“People didn’t invite him. It’s embarrassing to come here by myself.”

A girl said with her mouth curled, her voice not high or low.

Because Li Changsheng did not go far, it happened to be heard by Li Changsheng.

“What nonsense? Changsheng said that he invited a friend to dinner, and happened to meet us.”

Jiang Tao couldn’t help glaring at the woman.

“Why are you staring? I just told the truth, why do you feel bad? Cover your ears with you.”

That girl is also a savage temper. The rich second generation is not at all embarrassed.


Zhang Xiaofeng gave Jiang Tao a hand.

“Ashamed, I ran over to eat, but I could only leave dingy. It’s the 21st century, how come there are such people.” The woman’s voice said cynically.

“Who has a meal? Changsheng is willing to spend hundreds of thousands of guests to eat in the Emperor’s Hall. This meal will be rare? You better give me attention when you speak.”

Jiang Tao pointed at the girl’s nose loudly and said.

“What are you yelling at? What are you yelling at? You don’t even let me tell the truth. You don’t want me to tell. I want to tell you. Don’t think I don’t know. He is a poor fellow. For the job, the last time the Emperor’s Hall was a guest, I spent money that I won from Shang Jianping. Now I’m afraid I’m becoming a pauper again. Your friend obviously wants to come and accompany his friends. If it was Chen Uncle just now He said he wanted to invite him, he was sure that eagerly would go to dinner with us. With such friends, you are not a good thing.”

“You are looking for a fight!”

Jiang Tao raised his palm with anger.

However, Zhang Xiaofeng next to him pulled away, and the corridor suddenly became a mess.

Li Changsheng, who had already walked for a while, stopped at this moment, then turned around and walked back.

“You said I’m here to eat something, I’m too lazy to care about with you, but Jiang Tao is defending me, you can’t insult him.”

Speaking, Li Changsheng hopes To that girl.

“I hope you apologize to Jiang Tao now.”


The girl couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Why should I apologize? You obviously came to eat dinner, but when people didn’t invite you to dinner, you can only find an excuse to leave. Am I wrong?”

“Of course not.”

Li Changsheng shook his head.

“Since it’s not right, then you prove it to me. Didn’t you say that you accompany someone to eat? Where is that person? You let him out, and I immediately apologize to your friend.”

The girl has an overbearing gesture.

“He made up everything to accompany people to eat, how dare he agree to your request?”

Zhang Mengmeng said with a sneer.

“Yes, Li Changsheng, don’t say a few words.”

Jiang Tao said because Li Changsheng wanted to do something with people, Xu Ying said angrily.

In her opinion, it is really not worthwhile for Jiang Tao to have a friend like Li Changsheng. I hope that things will stop there. Don’t make more trouble, and you won’t be able to get off the stage for a while.

Who knows that Li Changsheng didn’t seem to care about her at all. Instead, he said to the woman: “As long as I prove it, you have to apologize to Jiang Tao. If you can’t, don’t blame me to you. You are welcome.”


The woman sneered twice, her hands wrapped around her chest, her expression contemptuous.

“Changsheng, let me forget it, everyone is Chen Wan’s friend, what is this for?”

Zhang Xiaofeng came out to make a round.

Everyone preconceived that Li Changsheng had come to Cengfan, and they didn’t believe what Li Changsheng said.

Chen Zhicheng is here to invite everyone to dinner, Li Changsheng just appeared here, there is no such coincidence in the world.

Especially Xu Ying, at this moment the goodwill towards Li Changsheng has disappeared.

I thought that even if Li Changsheng had a poor family, he needed to work a few jobs to work-study, but at least it would not be ashamed to make money with his own hands, but now he put down his face for a meal, and was exposed. It’s really hateful if you don’t leave as soon as possible to make your boyfriend too embarrassed.

“Well, since Li Changsheng wants to prove it to us, then we will give others a chance.”

Shang Jianping cynically said.

He doesn’t believe that Li Changsheng can really find so-called friends.

“Li Changsheng, now you can call your friend to show up. As long as your friend can show up within five minutes, it means that what you said is true. You can call it as soon as possible.”


The woman said playfully.

Li Changsheng nodded.

“No need to call, she is in the front box.”

Said, strode forward.

The others followed behind with a look of confusion, thinking: “Is he really coming to eat with friends?”

The box door opened and many people stretched out Looking inside, he saw that the whole box was empty, only a few dishes that he had obviously eaten.

“hehe! Are you kidding me? Find a box that others didn’t have time to clean up after eating. Say it’s the place where you just ate. Then you shouldn’t say that your friend had prior Have you left?”

Shang Jianping said with a sneer on his face.

Other people also showed mockery in their eyes.

And Xu Ying’s face was gloomy and dripping with water.

Li Changsheng really disappointed her. When she opened the box door just now, she still had hope in her heart. Now the hope is completely shattered.

Even a wry smile appeared on Jiang Tao’s face. Didn’t expect it to end like this.

“Changsheng, have you been a little nervous lately? You certainly didn’t spend less at the Haoxiang Hotel last time, right? You too, you want face and suffer, if you want to eat a big meal, tell Brother, brother Please.”

Zhang Xiaofengpatted Li Changsheng’s shoulder.

“Is it exposed this time?”

The woman sneered.

And Chen Zhicheng shook the head and thought: “I saw a farce. Last time I heard that Li Changsheng knew Chu Family Eldest Miss, he also attached great importance to Li Changsheng. Now it seems that this The so-called “friends” should be very watery.”

Just as everyone shook their heads, Zhang Mengmeng suddenly muttered: “Isn’t that the first Goddess in our school, Wu Xiaowan?”

“It’s really Wu Xiaowan.”

There are many students from Qing State University. Who doesn’t know Goddess, the number one famous school.

“Wu Teacher is good.”

A boy from Qing State University took the initiative to greet him.

Wu Xiaowan responded with a smile, making the other party a little flattered.

“Teacher Wu, can I invite you to dinner?”

The student asked somewhat unsatisfied.

“I’m sorry, I have made an appointment today.”

Wu Xiaowan smiled and declined.

“That’s a shame.”

The boy was a little bit disappointed, but he quickly adjusted his mentality. After all, Wu Xiaowan is the number one Goddess in the school, and it is normal to refuse him. thing.

The entire Qing State University can make an appointment to Wu Xiaowan to come out for dinner, and count them in one slap.

“Changsheng, why did you go? You said it, but you didn’t see the silhouette for a long time. You left me a big beauty in the box. Can your conscience be safe?”

Wu Xiaowan walked towards Li Changsheng while smiling.

Everyone in the field was dumbfounded, as if struck by lightning.

Li Changsheng actually came here for dinner with a friend, and his friend is also famous Goddess Wu Xiaowan from Qing State University.

“How? Now can you apologize to my friend?”

Li Changsheng looked at the woman.

The woman reluctantly said sorry to Jiang Tao, then turned around and walked up the stairs. Obviously, she didn’t plan to attend the next celebration banquet.

The rest of the people are still stupid at this moment, until they watched Li Changsheng and Wu Xiaowan walk into the box together and close the box door, they wake up like a dream.

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