Formation is undoubtedly an essential thing for a monastic Sect.

A powerful and powerful mountain guard array, a transformation array that gathers Spiritual Qi, and a survey array to monitor the wind and grass.

A Sect has at least three big towns to guard, like some inheritance from the ancient traditions, after the continuous management of the sects of the past generations, it is very likely that thousands of big formations will cooperate with each other to form a super Hegemon Mountain Protecting Great Array.

And Snow God Palace inheritance has a history of hundreds of years. Although the Mountain Protecting Great Array of Snow God Palace is not as scary as thousands, there are dozens of them that cooperate with each other.

Just after Li Changsheng fisted Bogu flying, the scene at the gate of the mountain had been revealed in front of the lord of the Snow God Palace through the survey.

Together with the lord of the Snow God Palace, I witnessed the high-levels of the Snow God Palace.

The people who had been excited for the Great Elder Bogu went into silence instantly after seeing the scene where Great Elder was beaten by the boy.

I don’t know how powerful it is to beat a powerhouse in the late stage of Vajra.

Although many senior officials of Xue God Palace didn’t speak, they knew in their hearts that this time Xue God Palace really caused a lot of trouble.

There is such battle strength at a young age. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is extremely talented, and there is often an extremely terrifying teacher behind extremely talented.

“What should I do?”

Everyone looked at the Snow God Palace Lord sitting on a high position.

This woman who was cold from the inside out to in the bones, sitting on the seat of the Lord of the Snow God Palace until now, the indifferent expression on her face never seems to have changed, but at this moment, also Can not help but frown Xiu eyebrows slightly.

She knows the strength of the Great Elder best in her heart. Even if she makes a shot by herself, she has only a 60% chance of winning, but under the young man’s fist, it seems like a sandbag that doesn’t know how to avoid it.

Moreover, the speed of the boy was too fast, so fast that even the Lord of the Snow God Palace, who thought he could not move slowly, felt that the chance of trying to block the opponent’s fist was really small.

“This is a strong enemy. I want to block it only by the strength of my Snow God Palace. Even if I use the spirit vein Formation of my entire Snow God Palace, even if it can block him, It must also make me suffer a heavy loss to the Snow God Palace.”

The words of the Princess of the Snow God Palace are over, everyone underneath is heavy.

As a super Sect standing in the north, they normally feel that the words “Snow God Palace doorman” make them walk with the wind in their footsteps. Ever thought that one day they would be forced to This degree.

“So what should I do?”

An Elder stood up.

As the Second Elder of the second only to Bogu in the Snow God Palace, Liu Heshan is undoubtedly the person who has the most say except the palace owner at this moment.

“The only solution now is to find reinforcements. It is rumored that the landlord of Guanshanlou has stepped into the Zhixuan realm not long ago and became the well-deserved Number One Person in the North. He has proposed to me many times and was I refuse. Now when Sect is alive and dead, even if I don’t like him anymore, I should understand how to make a decision.”

The words of the lord of the Snow God Palace fell, and everyone in the field showed relatives. Of course.

“Palace Lord, since this person is here for the Outer Disciple named Lordin, why not let Lordin go? Make peace with him, and better than sacrifice yourself.”

Second Elder said.

Who doesn’t know that the Guanshan poster is an old pervert, with countless wives, concubines and lovers, although he has said long ago that if the Lord Xue God Palace is willing to marry him, he will tell her that the match is married and let her Be the first lady.

It’s just the dignified snow God Palace lord. It’s all that’s all to marry an old man. How can you bear it with other women.

“Second Elder didn’t know, that Rodin had the credit for retrieving a dragon ball for me. He should be promoted to Inner Disciple, but he was photographed by a Head Disciple of the outer sect and asked her to do it. Concubine.”

“I had nodded and promised others, but Na Luodan did not promise. In my anger, I severely wounded her and broke her meridian. She had already treated me I hate it. If I let her go and meet that young man, I am afraid that the young man will not stop, but will kill me at the Snow God Palace.”

The Lord Snow God Palace finished. sighed.

“Second Elder, now I will hand in your hand the command flag that controls the 61 Formation of my Snow God Palace. I will move the rescuers, and I can return in half an hour. So as long as you block Second Elder for half an hour, it is equivalent to keeping my God Palace for hundreds of years.”

Speaking, took a flag out and flew directly to Second Elder.

Second Elder grabbed the flag in his hand and said, “Palace lord, don’t worry, if you can’t kill the young man, but if you just block him for half an hour, I will protect you from the God Palace. Mountain array, if I still can’t do it, then my cultivation over the years has been repaired to the dog’s belly.”


Snow God Palace Palace Master There was also a trace of movement on Frosty’s cheeks.

Who would have thought that just punishing an ordinary Outer Disciple would cause the Xue God Palace to be devastated.

It’s just that something has happened, she absolutely does not allow Xue God Palace’s hundreds of years of inheritance to be ruined in her hands.

As for the Outer Disciple, especially the young man who forced the Snow God Palace to Danger Land, when she invites the Guanshan poster, must personally stab him so cool to relieve his hatred .

“The Lord of Guanshan is dignified and refers to the powerhouse of the Profound Realm. If you don’t believe it, you can’t deal with such a hairless brat.”

The Lord of the Snow God Palace thought bitterly.

He bowed his hand to Second Elder and said “please”, then came to the mountainside of the Snow God Palace and took a helicopter to fly in the air.

Spatial flight can only be achieved by reaching the realm of Legendary Earth Immortal. Of course, referring to the Profound Realm can also contend against the gravity of the earth’s center to a large extent, but it is called “Tengkong” at best.

When Li Changsheng was in Innate Realm, he was able to fly with Ye Shuang in the sky, thanks to the power of the Ruyi Heart Sword.

Snow God Palace also has a high-level Magical Artifact. If you push in True Yuan, you can also fly into the air, but the consumption of True Yuan has reached a terrifying point. If the Lord of the Snow God Palace drives that The piece of Magical Artifact went to ask for help. I am afraid that the True Yuan would be exhausted before it flew, and if it fell from in the sky, it would be seriously injured if it didn’t die.

The lord of the Snow God Palace left by helicopter, and the Second Elder has led some senior dísciple leaders of the Snow God Palace to start Formation.

Even a few Elders in retreat and a Supreme Elder were forcibly called out.

Finally, a total of six Vajra powerhouses and Innate Realm twelve were gathered to form the Formation. From the mountainside of Great Snow Mountain to the sky above the top of the mountain, a light shield instantly rose, dazzling, imposing manner proudly.

Li Changsheng and Lu Bai, who had walked up the mountain step by step, were instantly blocked.

The Second Elder holds the flag that controls the Formation, looks at the many dísciples behind him and the snow God Palace powerhouse standing on both sides of him, and he feels proud.

Thinking: “This defense is invaluable. Although the young man who does not know the depth of the Great Elder hit the Great Elder Bogu with a punch, it is impossible to break the array like this. Right.”

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