“Li Changsheng, your battle strength is really strong.”

Several rich second generations are a little excited.

Although they are not too familiar with Li Changsheng, they are all very happy watching Li Changsheng greatly showing divine might.

Chen Wan and the others are a bit complicated.

This is not the first time that Li Changsheng has shown strong military force in front of them. Although they dismiss military force in their mouths, they have to admit that in the critical moment, especially In the face of an emergency, military force can often play a key role.

It’s just that Han Dong’s face is obviously worried.

“What’s the matter?”

Jiang Tao and Han Dong are very familiar. It can be said that Jiang Tao and Han Dong’s relationship far exceeds the friendship with other people present, including the 305 dormitory. Few people.

After all, he and Han Dong had known each other very early, and Yang Fan and Zhang Xiaofeng had only known each other for more than a month. As for Li Changsheng, it was less than a month.

“The identity of those few people is not simple, I am afraid they will find someone to retaliate. I just asked about it. One of them is not to be trifled with in Chu Province.”

” Can’t you settle it?”

Jiang Tao also frowned.

He knows the energy of his partner in Chu Province, even he feels tricky, then Li Changsheng is indeed in trouble.

Han Dong shook the head.

“My face is not enough, unless my father is out, but even if my father has to use the back relationship.”

Speaking of this, Han Dong did not continue.

Jiang Tao understands that if it is for his relative Han Dong to use such a relationship, it is not worth it, but if it is for some irrelevant people, it is not worth it.

After all, Li Changsheng has not yet reached the level of relationship he uses.

Hearing Han Dong’s words, the joy on the faces of a few rich second generations with excitement gradually faded.

They are only five-tier rich second-generation in Qing State, and they are even more unfamiliar with their lives in Chu Province. Since even local tyrant Han Dong said this, the next situation is really not optimistic. .

“Changsheng, you really caused trouble this time.”

Jiang Tao looked sad.

Although Shang Jianping tried his best to restrain himself, his face clearly showed a bit of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Let you pretend to be forced.”

Chen Wan was coldly snorted, sneered again and again, and was glared fiercely by Jiang Tao, but did not stop at all.

Zhang Mengmeng’s expression is a bit complicated, but there is a bit of pleasure in his eyes.

She won three games in a row by Li Changsheng and won more than 700,000. Now she hates Li Changsheng.

No one else speaks.

One of the rich second generation opened the mouth and said: “Li Changsheng, I think you should run away, they will not embarrass us when they come and see that you are not there.”

The meaning in his words is clear. If Li Changsheng stays here again, it is likely to hurt them.

“Yes, Changsheng, you can run if it doesn’t work.”

Jiang Tao took out the car key.

“I will drive you back to Qing State now.”

Who knows that Han Dong beside him gave a wry smile.

“I am afraid it is too late to run now.”

“What do you mean?”

Everyone was taken aback.

As soon as I heard a rush of footsteps, a group of people came out from the elevator, there were more than 30 people, grandiose.

The leader was that fatty who molested Yu Youwei. His head was wrapped in gauze and his face was fierce, but he was limping while walking, and he was obviously injured.

After the opponent was beaten by Li Changsheng, he didn’t even live in the hospital. He immediately gathered people to get revenge. Especially looking at his aggressive appearance at the moment, it was obvious that the alcohol had completely woke up.

“What should I do?”

Everyone here at Li Changsheng is stubborn. They are all foreigners. When they come to other people’s sites, their personal connections are completely useless. How can they Not guilty.

“You are all to blame, you bearer of bad luck, which hurts us.”

Chen Wan exclaimed.

Although other people didn’t say anything, you can see the action of taking the initiative to distance themselves from Li Changsheng, which clearly has the same thoughts as Chen Wan.

Except for Jiang Tao’s worried look, that is, Zhang Xiaofeng and Yang Fan did not show any complaining eyes, but seeing their trembling all over, it was obvious that they were very worried at the moment.

It was Yu Youwei who stood firmly next to Li Changsheng, her stubborn look was clearly determined to advance and retreat with Li Changsheng.

“Go into the room and hide, let me deal with them.”

As soon as Li Changsheng spoke, the people who were still a bit of a face were immediately nodded.

A few rich second generations yelled: “Changsheng, we people are not good at fighting, and staying behind is also a hindrance, hiding is more conducive to your performance.”

It sounds grand, but in fact it is extremely hypocritical.

Li Changsheng’s lips curled slightly, without saying anything.

The few people saw that the other party was approaching, they ran into the house in a hurry and locked themselves from the inside.

In the end, only Han Dong, Jiang Tao, Zhang Xiaofeng, Yang Fan and Yu Youwei are left.

“You guys go in too.”

Li Changsheng said to several people.

Han Dong hesitated, and finally nodded, turned and walked into the house.

Indeed, with his friendship with Li Changsheng, he has not yet reached the point of advancing and retreating with Li Changsheng.

Yang Fan and Zhang Xiaofeng stood there without moving, but now they are extremely scared.

“It’s useless for you two to stay, don’t hurry into the house, wait for a fight, I have to take care of you.”

In the end, the two were nodded at the same time, and also hid In the house.

“Where are you?”

Li Changsheng looked at Jiang Tao.

Jiang Tao hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head and said: “I can’t let you take the risk alone. Although I don’t fight very much, I have lived for more than 20 years. I haven’t had anything as exciting as today. I have met, Changsheng, let me be crazy about youth for the last time.”

Li Changsheng was a little surprised by Jiang Tao’s determination.

Next to you, Yu Youwei grabbed a broom and held it in both hands, looking like a tiger watching his prey.

It’s just that a little girl like her is so lethal.

Li Changsheng couldn’t help but shook the head funny, and said: “You are a girl, standing here will only distract me. If you don’t hurry to hide, it will be too late if you don’t leave.”

Yu Youwei just shook the head firmly.

“I want to fight with you.”

“You are really stupid. I can’t protect you with so many people. You have to suffer.”

“I’m not afraid.”

The eyes like stars are full of determination.

Li Changsheng hehe’s smile.

“Okay, I was beaten for a while, don’t regret it.”

Beside Jiang Tao, who smiled haha, suddenly a warm feeling rose, and at the same time a little envy.

Thinking that Xu Ying, who had been hiding in the room for a long time without taking care of herself, felt a little bit sad inexplicably.

At this time, more than thirty people had already passed by, and they stood still five steps away from Li Changsheng.

The obese man headed pointed at Li Changsheng and cursed: “Little bastard, dare to beat you Laozi, and see if I will not kill you today.”

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