After Li Changsheng returned to the villa, he received a call from Ma Yi. He felt very sorry for what happened at the party today.

Li Changsheng smiled and said that it was okay. He was not to blame at the beginning, but he could not understand that foreign devil depreciated the national arts.

2nd day, when Li Changsheng came to the entrance of the bar again, he saw that the sports car was still parked there, and he knew that Rodin must be inside.

As soon as I walked to the door, I was stopped by the waiter at the door.

After Li Changsheng’s trouble yesterday, everyone in the bar basically knew him.

“I’m going to see your boss.”

When I heard Li Changsheng’s words, the two waiters at the door showed a little helpless in their eyes.

They all saw Li Changsheng’s skills yesterday, and they all know that this guy is not only a suitor of the bar boss, but his own strength is also very unusual.

A wink at a colleague next to him, the waiter hurried in, and soon a group of aggressive robust men walked out.

The leader was the robust man named Da Zhuang who stopped Li Changsheng Road at first when he left yesterday.

“Boy, I hurt my brother yesterday, and you dare to come today, just in time for me to teach you.”

Said, squeezed his fists, and walked over with a sneer In front of Li Changsheng.

The eyes are full of fierceness. If the manager hadn’t stopped it in time yesterday, he would have already started with Li Changsheng.

I thought that Li Changsheng would not come here again after he left, which made him feel quite regretful.

Especially when I saw that my brother was slightly injured by Li Changsheng yesterday, I wanted to teach Li Changsheng a good meal, so when the waiter went in and said that the troublemaker came again yesterday, he The first one rushed out.

“I want to see your boss, but I don’t have time to waste time with you.”

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand to push the robust man aside and walked inside.

The robust man was pushed back by Li Changsheng two steps.

Under the gaze of everyone, I felt very shameless, so I was furious, raised my fist and hit Li Changsheng.

“Boy, I want to see our boss pass my level first.”

This robust man is a good practicer, and he has a good hand. This fist has an imposing manner.

Seeing that his fist was about to hit the back of Li Changsheng’s head, a smile appeared on his face.

However, then, I saw Li Changsheng’s silhouette suddenly disappeared from sight, and the robust man punched in the empty space.

In the midst of doubts, I only feel the severe pain coming from the back, and there is a sudden and vigorous attack.

His whole body is not stable, so he leaped forward and fell to the ground. When he wanted to get up, a big foot had already stepped on his head.

“I said, you are not qualified, are you convinced now?”

When I heard Li Changsheng’s words, the robust man struggled to get up from the ground.

“It seems that you are really Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin.”

Li Changsheng shook the head, lifted his foot, and kicked out suddenly. , Kicking on the lower abdomen of the robust man, the opponent’s body was inserted into the ground and flew out seven or eight meters away, hitting the back steps.

At this time, Li Changsheng was only patted his hand. Just about to walk inside, he saw a group of people walking out. The leader was the bar Boss Lordin.

Lordan wore a blue cheongsam today, and he outlined an exquisite figure. He was clearly dressed up and looked even more radiant.

After she came out, she looked at Li Changsheng coldly and said: “Why are you here again? Who are you? Why did you repeatedly come to my bar to make trouble?”

Li Changsheng hehe smiled when he heard what the other party said.

“I am Li Changsheng. As for coming to your bar to make trouble, you may have misunderstood. I am here to find you, or I am here to pursue you.”

Listen When he arrived at Li Changsheng, Luodan’s brows couldn’t help but frowned.

Originally, because of her power, there is no need to put a young man in her twenties in her eyes, but Li Changsheng’s extraordinary strength has made her not dare to act on Li Changsheng easily.

Besides, Li Changsheng not at all really threatens her.

“This young man has a mysterious background, saying that he is pursuing himself, how can there be such a way of pursuing.”

Luo Dan thought silently in his heart.

“It’s better to give him a try.”

Thinking of this, Luodan suddenly smiled.

“Since you want to pursue me, do you want to be a flower protector for me?”

Li Changsheng looked up and down Luodan a few times to see her today This dress is very formal, it seems to be going to some important occasion.

“I am happy.”

When he heard Li Changsheng’s words, Luo Dan smiled and made a please gesture.

“Please get in the car.”

The extended Rolls-Royce drove over, and an attendant ran over to open the door of the car.

“This person does not know what identity, do you really want to take him?”

The manager behind him said with some concern.

“Don’t worry.”

Lordan gave the opponent a reassuring look, and then took the initiative to sit in the back row of Rolls-Royce.

An attendant opened the door of the co-pilot and signaled Li Changsheng to sit on the co-pilot. The back row has always been the position of the Boss.

Who knows that Li Changsheng didn’t pay any attention to the waiter at all. Instead, he opened the back door and sat directly beside Luodan.

The waiter was a little dumbfounded at once. This is too shameless. The back row is in the position of his own boss, and a strange man sits in it.

Even the driver driving ahead looked back at Li Changsheng in surprise.

Lordan’s expression remained the same from beginning to end. He instructed the driver in front of him: “Drive.”

The driver naturally didn’t dare to ask more, and drove to the front.

You can see from the rear view mirror, and there are several cars behind.

This formation is obviously not ordinary activities that Lordin is going to participate in.

“You don’t even ask what I want to take you to do, so you dare to sit in, and you are not afraid that I will find a deserted place to dig a pit and bury you?”

Sitting in the car, Lordin looked through a magazine boredly in his hand.

After reading the entire magazine, I finally couldn’t help but look at Li Changsheng again.

I saw Li Changsheng for the first time, and the first impression she gave her was ordinary, the kind of appearance that could not be found in the crowd, but Li Changsheng’s ability to knock her off in one stroke made her Don’t dare to underestimate it.

Especially at this time of turmoil, she dare not take it lightly.

While sitting in the car with Li Changsheng this time, she felt more indifferent from Li Changsheng, as if she didn’t take everything seriously.

She couldn’t help but raised some interest, and started talking with Li Changsheng.

“With your subordinates, I really don’t take it seriously. Even if they add up, I am not my opponent.”

I heard Li Changsheng’s incomparable ass , Rodin couldn’t help curl one’s lip, and said: “You too underestimate my men.”

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