Li Changsheng did not expect that he is already so famous among these tribes in Miaojiang.

When he appeared, countless lights focused on him.

“He is Li Changsheng, that young expert.”

Many people showed their doubts.

Because this person looks too ordinary, too ordinary, completely different from the image of the young expert they imagined.

It is rumored that Li Changsheng defeated Shi Family’s master A Daoyu with one palm, and hit the big Young Master of Shi Family’s village badly with many teeth knocked out, which was horrible.

Even if he is not as cruel as Wu Feixiong, at least he has to give people a deep and unmeasurable feeling like Yang Yulong, but his image is too ordinary and mediocre.

Even Wu Feixiong frowned.

“The so-called youth expert is such a commodity. No wonder that Wang Haizhu can’t handle a single move.”

Yang Yulong showed a little bit of difference, looking up and down Li Changsheng. .

Because he was a chieftain in his family, he received a different education. Unlike these people, he is far more wise than them, so he will not despise any ordinary person.

“If you don’t believe what I said, I will verify it to you.”

Wang Haizhu coldly said.

Step forward, stand in front of Li Changsheng, and ask loudly: “Li Changsheng, let me ask you, in the hall of Shi Family Village, I will try to test you, are you without Reaction?”

Li Changsheng didn’t understand why this Wang Haizhu appeared here, or why they didn’t go to Cave Mansion to find something, instead they asked such boring questions as soon as they appeared, but they were still nodded. Said: “There is such a thing.”

“hmph! Forgive you and dare not deny it.”

Wang Haizhu smiled coldly, looking at Wu Feixiong and the others.

“This time you should believe it, Wang Haizhu is a boasting talker.”

Seeing Li Changsheng, all nodded admit that everyone present no longer doubts , I thought to myself, maybe Shi Family Village deliberately released this kind of news to confuse the people, let other tribes know that they have expert support in their village, and dare not make their ideas.

Moreover, Li Changsheng’s plain expression to Wang Haizhu just now seemed to them as Li Changsheng’s fear of Wang Haizhu’s strength.

It makes many people feel disdainful.

Only Yang Yulong seemed to see something, his face showed some thought.

Because he did not at all see the expression of fear in Li Changsheng’s eyes from start to finish, some were just indifferent.

If Li Changsheng really can’t handle Wang Haizhu’s trick, it is impossible to be such a calm and collected.

“It’s an interesting guy.”

Yang Yulong thought like this.

“Yang patriarch, did you see something?”

Wu Feixiong is not stupid, but his observation ability is not as good as Yang Yulong.

So he walked to Yang Yulong and asked.

The relationship between Wu Feixiong’s tribe and Yang Yulong’s tribe is considered friendly. Although there is no guarantee that after entering the Cave Mansion in order to seize the treasure, the relationship will be the best, but the relationship is at least on the surface.

“This young man is not simple, I don’t believe that he can’t even handle Wang Haizhu’s tricks.”

When I heard Yang Yulong, Wu Feixion laughed.

“putting it that way, I am still a guy who is good at hiding, and successfully aroused my interest.”

Hearing Wu Feixion’s words, Yang Yulong coldly said: “I remind Say, don’t provoke him easily, lest you fall in the sewer.”


Wu Feixiong shook the head with a light smile.

“Isn’t it just a hairless brat? Even if there is a snack machine, but in the face of absolute strength, it is also a scum.”

Yang Yulong is coldly snorted, too lazy to talk to this arrogant guy .

Wu Feixiong wants strength and strength, and his brain is not stupid. The only drawback is that he is too arrogant and too confident.

“Wu Feixiong, for the sake of our two good families, who have always been allies, I would like to remind you at the end that it is best not to provoke him until you know his strength.”

“hehe! Yang Yulong, people say that you have a city government, are strong, and are good at plot against, but if you want me to say that you can’t rebel for three years, you are too clever, and you are mistaken by cleverness, a foreign hairless brat I’m scared of you like this. My brother has praised you many times in front of me. It really disappoints me.”

The big brother Wu Feixiong is the patriarch of their tribe, but his martial arts skills are not very good. , But very wise.

He and Wu Feixiong one civil and one military, making their tribe second only to the tribe where Yang Yulong is in this area of ​​Miaojiang.

Yang Yulong went straight to the side, not wanting to talk nonsense with Wu Feixiong.

At this time, Wang Haizhu had already walked to the Cave Mansion and began to study the guardian organs in the Cave Mansion.

“Wang Haizhu, as long as you can open the mechanism, when the time comes, you will get the treasure inside and let you take the big head.”

Wu Feixiong spoke again.

“Don’t be too busy to refuse, so many of us have come here to explore Cave Mansion, impossible and come back empty-handed. If you don’t agree, we will stand at the entrance of the cave and wait for you to come out and besiege you. , Even if you are an expert of Qi Refinement Tenth Layer, you can’t stop us from joining hands to deal with you.”

Sure enough, upon hearing Wu Feixiong’s words, Wang Haizhu thought about it, and finally nodded.

Although he really wants to unlock the mechanism by himself and sneak in to swallow the treasure inside, he also knows that this situation is impossible.

“Okay, in that case, I will open the mechanism, you will go in with me, and I will choose what you get, how about it?”

Wang Haizhu did not naively think of himself They can really get the big head. Although these people say so now, when the time comes, when the time comes, they may be red when they see the baby, so they can only fight for their own interests as much as possible.

“I agree.”

Wu Feixiong is the first nodded.

“I also agree.”

Yang Yulong and other tribal leaders have nodded.

“Okay, if that’s the case, then it’s so set. Now I want to open the mechanism. Everyone listens to my orders. When I let you in, you will go in. If I ask you to stop, you will stop. , Do you understand?”


Everyone was nodded.

At this moment, Li Changsheng instructed Liu Chong and Azhuna: “You two are waiting for me outside, I will go in and explore.”

Say, directly Walked to the entrance of the cave and jumped down.

Wang Haizhu, who was about to crack the mechanism, stared wide-eyed.

“Is this kid stupid? He rushed in without waiting for me to unlock the mechanism.”

Others also nodded, craned their necks and looked into the cave. Waiting for the scream to come.

one minute, two minutes…

There was no scream for more than ten minutes.

“Is it possible that the mechanism inside has failed?”

A tribal leader asked in doubt.

I picked up a rock and threw it in. I heard that the rock just fell to the bottom, and the “ka-cha” was shattered into a pile of powder by invisible energy.

The people above are all sucked in a breath of cold air.

At the same time, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

“Why didn’t that Li Changsheng die under the organ?”

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