Li Changsheng has a wry smile on his face.

Under this environment, he rarely felt a trace of tension in his heart.

“At the banquet, I saw that Mr. Li’s expressions to Meng’er were all different. I think there was a drama.”

“Meng’er is so beautiful, how can there be men? Can you stay unmoved?”

The voices of Chu Yaotian and Chu Xing continued to be heard.


Li Changsheng didn’t know what to say.

Chu Meng’s face became hotter and hotter, and she felt the man behind her full of masculine aura.

Especially the little hand I was holding, warm and safe.

She wondered in her heart, if the two of them kept this posture forever, would they be very happy.

Thinking of the first time I saw Li Changsheng that covered in dirt, and thinking of the scenes about Li Changsheng later, from my heart, Li Changsheng is indeed a person worthy of trust for life.

It’s just that there is a big gap between him and the image of Prince White Horse in his countless fantasy.

And just now, he refused to have a drink with himself.

What do you think of yourself?

“We are not suitable, Li Changsheng, I think it is best to be friends.”

Chu Meng took a deep breath and held himself in the jade hand of Li Changsheng Pulled it out, then fled hurriedly and walked into the hall.

Chu Yaotian, who just opened a bottle of foreign wine, looked at Chu Meng who came out suspiciously.

When I saw that silhouette standing on the balcony, it was dull and unclear.

Li Changsheng stood alone on the balcony, and the wind blowing in rolled his clothes.

Looking at the slender silhouette of Chu Meng, to be honest, he had the urge to hug the other person just now.

At a specific time and a specific environment, people can easily become emotional.

However, with Chu Meng’s departure, he returned to reality again.

With a wry smile: “I will also be affected by alcohol.”

The matter with Chu Meng came to an end.

At the following banquet, both of them fell silent.

Chu Yaotian, father and son, is very curious what the two said on the balcony, but it is difficult to ask each other.

On the second day, Li Changsheng, Chi Xuan and Peng Xin embarked on the road to the border together.

First, I took a plane to cross over half of China, and then I took a car to a remote town.

Stayed at the biggest hotel in the town for one night, by the way, I found a guide there and went straight into the mountain.

Cross the depths of the mountains, you can come to the border.

This journey is still far away, and Peng Xin looked worried along the way.

When I found the guide and set off into the mountains on the second day, I finally couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said: “Mr. Li, too late, is it just the three of us going directly to the border? This is too It’s dangerous.”

Indeed, the eagle is a famous fierce person at the border.

Peng Xin originally thought that Li Changsheng had some power here, but along the way, through the dialogue between Li Changsheng and Chi Xuan.

These two people are going to find Eagle Owl singlehanded. In Peng Xin’s view, this is no different from courting death.

“Of course, do I need to bring a lot of people to find Yingxiao?”

Li Changsheng slightly smiled.

Peng Xin couldn’t help being speechless.

I don’t know where Li Changsheng’s confidence came from, but he sighed in his heart and regretted a little.

Chi Xuan next to him smiled and said nothing.

If it was before, he would not dare to take risks like Li Changsheng. After all, those characters on the border are powerful, one by one regardless of the law and of natural morality, really don’t take human lives seriously. .

I have seen the power of Li Changsheng, and I feel confident no matter where I go.

The car they hired for the guide was an old Mitsubishi off-road, which was very capable of off-roading, but the car looked a bit old.

Especially, there is dust everywhere in the car seat. The guide said that they always carry guests through the primitive forest, and the car is not clean.

Starting officially.

Chi Xuan showed Li Changsheng the specific information about Ying Xiao during his investigation.

No wonder that eagle owl is so arrogant. He is a well-known arms dealer in the border area and sells various medicine ingredients, jade stone and the like.

There are more than 200 brothers under him, most of whom are desperadoes.

The worry on Peng Xin’s face next to him is getting heavier.

“Mr. Li, now you know this eagle owl is not easy to deal with, right?”

In this regard, Li Changsheng just slightly smiled, closing the information and not speaking.

The initial road along the way was fairly flat, but later it became rough and bumpy.

Li Changsheng didn’t feel much, but he suffered from Peng Xin and Chi Xuan next to him.

The bitterness of the two of them will spit out.

After walking through the forest for two days, I suddenly stopped.

The sleeping Chi Xuan and Peng Xin were awakened.

I saw the driver got out of the car and made two turns, and sighed: “It’s over, the car is broken.”

“The broken car can be repaired?”

Chi Xuan asked hurriedly.

The other party shook the head.

“I’m afraid that the repair is not good for the time being, so I have to call another car for support.”

When I heard this, Peng Xin suddenly became anxious.

“Wasn’t it that we are here to wait for two days?”

Know that they have walked for two full days before they walked here. If they wait for the car outside to support them, The same distance may not be reached in two days.

“That’s no way.”

The guide gave a wry smile.

“What should I do?”

Chi Xuan looked at Li Changsheng.

“There is one day left, not equal to me, let’s go in.”

Chi Xuan said this.

The face of Peng Xin who was next to him suddenly suffered.

Chi Xuan has learned kungfu anyway, even if he travels long distances, he can eat well, but Peng Xin is different. He is a company boss who normally takes five hundred steps to gasping for breath.

The road deep in this mountain is rugged and difficult to walk. If he walks in, he still has to give up.

Li Changsheng couldn’t help being frowned.

For the first time, he felt that bringing Peng Xin was a burden.

When a few people were hesitant, suddenly there was a roar behind them.

A team came out of the jungle, and three hard-core off-road vehicles.

At the beginning is the obviously modified Jeep Wrangler, whose reel is much taller than the ordinary Trojan.

I don’t know how many times more advanced than Li Changsheng’s three off-road vehicles.

Just seeing how he shuttles freely in the jungle, you know that the people in the car will not feel as bumpy as they do.

The two cars behind are the Hummer of Cool Road Ze and Silver.

These people are rich or expensive at first sight, and the vehicles rushed over in a sturdy imposing manner.

Stopped at the position of the Mitsubishi.

Stepping down from the Wrangler, a young man in camouflage uniforms has sharp cheeks. He belongs to the kind that doesn’t look very handsome but is very masculine. Hormonal sensation of walking.

A woman with curly hair in the co-pilot has a beautiful oval face, and her first impression is exquisite.

She took her sunglasses and walked out of the car. When she stuck the sunglasses on her hair casually, there was a thrilling beauty.

Two twenty-thirty-year-old youths walked down from Cool Road Ze and Han Carriage respectively.

They also dressed up very professionally. The watches on their hands and the natural temperament on their bodies all show that their identities are extraordinary.

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