I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 941: The deity disdain to shoot

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand again, and the surging energy rolled over all the monsters that were still rushing.

With his own power, Long Haochen reversed the situation of the war.

Upstairs in the city of Heavenly Demon, the pressure on the guards suddenly decreased a lot. They inserted the weapons in their hands into the body of the dying beast, and drove them to death.

"Who is he?" Everyone had such doubts in their hearts.

"Surely such a young Divine Seal Knight, is it the legendary genius Long Haochen?"

"A disciple of Chen Beixuan, a strong man who can fight against the Demon God Emperor?"

"Aren't they at the Yulong Pass recently? The Heavenly Demons are tens of thousands of kilometers away from Yulong Pass. Even the ninth-level powerhouse will take half a day to cross..."


Everyone talked about it, and Long Haochen controlled the Throne of the God of Fear and Sorrow to suppress the beast tide in minutes.

The bodies of countless monsters were fragmented and dyed red to the vast earth, and the endless magic cores flew towards Long Haochen under the guidance of an invisible force.

"Refining on the spot." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

Long Haochen was taken aback, and he reacted and immediately obeyed Master's orders. After all, with his current strength, it would not be difficult to refine these magic cores on the spot.

I saw his body burst out with brilliant golden light, and the magic core gradually melted under the ray of light, and gradually formed a halo covering the surface of his huge body.

Long Haochen's body suddenly became colorful, and the spiritual power flowing in his body suddenly rushed, stirring the majestic ancient atmosphere.

The beasts of this beast tide all come from Tianpu Peak, which is the oldest mountain range in the north of Shenyin.

In the battle just now, the Throne of Fear and Sorrow, the **** of sorrow, burst out with the most terrifying power, shredding five or six ninth-order beasts.

The tide of beasts subsided, and the soldiers of Tianmadu finally breathed a sigh of relief, looking up at Long Haochen, showing shocked and grateful expressions.

"Thank you, senior, for helping!" The Zhandi wearing a blue armor knelt on one knee, causing a sensation.

Kneeling on one knee is the most pious and noble etiquette for soldiers. It has always been only for superiors. Now the highest management of the entire Tianma City has taken the initiative to perform this etiquette for Long Haochen. Some things are self-evident.

"Can't bear it." Long Haochen said lightly, "if you want to, thank my master."

After that, Long Haochen restrained his aura, stood up from the Shenyin Throne, and turned his head to look at Chen Beixuan.

Everyone followed Long Haochen's gaze and looked at Chen Beixuan, their eyes filled with surprise and doubt, isn't the master of the strong...

"Senior is Long Haochen, a genius who is against the sky in the north?" Zhandi suddenly realized and asked in shock.

"Yeah." Long Haochen responded lightly.

As soon as I said this, the demon sighed, and the master and disciple were more horrible than the other. The question of how they came to the capital of the demon from Yulongguan in a short time is no longer important.

"I can't call it a genius." Chen Beixuan said lightly, immediately attracting everyone's attention, "The deity came here precisely to deal with the demons."

"Mozu?" The Lan Kaizhan emperor was taken aback for a moment, then looked around and said, "What do the seniors say about this, the demon has been impacted by the beast wave recently, and there is no invasion of the demon?"

"Yeah." Chen Beixuan said lightly, without speaking.

At this moment, Long Haochen burst into a golden light all over his body, rushing straight into the sky, shaking the world.

After absorbing the tens of millions of demon cores obtained from the beast tide, his spiritual power directly reached the giant of 700,000, which was already comparable to the star demon **** Vasak!

The soldiers of the Heavenly Demon Capital were amazed, and felt an invisible pressure in their hearts. This was the terrifying pressure from the Divine Seal Knight.

At this time, three hundred kilometers away from the capital of the heavenly demons, three black shadows flickered, and they looked extremely deep, as if they had gathered a huge force.

"Golden light flickers, is it possible that the heavenly demons have light attribute fighters to break through the ninth-order war emperor?"

"How about that, with the presence of Lord Vasago, directly open the void passage and dispatch the ninth-order guard of our race from the heart, even ten demon can suppress it!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I hope Chen Beixuan can't react."


The three breath exchanges turned out to be the three major demon gods from the demon clan.

The three major demon gods acting alone are something that has never happened before in the history of Shenyin's northern region. This is also because of the appearance of Chen Beixuan, and they have to do it.

After all, if Chen Beixuan was aware of a large-scale dispatch, they would probably not even be able to touch the borders of human beings.


With a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, the three major demon gods descended into the Heavenly Demon City, and the wild and endless energy aura immediately enveloped a radius of hundreds of miles.

The demons were all in an uproar, and the faces of the soldiers changed from shock to fear.

The sudden arrival of the Three Demon Gods really caught people off guard, and the leader was the third pillar Demon God Star Demon God Vasak, the Demon God with infinite star power and language power!

The orange Demon Pillar was extremely dazzling, and crashed into a huge deep pit in the wide plain outside the Heavenly Demon Capital, and the surface was abnormally charred.

"Where is the City Lord of the Sky Demon City?" Vasak's voice immediately echoed over the Sky Demon City, and the expression of Emperor Lan Kai Zhan became very ugly.

He couldn't help looking at Chen Beixuan, he immediately understood everything, and he was full of shame.

"Senior..." Emperor Lan Kaizhan said with a trembling throat. He understood that the three major demon gods were coming. If the two masters and disciples Chen Beixuan didn't make a move, he would be unable to resist with the soldiers himself.

Chen Beixuan has no expression on his face, just faintly said: "The soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover." I have a billion The address of the latest chapter of Wandisi: https://www.readwn.com/book/111717.htmlWanjie Login I have hundreds of millions of disciples to read the full text address: https://www.readwn.com/read/111717/Wanjie Log in, I have hundreds of millions of disciples txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples to read on my mobile phone: https://m.readwn.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (the 941st deity is disdainful to shoot), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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