Combat Room.

When Li Changsheng appeared.

Jin Wenwen and Wang Dongsheng surrounded them.

They showed great interest in the martial arts performance at the Double Birthday Party.

Several people finally negotiated and decided when the time comes to perform some actual combat skills, such as punching wooden boards and breaking bricks.

After all, Wang Dongsheng and the others are good at fighting, not martial arts performances.

And if you perform real fighting skills on the stage, I am afraid it will not be popular.

Because there is a saying in the national martial arts that only kills people but does not perform.

After all, killing skills are not so beautiful.

After finalizing the performance, Li Changsheng asked them to rehearse by themselves.

Of course, his coach is not interested in performing in person. The reason why he agreed to Thunder is also because of Wang Dongsheng’s thoughts.

Leaving the Combat Room, Li Changsheng walked towards Qingteng Middle School while taking a walk.

Except for the dormitory and cultivation, the only thing he can think of is to find Yu Youwei.

Compared with Yu Youwei’s tenderness and understanding, the damage Bai Qianxue brought to him seems to be the warmest place in Li Changsheng now.

Qingteng Middle School is not close to Qing State University where Li Changsheng is located.

Along the way, we have to cross the large and small streets, criss-crossed, especially some old streets that maintain the ancient appearance. They are narrow and long, with seven turns and eight turns, once they get stuck in it, it looks like a maze Generally, those who often live here will not get lost.

Of course, with Li Changsheng’s scary memory, he can also be familiar with the road.

In an old community a few miles away from Qingteng Middle School, Li Changsheng had just passed a quiet alley when he saw a few teenagers facing a man on the ground fiercely with a stick in his hand. Hit.

The square stool has sharp legs and corners. Every time it falls, the man on the ground makes a scream.

Although the positions of these teenagers are all where the skin is rough and flesh is thick, they dare not hit their heads, but every stick that falls down still looks extremely cruel.

Especially the boy who fell on the ground and clutched his head, bowed into a shrimp-like appearance, which made Li Changsheng feel a little sympathy.

Li Changsheng doesn’t bother to deal with this kind of fights in general.

The boy who can fall is also fifteen-sixteen years old.

Finally, Li Changsheng stopped. He not at all rushed to put down the boys who had beaten people, but looked around.

Seeing a few wine bottles on the wall, picking up a stone facing her feet, Ka-cha slammed it down.

At this time, those teenagers are fighting vigorously.

“Boy, don’t you have a hard mouth? If you can’t beat you to death, show me another cow and don’t look at I, your father is who?”

Young man Foul-mouthed while slapped.

The young man at this age is the most imperceptible, and he did not realize that if this continues, if he fails, the young man who was beaten may also be killed by them.

At this moment, I only heard oh la la, the sound of glass bottle breaking like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Several teenagers who had already fallen into madness suddenly woke up.

Almost at the same time, he stopped his hands and looked at the direction of the sound.

Li Changsheng saw the effect of the glass bottle he smashed and immediately turned his head and shouted.

“A few police officers, Uncle, right here, come here quickly and don’t let them run.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the faces of the teenagers were panicked.

And next moment, there was a voice from the alley on the other side.

“ka-cha! ka-cha!”

The sound of chaotic footsteps.

Suddenly these youngsters threw down the sticks in their hands and ran to the other side lifelessly.

“Stop! Don’t run!”

Li Changsheng pretended to shout.

The teenagers immediately ran faster, and disappeared at the end of the alley without having several points of Zhong.

At this moment, the boy who was hit with his head reluctantly got up from the ground, his bloody nose and swollen face were green and purple.

There are densely packed footprints on his body. He grinned, obviously in pain.

He leaned on the wall and looked at Li Changsheng suspiciously.

After waiting for a long time not at all, I saw the so-called police appear, and then I wondered: “What about the police?”

“Where is the police? I just studied for a few days. The ventriloquist frightened them.”

Li Changsheng slightly smiled.

The other party suddenly came across.

He touched his pocket, took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one and handed it to Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng waved his hand.

“Why? Don’t you smoke?”

When the other party saw Li Changsheng’s refusal, they lit them each minding their own business, took a breath, and leaned against the wall, obviously The fight just now left him seriously injured.

However, the youngster has a strong body. As long as he is not hit to the vital part, this injury will be completely recovered in less than two days.

“Damn, these grandsons are here to stop me. If they are singled out, none of them will be my opponent.”

The young man said bitterly.

Speaking, looked at Li Changsheng again.

“My buddy, thank you, I should say hello if there is any use for me in the future.”

The other party cupped the hands.

Not very young, but he looks like a quack.

However, in Li Changsheng’s eyes, it is a bit nondescript.

He couldn’t help shook the head.

It seems that he is also a bad boy.

“The injury on your body shouldn’t be a major problem. It’s fine to go back and rest for two days, but you should not cause any trouble in the future. If it wasn’t for me to pass by just now, if you missed and hit your head, then you It’s over.”

“And you’d better go home and take a shower now and change into clean clothes, otherwise your parents will be worried…”

Who knows Li Changsheng Before the words were finished, the other person’s face was a bit hideous, coldly said: “How old are you TM, don’t think that you did me a favor, just point your fingers to me, you have to say, believing or not me You?”

He stared with a fierce look.

Li Changsheng cannot shook the head.

Knowing that this boy was beaten for a reason, he was a bad person.

But he wouldn’t care about a child, shook the head, didn’t say much, turned around and left.

The boy wanted to continue the attack, but saw that Li Changsheng left him with only one back. He could not help but feel a punch on the cotton, and finally fiercely spit out from the ground and cursed A cry: “Silly hat”.

There are always people in the world who cannot tell good from bad and misunderstand the kindness of others as harboring malicious intentions, just as if the entire world owes him.

It can’t be said that this boy is a bad child. At this moment, he is in the process of gradual maturity of mental development. Perhaps many years later, he will think back to today’s scene and regret that he has treated Li Changsheng’s attitude.

Perhaps many years later, he will tell people that when he met a stupid hat, he thought that if he helped himself a little, he could give himself a thought lesson.

No matter what it is, Li Changsheng doesn’t care.

Walking to the door of Qingteng Middle School, Li Changsheng sent a text message to Yu Youwei and waited patiently for Yu Youwei.

A taxi stopped not far from him and walked down a middle-aged man.

When he and Li Changsheng looked at each other, a surprised look appeared on their faces at the same time.

It turned out to be the driver Master who took Li Changsheng to the airport that day, and later had a barbecue with Li Changsheng.

“Why, young man, it is really fate.”


Li Changsheng also laughed.

The driver came and handed Li Changsheng a cigarette.

“Why? Come out of the shadow of broken love? You look good. Remember what Old Brother told you, where there is no grass in the world.”

” By the way, there are a lot of little girls in Qingteng Middle School. They are about the same age as you. That day, I saw a girl who looked like a water spirit. I heard that many people stood by the door of Qingteng Middle School, just waiting to take pictures after school. That girl, you guy is not here to take pictures of the girl too?”

“By the way, what is the name of that girl…”

The other party is very talkative.

Li Changsheng laughed when he heard what he said.

I thought to myself, the girl in the other party’s mouth had been designated as Yu Xiaowei.

Yu Youwei texted herself in the past few days and said that since her name of the Qingteng middle school flower was posted on the Internet, every day all a group of people ran over to take a video and send it to Kuaishou Douyin. App like this came up to get hot, and it bored her a lot.

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