“Sister, where did you think of it? This Mr. Li is a monastic expert. We just met in the folks and we met on the plane.”

Lu Jiale blushed in defense.

“It’s not a boyfriend, that’s good.”

Lu Shan sighed in relief, she was so dear to her niece that she was so worried.

Last time I found a man from a rural village. He has a good image and can talk and do things. However, with the eyes she has cultivated in shopping malls for many years, she knew it was too snob.

“Daoist expert?”

Lu Shan didn’t take it seriously.

In the entire Fengyao City, the Lu family is ranked one of the very best Great Family, and even the entire Beidi can be ranked.

The existence of Xiu Daoist is a rare animal for an ordinary person, and it has long been a surprise to the Lu family.

“Since you are Jiale’s friend, get in the car.”

Lu Shan took the initiative to get into the car.

Several people returned to the Lu family mansion.

“grandfather, father, I’m back.”

Lu Jiale shouted happily as soon as he entered the door.

In the villa, the servants took the initiative to say hello when she saw her.

Just shouted a few times, but not at all people responded.

“Sister, where are my dad and grandfather.”

Lu Jiale looked at Lu Shan suspiciously.

Lu Shan also shook the head: “Before I went to pick you up, they were still at home.”

“Old Master answered a phone call with Mr. Lu and left. I’m not quite clear either.”

The servant explained when Lu Shan cast inquiries.

“Let me make a call to your dad.”

Lu Shan took out his cell phone, and after he and she finished the call, opened the mouth and said: “Your grandfather and you Dad was called away by his cousin. It is said that he was going to attend a birthday party, and he asked if we should go?”

“Of course I am going.”

Lu Jiale said with excitement.

“My cousin is very famous in Northland. With him, there must be many great characters from the monastic world. Li Changsheng, don’t you want me to recommend you? This is an opportunity. “


Li Changsheng nodded.

So a few people went straight out of the villa and came to a big hotel in the city.

The Red Arrow Hotel has always been a peculiar existence in Fengyao City. The hotel above the 5th floor is not open to the public.

People in the circle know that this hotel itself serves Daoist.

If the whole building does not accept foreign guests, it would be too eye-catching, so only 5 floors are open to ordinary persons, and the rest can only be booked by Daoist in the circle.

Today, Elder Lu Bo of the Snow God Palace rushed back to celebrate his old friend’s birthday, on the 20th floor of this hotel.

People from the Taoist clans in Fengyang City came here to cheer Lu Bai, which is very lively.

After Li Changsheng and the others arrived, someone immediately recognized Lu Shan.

Lu Shan is now a strong woman in a shopping mall, and the identity of Eldest Miss Lu’s family has a high reputation in both the monastic world and the ordinary person.

A manager greeted him: “Mr. Lu, you are here to attend the birthday party of Old Xiao, I will take you up.”

The manager is very respectful, People take the elevator to the 20th floor.

The entire 20th floor has a banquet hall. When you go out, you will see people inside to-and-fro. There are young people and older people, but without exception, most of them are Daoist. Count carefully, there are more than 100 people.

Even Li Changsheng couldn’t help being surprised.

It is said that the Northland is sparsely populated and is a paradise for Xiu Daoist. Fengyao City is only one of the middle cities in the Northland.

So many Xiu Daoist gathered at any banquet, and there are many experts among them.

The manager led them to the 20th floor and left automatically.

“It seems that the birthday eve has not officially started, Jiale, you go with your friends first, sister, I will go over and say hello.”

Many monastic families have their own in the world. Company industry. , And many of those who came today are Lu Shan’s friends.

Seeing my sister-in-law just passed by, several people gathered around her, she looked very popular.

Lu Jiale can’t help but explain: “My sister-in-law is a star-like figure in the north. Although she doesn’t practice the Taoism, but because it is Eldest Miss from the Lu family, every Daoist repairer has to sell three-point color, plus The business is excellent, and he makes a lot of fortune for the Lu family every year. Many families envy our Lu family who has a business-minded child.”

Speaking, looking at the observatory, the birthday banquet Did not start.

“My cousin must be with Xiao Old Master. We can’t go there and bother, we can only wait a little longer.”

“It’s okay.”

Li Changsheng looked randomly in the hall.

“Isn’t this Lv’s Young Lady Jiale?”

At this moment, a slightly surprised voice sounded.

I saw a middle-aged young woman walking straight to where the two were.

“It’s Madame Liu!”

Lu Jiale also greeted with a smile.

“I haven’t seen you for several years, you are born more and more like a flower.”

The young woman looked up and down Lv Jiale, and at the same time looked at Li Changsheng without leaving a trace.

“This won’t be your boyfriend, right?”

The second time I was misunderstood, Lu Jiale hurriedly shook his head.

“No, just an ordinary friend.” Upon hearing this, the young woman seemed to be sighed in relief, and immediately opened the mouth and said: “Jia Le, my son Liu Ling, also came to the party. You used to play together when you were young, and leave a phone call to each other for a while. Liu Ling is also studying outside now. Regardless of his young age, he has broken through to the 6th floor of Qi Refinement. I heard that you love Jiale too. Cultivation, it just so happens that you can communicate more.”

The woman gushed.

At this time, the young man seemed to have noticed the mother and Liu Jiale here, said a few words with the friend who was chatting with him, and walked over.

“Jia Le younger sister, I haven’t seen each other in a few years, don’t you know if you still know me?”

Liu Ling is very tall, dressed in a suit, and looks very handsome.

“Brother Ling, of course I remember. When I was young, I used to play together.”

Liu Jiale casually dealt with a few words, and took Li Changsheng to the other side.

“It seems that their mother and daughter admire you very much, why do you seem to dislike communicating with them.”

Li Changsheng casually found a sofa and sat down, said with a smile.

“This mother and daughter are notoriously snobs. His son is also a playboy. The reason he approached me was only because I was the Elder of Snow God Palace.”

Liu Jiale curl one’s lip, with a look of contempt, seems to be quite disdainful of their character.

“It turned out to be like this.”

Li Changsheng laughed, it is inevitable for Li Changsheng to follow the trend in the secular world or in the monastic world.

Just as the two were chatting, no one in the crowd shouted: “Elder Lu is here.”

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

At the doorway, two Elderlys walked together, followed by a group of men and women.

“That person is my Uncle, next to Xiao Old Master.”

Lu Jiale introduced to Li Changsheng.

“How old Xiao is!”

“Hello Elder!”

The two of them walked along, and everyone around them greeted each other respectfully. .

“It seems that your cousin’s status is quite high.”

Li Changsheng said with a smile.

“That is!”

Lu Jiale couldn’t help but straighten her chest.

“My cousin is Elder of Snow God Palace. There are so many people here today, half of them are for the Old Master, and the other half are for the cousin.”

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