Li Changsheng stood alone on the high platform. There were more than 500 Witch God Religion dísciples in the field. No one dared to move, all of them looked at them with horror.

Although they have a lot of people, some of them are experts, but no matter how many people, no matter how powerful they are, how can they stop Li Changsheng’s attack.

One slap is a piece of people. Killing is as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

Not to mention five hundred people, even five thousand people is not enough for Li Changsheng to take a few palms.

Li Changsheng stepped down from the high platform and walked towards the direction of Witch God Religion great hall.

Because he felt that the most powerful auras in Witch God Religion were in that great hall.


In the great hall of Witch God Religion’s proceedings, a black clothed Elderly is sitting above the main seat, and below are the Great Elders of Witch God Religion.

At this moment, they are discussing the death of Fu Changqing, the best dísciple in the third generation.

Although Fu Changqing was not young when he joined Witch God Religion, he was very talented for the cultivation technique of Witch God Religion.

In just a dozen years, he has advanced by leaps and bounds and has become the Number One Person in the three generations of dísciple.

Now he died in the capital, and the news came back to Witch God Religion, and the whole teaching was shocked.

“Fu Changqing is an excellent dísciple in my teaching. We must avenge him.”

An Elder spoke.

“It is said that the one who killed Changqing was a newly emerged young man named Li Changsheng in the capital. We did not know his background after many investigations. Even Fu Changqing was not an opponent at a young age. You can see this person’s aptitude.”

Another Elder said.

“No matter how good his aptitude is, I should die if I offend my Witch God Religion! Send a deacon to the capital and kill him.”

A witch with a gloomy face God Religion Elder said loudly.

He is the Third Elder of Witch God Religion. He is arrogant and surly, vicious and merciless. Even the people of Witch God Religion are afraid to meet him.

“The third child, how easy it is to kill him is easy, but have you ever thought about the teacher behind him, killing him, it is very likely that Witch God Religion will bring me a strong enemy “

Second Elder, who is second only to the instructor in the field, frowned and said.

Many people have nodded and expressed their agreement with Second Elder’s opinion.

“Follow him, catch him and kill him. As for his teacher’s door, at the worst battle, I can’t let the people of Witch God Religion be killed and we won’t fart. One, wouldn’t that make people laugh.”

Third Elder said, this time even Second Elder didn’t speak.

Yes, the dísciple of Witch God Religion died in the capital. How can Witch God Religion not take revenge?

“Third Elder is right. Killing Witch God Religion will cost you. No matter what Sect is behind him, my Witch God Religion is not afraid of a fight.”

The head teacher of Witch God Religion spoke and gave a final word: “However, since the opponent can kill Fu Changqing, it means that it is not an ordinary person. We also need to be cautious and not too casual.”

“So, when the time comes to send an Elder and a few True Disciples to go with me, by the way, to promote my Witch God Religion’s reputation.”

“For so many years, my Witch God Religion has stayed here in Hundred Thousand Great. In the depths of the Mountains, those Sects of Middle-earth almost forgot about my Witch God Religion.”

When I heard the teacher’s words, everyone was nodded.

“I’m afraid that Li Changsheng will hide after knowing Changqing’s identity. When the time comes, the crowds want to catch him, but it won’t be easy.”

A deacon said with some concern.

At this moment, the earth suddenly shook, and then the door of the hall “peng”, all split up and in pieces, shattered.

A silhouette walked out of the dust and mist, appeared at the door of the hall, and looked proudly at the many high-rises in the hall.

In the whole hall, all the voices stopped abruptly, and their eyes looked at the youngster who suddenly came in with surprise, a little confused.

At this moment, I saw Eldest Miss Suyue stumbled in from behind, her voice anxiously said: “Father, all elders, this person got into my Witch God Religion and killed Great Elder, I don’t know. What is the intention? By the way, he said his name is Li Changsheng.”

“Li Changsheng?”

Everyone in the field was taken aback.

An Elder then reacted and cry out in surprise: “Could it be the one who killed Fu Changqing?”

At this moment, the atmosphere in the field instantly solidified.

Just now they were still discussing going to the capital to find Li Changsheng for revenge. They were afraid that Li Changsheng would get the news and escape. They didn’t expect that the murderer in their mouth would come to the door in an instant.

“Your Excellency is so courageous, I don’t put my Witch God Religion in my eyes at all!”

The head teacher of Witch God Religion with a black robe stood up and said, “I Witch God Religion’s True Disciple Fu Changqing died in your hands. You still don’t give up. Now you come to walk right into a trap. I don’t know which sect you came from? What do you intend to do?”

The head of Witch God Religion has a look of dreading in his eyes.

In his opinion, since Li Changsheng dared to come to the door, there must be something to rely on. He was not willing to make a haste until he knew Li Changsheng’s support.

“You don’t know what my teacher said. As for what I am doing in your Witch God Religion, it’s very simple. There are only two points.”

“First, I kill Fu Changqing, you Witch God Religion will definitely retaliate. I took the initiative to come to my door but grieved. Secondly, I think your Witch God Religion is a Feng Shui Treasure Land. I plan to borrow it for a few days.”

Li Changsheng said that he wanted it but had grievances, which made the people of Witch God Religion feel extremely arrogant. When he said that he wanted to “borrow Witch God Religion for a few days”, it caused a lot of noise.

How can a Sect’s Inheritance Land be loaned at will?

Li Changsheng tone barely fell down, and Third Elder drew out the scimitar in his hand with a “cock”.

angrily roared: “Boy is bully intolerably! Borrow my Sect? Why don’t you just ask me from Witch God Religion to give it to you.”

Other Witch The executives of God Religion also showed murderous intention one by one.

“Kill my dísciple, and want to dominate my Witch God Religion, who gives you the courage?”

After hearing Li Changsheng’s words, the Lord Witch God Religion’s eyes also flickered cold light.

“Putting it that way, is there no room for negotiation?”

Li Changsheng’s mouth was cocked.

“A kid who doesn’t know the immensity of Heaven and Earth that’s all, why do you talk nonsense with him?”

Second Elder coldly snorted.

“Let’s take it down together.”

Hearing what Second Elder said, several silhouettes in the great hall rushed up, forming an encirclement.


Second Elder shouting loudly, taking the lead, the scimitar in his hand turned into a cold light and slashed at Li Changsheng.

At the same time, a dozen other silhouettes attacked together.

Some use knives, some use swords, and various black mists form poisonous snakes and scorpions in the air.

Densely packed attacks enveloped Li Changsheng.

These people are all high-level members of Witch God Religion, each of them has great strength, and every move is imposing manner majestic. In a blink of an eye, you can no longer see the silhouette of Li Changsheng, and they are completely spelled by all kinds of spells. Covered by the attack.

Suyue, who was originally terrified of Li Changsheng, saw this scene, which was sighed in relief.

The Witch God Religion master who was sitting on the main seat was sneaked and said: “An act recklessly kid, dare to run to my Witch God Religion, overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Just as soon as his voice landed, he heard a “hong long”, rushing to Li Changsheng’s many experts, and flew backwards almost at the same time, revealing Li Changsheng standing in the center with a calm face.

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