Luodan is neither willing to go down the mountain with Li Changsheng, nor is he willing to stay in the sad place of Snow God Palace.

I plan to travel around to meet chances.

In Snow God Palace, she may be just an Outer Disciple, but after all, walking in the world is many times stronger than an ordinary person.

With the current strength of Luodan, placed on the ancient rivers and lakes, that can be regarded as a heroine. As long as you don’t encounter a real monastic powerhouse, the world is big, but you can go there.

Luodan didn’t want to go with him, and Li Changsheng wouldn’t force it. In the end, he tied the red rope to Luodan’s wrist.

Farewell to her.

After this battle, Snow God Palace must not dare to trouble Luodan anymore. In addition, Li Changsheng has already asked Luodan to recognize the Red String as a Master, as long as he doesn’t meet the Lord Guanshan. Referred to the powerhouse of the Profound Realm, there are very few who can hurt Luodan, so he walks more easily.

After getting off the Great Snow Mountain, Li Changsheng not at all returned directly to Fengyao City, and did not return to Qin City, but went directly to Xuan Mount Huang.

Xuan Mount Huang is the place where the master of Guanshan establishes the sect. It is also a strange mountain in the Northland. It is a place where there is wind and snow all year round, but Mount Huang does not see a single snowflake all year round. If Li Changsheng guessed right, there should be a Fire Element spirit vein under Xuan Mount Huang.

Since ancient times, where the spirit vein flows, the metropolis has nurtured something out of the ordinary, such as heavenly material earthly treasure with special attributes, or something with spiritual wisdom.

Although the master of Guanshan occupies the mountain for several decades, before that, there were many cultivators there for cultivation, but the things that are really nurtured in it may be left guarding Baoshan without knowing it, but only knowing to learn from it. The Spiritual Qi cultivation distributed by Mount Huang, but I don’t know that something that is being bred is the true treasure of this Xuan Mount Huang.

Xuan Mount Huang is not close to the Great Snow Mountain, and Li Changsheng is not in a hurry.

The unique snow and ice scenery of the Northland is actually muddy compared to the spiritual Qi in the secular world, and it is no different from the hidden land of peace and prosperity.

Especially people like Li Changsheng who are not afraid of cold cultivation, walking between mountains and plains, wholeheartedly admiring the scenery, and the ups and downs of the Great Snow Mountain are more peaceful.

Xuan Mount Huang, as the famous Heavenly Paradise in the Northland, originally had many Daoist cultivations. Since the birth of the master of Guanshan, he drove away Daoist and occupied the magpie’s nest. Here is the real establishing the sect.

More than a dozen True Disciples, coupled with Elder, and the ordinary Inner Sect Outer Disciple, are no less inferior in terms of strength than the Sect, which has been inherited by God Palace for hundreds of years.

The master of Guanshan is lustful by nature. From establishing the sect to now, he has received more than a dozen houses of wives and concubines, most of which are ordinary persons.

Of course, there are several good monastic aptitudes, the most outstanding of which is Yao Fengchun’s charming woman. This woman was originally her second disciple, but because he was attracted to it, she didn’t care about it. Regardless of the status of master and disciple, it was directly accepted as a concubine room.

In ancient times, it was a magical cultivation path that violated human relationships and was punishable by everyone. Only in modern times, although the monastic world still maintains many ancient etiquettes, it is also very rare. Some people care about this, even the difference between good and evil is not clear.

Yao Fengchun is not only the concubine of the Guanshan poster, but also the cultivation base out of the ordinary, and has great prestige on Mount Huang.

She plays the role of Queen Empress in the harem of Guanshan Lou Zhu, which can be said to be the existence of Xuan Mount Huang’s power second only to Guanshan Lou Zhu.

At this moment, she suddenly summoned all the dísciples of Xuan Mount Huang to the hall for discussion. Whether it was the group of wives and concubines of Guanshan, or the True Disciples, they all looked confused.

I thought: “The Lord of Guanshan just left, and the lord of the harem summoned them. Do you want them to help prevent the Lord of Guanshan from marrying Yuexi, the Lord of the Snow God Palace? “

Today, everyone has been discussing in private. As Yuexi, once married to the master of Guanshan, Yao Fengchun is determined to be unable to compete with Yuexi. I am afraid that it will be the second character of Mount Huang. Became number three.

They have already made up their minds, even if Yao Fengchun said that they broke the sky, they could not listen to her and oppose the master of Guanshan to marry Yuexi.

Who doesn’t know the character of the original poster of Guanshan, if he touches his mold, he can still have good fruit.

However, what they didn’t expect was that Yao Fengchun and the others came together and announced a news that shocked them.

It’s not that it discourages the master of Guanshan from marrying the master of Xue God Palace, but the almost invincible master of Guanshan in their hearts who left Xuan Mount Huang for less than an hour. He stayed in the soul hall. A Life Source was crushed and shattered.

The master of Guanshan entered the Ancient Immortal Cave Mansion by mistake and got a great opportunity. This Life Source Soul Lamp was an ancient secret technique he found in the Cave Mansion.

Put a strand of Divine Soul into the Soul Lamp. As long as the Soul Lamp keeps burning, it means that this person is alive.

There are more than 600 dísciples in Guanshan Tower, and more than a dozen rows of Soul Lamps are placed in the soul hall.

Whose Soul Lamp burns more vigorously, which shows that his cultivation base is stronger.

Ordinary dísciple is not qualified to be in the soul hall. Only the master Guanshan and the few people he trusts are qualified to enter the soul hall.

It is said that the soul fire of those True Disciples is as big as a fist, while the common disciple is only a little bigger than a thumb, and the soul fire of the Guanshan poster is bigger than a washbasin.

Ranked 2nd was not the Great Protector who followed Guanshanlou’s master to fight the country first. Instead, it was Yao Fengchun, the concubine dísciple, so Yao Fengchun was able to sit firmly on the top spot.

When Yao Fengchun finished the news, the whole room became absolute silence.

The owner of Guanshan is dead, which to everyone present is tantamount to thunder on the ground.

“I heard that the Snow God Palace was destroyed, and the Lord Snow God Palace came to ask for help, but I didn’t expect that even the Master was folded there.”

Guanshan The head Disciple of the poster, the middle-aged man who is one third smaller than Yao Fengchun in Soul Lamp in the soul hall, pretended to wipe a tear from his eyes, and stood up and said.

“Since the Master is unfortunately killed, Xuan Mount Huang cannot be left alone. Junior Sister is not only the True Disciple of the Master, but also the pillow of the Master. I plead that Junior Sister will succeed me, Mount Huang. Lord, preside over the overall situation.”

The relationship between Yao Fengchun and Guanshan Louzhu has long been nothing unspeakable in Mount Huang. The Guanshan Louzhu also held a grand wedding for Yao Fengchun.

At first, everyone felt a bit embarrassed when talking about this dual identity, but later on, Yao Fengchun didn’t mind at all, and he gradually regarded it as normal.

At this time, news came that the Lord Guanshan was dead, and the first thing these people thought of was to elect a new host, not to avenge the Lord Guanshan.

And everyone thinks it should be, True Disciple and the subordinates who have relied on Guanshan Lou Zhu were originally just to rely on the power of Guanshan Lou Zhu to bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections.

The master of Guanshan has no real feelings for disciples, and dísciple is even more indifferent to his Master.

In the friendship of the villain, if there is advantage, it will gather, and if there is no advantage, it will be scattered. It is most appropriate to describe Mount Huang.

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