After leaving Jiuhua Mountain, Li Changsheng took Zhou Hong back to Qin City.

At this time, Wei Gengqiu had also returned. Li Changsheng met with Wei Gengqiu and asked some things. Then he went to the school to find Yu Youwei and played with Yu Youwei for a few days.

Now Yu Youwei is already a famous talented girl on the university campus, and she shines in a poem party recently held by the school.

After spending a few days with Yu Youwei, Li Changsheng took Zhou Hong back to the capital.

In the past few days, Zhou Hong’s cultivation the spring comes upon a withered tree tactic has entered a good state, with powerful vitality radiating from his body between breathing and breathing.

From the perspective of Li Changsheng, I am afraid it will not take long to reach Innate Realm Peak and enter the realm of Vajra.

As soon as you enter Vajra, that is the highest peak of martial arts in the world. That is the real Peak powerhouse. When the time comes Li Changsheng will officially accept him as a disciple.

“Didn’t the Master say that we are going to your big villa on the outskirts of the capital? How did you get to the city?”

When the two of them got out of the train station, they took a taxi Go to a building in the city.

Before coming, he had already contacted Ye Shuang by phone and knew that Ye Shuang is now in charge of Ye Family’s company and is already a famous beauty president in the upper-class circles of the capital.

Beijing is the economic and cultural center of a country, a modern metropolis, especially traffic jam.

It took more than two hours to walk from the station to the Golden Tree Building of Ye Family.

Even if Zhou Hong cultivation the spring comes upon a withered tree these days, the whole person has become more and more stable. After being blocked for so long, watching the taxi like a tortoise crawling, he still sighs .

“So, living in Kyoto is not easy!”

Li Changsheng laughed. If he hadn’t already sat in a taxi, he would really regret it. If he went on foot, He and Zhou Hong’s feet strength, I’m afraid they have already been sitting in Ye Shuang’s office drinking tea.

Two and a half hours later, I came to the parking lot under the gate of the Golden Tree Building. The Golden Tree Building was built by Ye Family and the head office is located. It is regarded as one of the landmark buildings in Beijing, and its imposing manner is majestic.

Being able to own such a building on this extremely expensive land, Ye Family’s wealth is visible.

After paying for the taxi and stepping out of the car, Li Changsheng led Zhou Hong directly to the entrance of the building and sat down on the steps.

He had already sent a message to Ye Shuang just now. Ye Shuang said that he would come down soon, and he didn’t intend to go inside.

This is Ye Shuang’s company. As the company’s manager, Ye Shuang’s every move will attract attention. If you see a man go to her, plus the closeness between Li Changsheng and Ye Shuang, I’m afraid it will cause rumors soon.

The two sat on the steps, Li Changsheng took out a cigarette and placed it in his mouth just about to light it.

“Hello? Are you who? What are you doing here? Also, this place is not allowed to smoke casually.”

A middle age person walked over, wearing a security uniform.


Li Changsheng listened and put the cigarette back in the box, said with a smile: “That’s really sorry, I don’t know.”


“What do you two do? This is the office building of the Golden Tree Group. If there is nothing wrong, please leave as soon as possible.”

The voice of the middle age person coldly said, demeanor All with a bit of pride.

Don’t look at him as a security Captain, but who doesn’t know Ye Family’s power in the capital, Sect Chancellor Former Grade 7 Official, even more how In his opinion, these two guys sitting on the steps, that He was a little more handsome, with two long knives behind his back. He was so nonchalant and weird, like running out of a mental hospital.

As for the one next to it, although it is a little normal, it looks like a country bumpkin dressed up, sitting on the steps in front of the company and not going in. It must not be a guest here.

Of course he can’t let them influence the appearance of the Golden Tree Group here, so he should get rid of them as soon as possible.

“We are here waiting for a friend, and she will be down soon.”

Li Changsheng laughed.

With this smile, the security team’s arrogant color on his face became stronger, and he thought: “Sure enough, I guessed it. These two guys don’t seem to come to the company to discuss business. Guests, if they are those guests, how could they be so polite to a security guard like myself.”

What did you say to find someone from Metal Group? Even if you are looking for someone, why not sit on the steps and enter the hall directly? Obviously, I don’t know where the two country bumpkins came from. I wanted to get to know the Golden Tree Group, so I ran to the steps. If they didn’t show up in time, I’m afraid they would have to take a selfie with their mobile phone as a souvenir.

After all, as a large company under Ye Family, Golden Tree Group is very famous in Beijing.

“I said you two, if you want to take a picture under the Golden Tree Building as a memorial, then I will give you one minute, take a picture and leave. This is the Golden Tree Group. Although it’s not a problem for you to sit here, if any leader of the company sees it and feels unhappy, when the time comes, I blame the security guard Captain, and it also makes me difficult.”

Security Captain earnest and well-meant advised persuaded.

Normally, he has only the great character of the company, he only humbly and humbly, today I finally met two hillbillies, I always think that this security Captain is also a big official, and he can also put on the posture of a superior person. .

“Big brother, we are really here and the others. She will come down soon. This is a pack of cigarettes. You hold it and smoke it first.”

Li Changsheng before I often hear that people who meet this kind of janitor and stuff a pack of cigarettes with a few money often have miraculous effects.

Sure enough, when the other party saw that Li Changsheng had shot a box of Chinese cigarettes, they suddenly eyes shined, and the face was embarrassed: “I just met, how can I ask for your cigarette?”

That being said, I took the cigarette honestly with my hand and said, “Little Brother, you must have entered the city soon. I want to take a picture in front of the Golden Tree Building. I can understand this. After all, the Golden Tree Building is one of the iconic buildings in Kyoto, how about it? Would you like me to take a photo for you?”

“No, we are really waiting for friends.”

Li Changsheng emphasized again.

“Okay, but brother, you can’t stay here for too long. I’m here to accompany you and wait. If your friend doesn’t come down after half an hour, then you can’t stay here anymore. Now, or let the company’s leaders watch, Old Brother, I’ll have to get another training.”

The security guard took apart the Zhonghua that Li Changsheng gave to Zhonghua, stuffed it into his pocket, and started He took out a half box of Yellow Crane Building in his pocket and handed it to Li Changsheng. Just as he was about to give it to Zhou Hong, Li Changsheng waved his hand and said that Zhou Hong did not smoke, so he put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it.

“Didn’t you say that smoking is not allowed here?”

Li Changsheng asked with a smile.

The security guard then remembered what he had told Li Changsheng just now, his face was quite embarrassed, but his face soon became as usual: “The rules are dead, people are alive.”

Li Changsheng also smiled back, each minding their own business lighting a cigarette, and the two of them sat on the steps and had a chat.

This security guard Captain is also a talkative person. He was flattered by Li Changsheng’s casual words. Later, he patted his chest and said that in the Golden Tree Group, even their manager met him. They have to be called brother, he is not small in the capital.

Li Changsheng’s serious nodded echo.

After smoking a cigarette, Li Changsheng patted the soot that fell on his clothes and stood up.

The security Captain hehe said: “How about Little Brother, you know that you are talking nonsense at that time, what people know in the group, this company is even a small guard in our security team. Security, that requires a college degree.”

“I didn’t lie to you. Look, my friend, she has come down.” Li Changsheng laughed and pointed to the entrance of the building.

“I really have friends!”

Security Captain turned his head, not at all, when he saw the person, he was about to say that Li Changsheng lied to him, and he saw two sensor doors in the distance Opening it, a beautiful silhouette came out from it.

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