While Li Changsheng was discussing with Wei Lao and the others, a man and a woman were sitting quietly on the plane of the Northwest Flight.

The man looks in his thirties, wearing casual clothes, short hair, and dashing eyebrows. He looks handsome and gives a very refreshing feeling.

On top of his thumb, he wears a ring made of unknown material. The ring is very simple and it is engraved with densely packed words, but it is not any kind of now known Font.

If someone in the monastic world sees this ring, they will definitely startled.

Kunlun faction’s handhold token, with this small ring, can command Kunlun group of immortals.

In the Kunlun school, those who are eligible to wear this ring, apart from the retreat old master teacher, only the chief inheritance eldest disciple of the Kunlun school, who teaches Zhuang Hua on his behalf.

Beside Zhuang Hua, there is a tall woman with a graceful figure, long black hair, and an oval face, which looks like a step out of an ink painting, with the characteristics of a classical beauty.

It’s just that she looks a little arrogant, with a cool temperament that refuses to be beyond a thousand li.

Only when I look at Zhuang Hua, who is sitting next to me, there will be a hint of tenderness in my eyes.

Xu Ying, also a True Disciple of Kunlun faction, accompanied Zhuang Hua to the north to collect the body of the dead Mingxin Taoist.

Along with them, there are seven middle age persons, all sitting around them, their Senior Brother, but their status in the door is far lower than them, but all of them refer to The Profound Realm, known as the Kunlun Seven Swordsmen, combined together, even Zhuang Hua is not an opponent.

Together with Xu Ying, these nine people are already the strongest force among the Kunlun faction young and Zhuang faction, enough to sweep any force in the monastic world today, even Great Influence like the Heavenly Dao Alliance can block them. Can’t stay.

“Mingxin Senior Brother was so strong that he was killed. It seems that this Guest Elder in the northern part of the Heavenly Dao Alliance is not weak, but I don’t know which Sect came from? Isn’t it afraid to provoke him? I’m angry with the Kunlun faction, do you shoot at him?”

Xu Ying coldly said.

“Although my Kunlun faction is a Beidou-style existence in the monastic world of Mount Tai, there are many Sects in private who are actually unconvinced with my Kunlun. The reason why we have such a large lineup this time is also thinking Kill one and frighten one hundred, and shock those sects in the monastic world, let them know that they will offend my Kunlun faction.”

Zhuang Hua said while reading the magazine in his hand.

“Furthermore, it is said that the new Guest Elder of the Heavenly Dao Alliance is likely to come from the forbidden place. Every few years there will be descendants from the forbidden place. All of them are amazing and not lost. My Kunlun faction’s Sword Immortal, the descendants of the previous generations of the Forbidden Land, and our Kunlun faction also have some minor frictions. This time I personally went out to see if the Guest Elder is a forbidden person.”

“What about the forbidden place? How can it be compared with our Kunlun faction? That Guest Elder dared to kill my Kunlun faction dísciple, thinking that he has some strength to be unscrupulous, I think he is clearly Consciously tomb.”

Xu Ying said disdainfully.

“Senior Brother Zhuang shot, how many people can stop it today?”

“Junior Sister, don’t be proud of your heart, look down on the heroes of the world, this Hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the world, Senior Brother, I can’t be invincible in the whole world.”

Zhuang Hua said shook the head.

“But this time, Li Changsheng, I must kill him personally, otherwise my Kunlun faction’s position in the monastic world will be shaken. This is absolutely not allowed to happen.”


After speaking, Zhuang Hua put down the magazine in his hand and looked at the undulating sea of ​​clouds outside the window.

He has been in charge of the Kunlun faction for more than three years, but the Kunlun faction Sect’s internal forces are tangled and complicated. Many high-level leaders are his elders, and his acting head teacher is not easy to manage.

The Mingxin Taoist who was killed by Li Changsheng this time was under the name of an Elder.

That Elder is very powerful in Sect and is his teacher.

Mingxin Taoist is the uncle’s most important dísciple. After being killed, the uncle was very angry.

And if Zhuang Hua wants all the forces in Sect to listen to him, he must get the support of that uncle, so he will take the initiative this time, as long as he kills the murderer who killed the Taoist Mingxin , He not only maintained the prestige of the Kunlun faction, but also received the support of that uncle, and truly held the power.

As for Li Changsheng’s strength, Zhuang Hua never considered it.

He is known as the number one genius of Kunlun Yuqing Secret Realm once in a thousand years. When he was in the Vajra realm, he possessed the cross-border combat capability, which can fight the Early-Stage of the Finger Profound Realm. Now a cultivation base has arrived. Refers to the Profound Realm Peak, even his Master in retreat, as long as he can’t claim the Legendary Earth Immortal Avenue in one day, he may not be his opponent.

Looking at the world, apart from that many of the Kunlun School, which refers to the Profound Realm, other places, even the Early-Stage of the Profound Realm, are already top experts, so in Zhuang Hua’s heart, Including the cognition of many people, even if Zhuang Hua is not the number one expert under the Heavens, it is almost the same.

A character like this has invincible beliefs and overlooks thousands of rivers and mountains, especially a newly emerging figure like Li Changsheng.

In a short period of time, Li Changsheng killed four fingers in the Profound Realm powerhouse in a row.

However, Azure Dragon, the dragon lord of Hongmen, became famous several decades ago. After so many years of retreat, he just broke through to Zhixuan realm. In terms of aptitude, it is not known how many times worse than Zhuang Hua.

The other Chen Xiang is just the Loose Cultivator. The Kunlun faction prides itself on the orthodox of the Taoist School, and the cultivation base of visual dispersion is evil, and he is very disdainful in his heart.

As for his Senior Brother Mingxin Taoist and Quliu Shang, although nominally Zhuang Hua’s Senior Brother, Zhuang Hua’s strength is many times stronger than his uncle, his uncle His discipline will never be taken seriously by him.

Li Changsheng just killed a few trash fish that he didn’t like, so he came out of the mountain this time with the mentality of going on a scenic tour, not taking seriously at all.

“Before taking charge of the Kunlun faction, I often traveled to famous mountains and rivers to experience the red dust in the world and sharpen my mood. Since taking charge of Kunlun, I have shouldered heavy responsibilities and have not gone down the mountain for three years.”

Zhuang Hua also feels a little emotional.

“This time, after avenging Mingxin Senior Brother, let the Seven Knights take Mingxin’s body back to Kunlun for burial, and I will visit each Sect, and visit the famous mountains and rivers by the way. When I returned to Kunlun, I was supported by Uncle’s lineage, and the word “dai” should be removed as the master teacher of mine, and become the real master of Kunlun.”

“Once I become the master of Kunlun, You are qualified to cultivate in the Yuanshi Immortal Hall and feel the rules left by the ancestors. Maybe you can get a glimpse of the mystery of Earth Immortal, and become the only one living Earth Immortal for thousands of years.”

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