Ren Juntang’s face changed completely.

Even if he wants sloppy-work, it is impossible to find such a fragile one, and it will break into eight pieces when he kicks it down, but the fact is right in front of him, he can’t argue.

The other heads of Zhengke Group also face deathly pale.

“How could this happen?”

They also checked these bricks yesterday, and the quality and hardness are all up to the standard. Why are they like this today?

The leaders from the city have been completely angry.

Feng Yuanzheng sneered.

The middle-aged man in the Chinese mountain suit next to him is calm and abnormal, with a smug look on his face.

He is making a ghost.

Li Changsheng has already determined in his heart. Looking at the expressions of Ren Juntang and the others, this is definitely not Ren Juntang’s sloppy-work.

But this brick has become like this.

This is the construction base of Zhengke Group. Even if Feng Yuanzheng’s energy is great, he will not be able to intervene for a while, and it was from yesterday’s charity dinner that Zhengke Group and Feng Yuanzheng began to engage in hostility, so short In the period of time, even if the civet cat changes Crown Prince, there is only one explanation: spell.

Using spell to make these originally strong bricks fragile, like tofu dregs, they break when stepped on.

In Li Changsheng’s view, with the mana of this middle age person, it is absolutely impossible to make the material of the entire bridge look like this kind of tofu, but even only a part of it is enough. It was cruel enough to bring the Zhengke Group down and send him, the Boss, and all the senior executives responsible for this project to prison.

Li Changsheng didn’t speak, but looked at the bricks carefully.

These bricks look no different from the others, but if you carefully screen them, you can still see that the ones that have been cast are obviously white.

The other party should be proficient in a kind of poison, and when this poison is emitted, it can chemically react with the bricks, making the originally strong bricks fragile.

“The combination of spell and modern science, this master is not very powerful, and I really will take tricks.”

Li Changsheng let out a long relaxed breath.

If the opponent can cast a spell to make the stone bricks fragile, there is already a trace of Rule Power involved. Even Li Changsheng is a bit tricky to deal with, but if you use chemical principles, it is not to be afraid.

“Ren Juntang, the reason why we entrusted this project to you is because of our trust in the entire Zhengke Group, but you have failed this trust. You have been shoddy for such an important project. Okay, dare to fool us. Do you know how bad your behavior is? I will send a quality inspection staff to check it carefully. You will pay a heavy price for this.”

Say, then Director Liu dialed the phone.

“Hello? The police station? Please send someone to help me control a few people. I’m afraid they will escape in fear of crime.”

After hanging up the phone, Director Liu was cold Looking at Ren Juntang and Li Changsheng, their eyes were no longer the kindness they were just now, but full of coldness.

He is an upright official and hates such illegal businessmen most.

Feng Yuanzheng couldn’t help laughing over there.

“Oh, Mr. Li, I really didn’t expect you to be so majestic at the banquet yesterday. Why don’t you talk anymore? I’m confused, who made you make this kind of utter conscience for making money? You will get a pair of silver-plated cheat cuffs, a yellow vest, and a ten-year prison tour package. I wish you a happy vacation.”

Feng Yuanzheng laughed freely.

His dignified Yanjing’s richest man smashed his face at the charity dinner yesterday to please Li Changsheng, but Li Changsheng ridiculed him in front of everyone, making him face-sworn, and he was very angry when the banquet was over. He used his relationship to find the Grandmaster Yuan.

I originally wanted Grandmaster Yuan to cast a spell to harm Li Changsheng, but when the Grandmaster Yuan told him that the spell was too obvious to be noticed, he later came up with the current strategy.

“Feng Yuanzheng, you seem to be very proud.”

Li Changsheng said coldly.

“But do you think you can really succeed if you send someone to replace those bricks with inferior bricks to frame Zhengke Group? Do you think the leaders are blind?”

Li Changsheng speaks.

The Director Liu was puzzled.

“Mr. Li, what do you mean by this?”

“What I mean is very simple. The bricks you smashed just now were all laid back. In fact, Only these few bricks are so fragile. Other places are very hard.”

Without waiting for others to refute this, the middle age person next to Feng Yuanzheng was coldly snorted.

“My friend, you can take a piece of the bricks on this bridge, which is the same thing. If you don’t believe me, try it.”

The other party is very confident. Cast spells.

Generally speaking, I want to blame Zhengke Group. It is impossible to replace the bricks of the entire bridge at once.

Li Changsheng tried to guess, and it was completely correct, but the other party used spell, which cannot be judged by common sense.

“This kid thinks he is a little clever, but he doesn’t know that the fairy family’s methods are unimaginable.”

The Grandmaster Yuan was coldly snorted and said.

At this time, Li Changsheng had walked to the middle of the bridge, picked up a brick casually and weighed it in his hand, and said to Director Liu: “I can guarantee this brick, it is definitely not like those bricks. So fragile.”


When Director Liu saw that Li Changsheng said so confidently, he was a little shaken.

“Grandmaster Yuan.”

Feng Yuanzheng looked at Yuan Lebang next to him, and Li Changsheng said so, he was also afraid that Grandmaster Yuan’s spells were not so effective.

Yuan Lebang was nodded at him and cast a relieved look.

Feng Yuanzheng had confidence in his heart again, and stepped forward to stand up.

“President Li should stop acting. In the face of the facts, any sophistry is useless. I can guarantee that this brick is as fragile as the ones just now. I even dare to show everyone Palm gravel bricks.”

Feng Yuanzheng has seen Yuan Lebang’s spell in advance, which can make a piece of hard steel break like a foam, and this brick is the same.


Li Changsheng sneered on his face.

“President Feng, don’t be so confident, dare you let me take a brick and pat on your forehead?”

“Why not?”

Feng Yuanzheng loudly said.


Li Changsheng’s thumbs up.


With that, he walked to Feng Yuanzheng with the brick.

“Wait a minute.”

Director Liu suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“If this brick is not so fragile, it might kill you if you hit it.”

Who knows, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Feng Yuanzheng: “Director Liu, don’t worry. I just want to prove to everyone how fragile this brick is.”


When Director Liu saw Feng Yuanzheng’s confident face, he thought of him just now. I stepped on the stone brick into eight pieces without exerting much effort, and felt that the stone brick was indeed extremely fragile.


Director Liu did not insist anymore.

And Li Changsheng had already walked in front of Feng Yuanzheng at this time. Looking at the heavy stone bricks, Feng Yuanzheng felt a little timid, but in the end, out of confidence in Yuan Lebang, he lifted the head proudly and stared. The eyes can’t hide.


Without a word, Li Changsheng picked up the stone brick and moved towards Feng Yuanzheng’s head and hit it.


The bricks are not broken.

And then a blood hole appeared on Feng Yuanzheng’s forehead, and the blood floated out.

Fortunately, Li Changsheng hides fast, otherwise he will splash on his clothes.

“This brick is so hard.”

This is the last thought in Feng Yuanzheng’s mind.

Immediately after Feng Yuanzheng shook his body, he fell to the ground with a “plop”, and the audience was dumbfounded.

Yuan Lebang next to him is even more unbelievable.

“How could this be?”

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