I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 992: Play with two little ones, just shake it!

But today, I am afraid that the other party's plan will be ruined. Jun Wuxie glanced at Master Chen Beixuan, and his heart was extremely calm.

"I heard that Jun San Shao's gambling skills are well-known far and wide, I have always wanted to see it." Li Feng said with a smile.

Why Jun Wuxie didn't know that before he traveled, the owner of this body had a notoriously ugly luck. He had never won, and if he lost money, he could build a good mansion in the capital.

In the face of the opponent's provocation, Jun Wuxie didn't change his face, and said lightly: "In this case, this young man will play with you."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone burst into laughter, and the six dudes each had a ghost, and they had already determined that Jun Wuxie would even output the loincloth this time.

Each sits down, agrees on the rules, and the next person sends the dice. Winning or losing is very simple, but it is a ratio of big and small.

Everyone throws the dice, and Li Feng has the largest number of points, and the three dice add up to 16 points!

Li Feng and the others showed triumphant looks, because Jun Wuxie pressed fifty thousand silver bills, and this one would be able to win all the silver bills he brought.

Seeing the opponent's points, Tang Yuan sank into a trough. This time, Jun Wuxie had a high probability of losing.

Jun Wuxie glanced at the master, and his mind was shocked, Chen Beixuan actually gave him a sound transmission of spiritual knowledge.

"Shake it!"

"Huh?" Jun Wuxie was taken aback, thinking to himself, why is the master so calm, is it already expected that he will win?

Despite the doubts in his heart, Jun Wuxie had already shook the dice, and a crisp voice sounded, affecting the hearts of everyone present.


Hearing only a crisp sound, the dice cup was placed upside down on the table, the three dice kept spinning, and gradually stopped.

However, at this moment, Chen Beixuan's gaze was like a torch, he glanced at the dice cup, and directly saw the points inside.

Not to mention, Jun Wuxie's luck is really bad, three dice rolls three points, this kind of luck can be regarded as unmatched.

Jun Wuxie was extremely nervous and did not open the dice cup for a long time. Tang Yuan and Dugu Xiaoge stared at the dice cup, looking forward to the result.

As for the six big boys on the opposite side, they showed triumphant expressions, especially Li Feng, who looked confident.

Chen Beixuan has no expression on his face, but an invisible force has quietly penetrated the void without knowing it, swimming in the dice cup.

The three dice moved slowly, turning a big body directly, revealing the red six dots together!

"Jun San Young, let's go quickly, how can you be like a maiden?" Li Feng said with disdain.

Jun Wuxie frowned, glanced at Chen Beixuan from the corner of his light, took a deep breath, and suddenly opened the dice cup, revealing three six-point dice!

Eighteen o'clock!

"This... how is this possible?" Li Feng widened his eyes, almost screaming out.

The other five people were also stunned, it is incredible that Jun's innocent **** luck can still shake eighteen points!

Seeing eight o'clock, Jun Wuxie breathed a sigh of relief. He believed that this must be master's handwriting, and Tang Yuan and Dugu Xiaoge were ecstatic.

"Three young masters, I didn't expect you to hide deeply!" Tang Yuan laughed wildly, taking all the other six bets on the court into his arms.

"How could this be?" Li Feng showed a faint murderous look in his eyes, and suddenly fell into Chen Beixuan's hands, and the doubts in his heart became more intense.

I've never seen this man in white with Jun Wuxie, is he a master?

"It seems that your skills still have to be practiced, so I will go home." Jun Wuxie said lightly.

"No!" Li Feng shouted abruptly, finally tricking Jun Wuxie over, how could he let him go back so easily, especially since he had lost tens of thousands of banknotes!

"How?" Jun Wuxie pretended to be ignorant and asked inexplicably.

"Jun Sanshao's gambling skills are really superb. Why don't you play with us for a while. If you win, it doesn't seem to be in line with the rules of the gambling table?" Li Feng said with a smile.

Just as Tang Yuan was about to speak, Jun Wuxie immediately said, "Okay."

Li Feng glanced at Chen Beixuan again, and asked with a smile: "The three young masters didn't introduce him, this Xiongtai is..."

Jun Wuxie said without hesitation, "This is my distant cousin."

Chen Beixuan was expressionless, and said: "Chen Beixuan!"

"The Chen family?" Li Feng frowned, thinking for a long time, and he couldn't help being stunned because he had never heard of which Chen family the Jun family had a relationship with.

"Will it start?" Jun Wuxie said impatiently.

"Open... Open!" Li Feng said quickly, and with a wave of his hand, he threw the dice into the dice cup and kept shaking.

After three breaths, the dice cup fell to the ground. After opening it, it was seventeen o'clock!

Li Feng's tactics can be called a master at the gambling table. After all, he throws such a big idea twice, it is not ordinary people's luck to do it.

The five faintly sighed, and instantly turned their attention to Jun Wuxie. They didn't believe that Jun Wuxie would be so lucky that he could cast 18 o'clock twice!

The corner of Jun Wuxie's mouth raised slightly, knowing that there was Master Chen Beixuan in his heart, and he shook the dice with confidence.

After five breaths, Jun Wuxie opened the dice, and it was eighteen!

Everyone was dumbfounded, like being struck by lightning, unbelievable, Jun Wuxie was able to shake 18 o'clock twice.

"No, go on!"

"it is good!"


After a lot of gambling, Jun Wuxie seemed to be hanging up, and he was able to throw 18 o'clock every time. During the period, Li Feng personally inspected the dice and dice cup, and found nothing unusual. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.readwn.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.readwn.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.readwn .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .readwn.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record this time (two small play in Chapter 992, just shake it!) Read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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