I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 950: Ancient Beast King? Look at the deity what it is!

The sky and the earth changed color, thick clouds gathered above the sky, thunder was rolling, and serpentine lightning raged and spread.

Before he finished his words, Long Haochen appeared a thousand-zhang magic weapon, it was the thirty-three heavenly sword.

The sword of the divine sword rivaled everything, and immediately reflected thirty-three phantoms. Each phantom carried the thirty-three-day treasure's terrifying power in its entirety.

Thirty-three phantoms hovered around the throne, and the wild breath tore the space apart, distorting time and space.

When the Snake Demon saw this scene, his entire face was distorted and became extremely hideous.


Before he could say anything, a phantom shot up into the sky and shot towards the tenth-order Senlong.


Hearing a loud noise, the energy fluctuated, and the dragon was as fast as lightning after shrinking. For this reason, he still didn't escape the lock of Long Haochen, and was pierced by a divine sword phantom seven inches.

Senlong's body fell on the ground, making a earth-shaking roar, which made the emotions of the snake devil become even more frightened.

"It's your turn." Long Haochen said lightly, his eyes falling on the snake demon god.

The face of the snake demon was dull, and a deep despair emerged in his heart, as if he had seen his own end.

You must know that his tenth-tier Senlong fierce battle day and night, and there is no winner or loser. Long Haochen only takes one easy blow to severely injure its origin. One can imagine how terrifying this force is.

I am afraid that in the entire Shenyin North, only the Demon God Huang Fengxiu can achieve this level!

I am no more than the 72nd Pillar Demon God, so what can I use to fight against Long Haochen? The snake demon took a deep breath and quickly howled: "No! Don't kill me!"

"Huh?" Long Haochen just raised his right hand hanging in the air, looking at Chen Beixuan suspiciously.

The corners of Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly, and his body flashed before appearing in front of the Snake Demon God.

I saw his white robe flying up, his body did not emit any energy, but he was suspended in the air, as if he had mastered the laws of heaven and earth.

When the snake demon saw Chen Beixuan, he made a sound in his heart, and he had already guessed a general idea without the other party opening his mouth.

I'm afraid this is the outsider Chen Beixuan who severely inflicted the demon **** Huang Fengxiu, that is, Long Haochen's master!

To be able to use power silently, this is to have an extreme grasp of the laws of heaven, at least not even Fengxiu can do it!

"You are Long Haochen's master, right?" The snake demon **** said with a trembling throat, condensing his breath, and the snake **** pillar dimmed to express his sincerity in accepting surrender.

"Want to survive?" Chen Beixuan said lightly, "Talk about the value of your survival, the deity can consider."

Hearing this, the Snake Demon God showed a wonderful expression in his eyes, and quickly said: "I...I know the lair of the ancient beast king, and also know Fengxiu's recent plans! As long as I don't kill me, I can tell you!

The ancient beast emperor, as the name suggests, is the emperor of the primitive forest, surpassing all ancient beasts, and possessing more than the tenth-order terrifying power.

The place for its survival and cultivation is the core of the entire Primordial Forest. Because it changes with time and space, the location is extremely secretive and difficult for ordinary people to find.

If you refine it, you can master the entire Primordial Forest and enslav all ancient creatures to call for yourself.

"That's not bad, it seems that you have mastered the method to find the ancient beast emperor." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

"Of course! Of course!" The snake demon said nervously, "As long as I don't kill me, I will take you there!"

"What are Fengxiu's plans?" Chen Beixuan asked after turning around.

The body of the snake demon was trembling, and from his emotionless words, he actually felt infinite oppression and fear.

"He... he wants that world... to find the Seven Ancient Kings..." The Snake Demon said, his throat choked, and a mouthful of purple blood spurted out!

That world...

When Chen Beixuan heard this, a world with only blood and fire immediately appeared in his mind. If the place where Haoyue broke through was the **** of that world, then the seven ancient kings would stay in that world paradise.

Long Haochen was at a loss when he heard him. He was now in charge of Shenyin North's affairs, but when he touched on the problems of other worlds, he could say that he didn't know anything.

Chen Beixuan glanced at him and said lightly: "About the world of blood and fire, I will tell you later as a teacher."

"Yes!" Long Haochen nodded, stopping the doubt in his heart.

The snake demon was very surprised. From Chen Beixuan's tone, he seemed to be able to hear that he was very familiar with the world of blood and fire.

"Come here." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

"Huh?" The Snake Demon was taken aback, and quickly stopped guessing. After reacting, his body trembled and walked towards Chen Beixuan.

I saw a blue light burst out suddenly, filling my entire vision, the next moment endless pain swept through the body, the snake demon **** screamed, resounding through the primitive forest.

"No...you can't kill me, my body is the key to finding the ancient beast emperor!" The snake demon **** was terrified, and the huge snake body kept struggling.

"It's a ban." Chen Beixuan said lightly, "As long as you are obedient, the deity will naturally save you. If you dare to be wrong, even if the creation **** appears, it will not be able to save you."

Soon, the pain gradually dissipated, and the snake demon god's consciousness slowly became clear.

At this time, Long Haochen had already stood up suddenly from the Throne of the God of Sadness and Fear, completely slaying Senlong, and won a Tier 10 ancient magic core.

Under Chen Beixuan's supervision, Long Haochen quickly refined the magic core. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.readwn.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.readwn.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.readwn .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .readwn.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record this time (Chapter 950 Ancient Beast King? I see what kind of goods it is!) Read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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