years, but he just keeps his youthful appearance. !

It is said that the great magister who practices time magic, Kiran, who is known as the master of time, is an immortal existence, but he looks relatively old, but who can guarantee that this one is not of the same type. People just like to use the appearance of a young magician, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? !

Therefore, at the moment he spoke, Swain had actually settled his attention and attacked the young magician first!

If he is really just an ordinary magician, then naturally the best, his own crows can easily tear him apart, and then, he can join hands with Raven to deal with the smelly monkey and the stone man!

If things are really bad, as I feared, if the young magician is really a terrifying existence, then I can also have more time to think about how to deal with it!

After all, when Raven’s swordsman group completely attracted the young magician, he was suddenly attacked by his own crows. Even if the young magician was really an unknown old monster, he would be in a hurry for a while. , And this short period of time is the time to find opportunities for yourself!

With an order from Swain, hundreds of millions of dark red blood crows, with overwhelming horror, like a sharp and unmatched rune arrow, instantly stab Chen Beixuan!

The faint red eyes with blood gleaming, coupled with a sharp sharp beak that is as sharp as a magic weapon, sharpened like a sharp weapon, under the rapid blessing brought by the high-speed shock of the shadow blood crow's wings, almost the void is destroyed. Torn into strands of fragments, even the air was ignited, and all the blood crows instantly fell from the sky like high-temperature fireballs!

Furiously pounce on Chen Beixuan!

"Golden Crow?"

In the face of this kind of terrorist attack, Chen Beixuan did not respond. The expression on his face even showed a hint of interest, without the slightest hint of nervousness or cautious vigilance.

On the other hand, the monkey and the stone man, who were temporarily ignored, did not show the slightest worry or nervousness. Instead, they looked at Swain's gaze, with a faintly gloating and watching expressions, as if I'm not worried about Chen Beixuan at all, but I'm worried about Siweiin!

Completely heartless!


Yu Guang saw the expressions of the monkey and the stone man, and Swein’s anger that had been calmed down because of Raven’s performance instantly began to rise again, "Unreasonable!" The newest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read on my mobile phone: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1681 Outbreak!) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (

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