Li Changsheng didn’t know what happened after he left. He originally thought that breaking Zhao Dahu’s leg was already a severe punishment, but he didn’t expect Song Mingli to be even harsher.

“Where are we going next?”

Pangtai finally played a role in this matter, and his mental arithmetic was put down.

Moreover, I spent a long time with Li Changsheng and found that Li Changsheng is not a difficult person to get along with. Coupled with the skill that Li Changsheng showed, it also made him more sincere towards Li Changsheng. Respect.

“Next, we should find a marine transportation company to cooperate.”

Li Changsheng asked Ren Juntang to screen several Nanyang companies that use marine transportation, and finally selected a company named Several people came to visit Yuanhua’s company directly.

When the other party heard that Li Changsheng and the He family hadn’t talked to each other, they found themselves. At the beginning, they didn’t dare to cooperate with Li Changsheng and the others, for fear of being suppressed and retaliated by the He family. In the industry, that is the existence of the overlord.

However, after learning the identity of Pangtai who was with Li Changsheng, this doubt was immediately dispelled, and the two parties immediately signed the contract.

The two things that Li Changsheng had to do during his visit to Nanyang this time were considered to have been successfully completed. The next thing is to find the dísciple.

This kind of thing is hard to come by for a while.

After Li Changsheng and the others came out of Yuanhua Company, He Xian also received news from his subordinates.

“What did you say? That Li Changsheng signed a contract with a small company? How is this possible? It must be the smoke bomb that Li Changsheng deliberately released. I want to make us worry, don’t bother, or else He will come to me in two days.”

He Xian hung up, with a sneer on his face.

“This surnamed Li has a lot of intestines. I dare to play this set with me. It seems that the price for him will be increased.”

He Xian When he was talking to himself, suddenly the office door was pushed open, and a company executive broke in, He Xian couldn’t help frowning.

“What’s the situation, panicking?”

“He, I just got the news that Zhao Dahu is dead.”


He Xian has a look of shock in his eyes.

“What the hell is going on? Tell me in detail.”

“I listened to your order and sent someone to Zhao Dahu to monitor the movement. As expected, I guessed it. Not bad, then Li Changsheng went to Zhao Dahu’s place, and later it seemed to have a conflict with Zhao Dahu. For this reason, Zhao Dahu even Song Mingli moved out. Who knows that shortly after Song Mingli entered, then Li Changsheng and others left unharmed, and then it didn’t take long. There was news that Zhao Dahu was dead. It seems that Song Mingli personally killed him.”

“What is going on, why did Song Mingli kill Zhao Dahu? What news have you heard?”

He Xian felt a mess in his mind.

“I dedicated Sect to the waiter in Zhao Dahu’s disco room to inquire about it. They said that Li Changsheng’s backing is not small and seems to be related to Gu Boss.”

“You mean Gu Mangong?”

He Xian got up from the chair with a “teng” and then fiercely patted his thigh.

“It’s over! This Li Changsheng turned out to be from Gu Mangong. No wonder he is so arrogant. Gu Mangong made him a body protection symbol. Naturally, he doesn’t need to find my family for cooperation, and no matter which one he finds. The company, my family dare not suppress that company, it is tantamount to winning a death-free gold medal, and will soon become a competitor of my family.”

“What should I do?”


The senior man was also a little dumbfounded.

Just half a day ago, they were still waiting to see Li Changsheng’s joke, but they didn’t expect that the situation would change drastically in an instant.

“The cooperation with Zhengke Group is the best choice for my family elder to prove to family elder. I definitely can’t just let it go. I called Ren Juntang and said that we are willing to keep the price to the lowest level and only ask them to be able to Cooperate with us.”


The senior executive nodded immediately.

Just after I dialed the phone, I hung up with an ugly face after a few words.

“Ren Juntang said that they have signed contracts with other companies and will not change them, and our Hejia has no integrity at all, and will not have any cooperation with us in the future.”


He Xian scratched his hair, only feeling that a big rock was blocked in his heart.

Cooperating with Zhengke Group is very good for him. It can make those elders in the family who oppose his inheritance of the family business shut up.

Also, Li Changsheng knows Gu Mangong. If he can build this relationship and get to know Gu Mangong, it will be of great benefit to his entire family.

It is a pity that such an opportunity was forcibly turned away by him, and now it is useless to regret it.

The cargo issue has been resolved, and Ren Juntang and the bodyguard returned to the mainland by plane 2nd day.

Li Changsheng didn’t go back with them at all, but came to a villa with Gu Mangong to live in.

“Sir, there is a spirit vein under this villa, which is suitable for cultivation. I usually live here.”

There are clouds and mists lingering in the villa, which is the spiritual gathering. Qi is rich to a certain extent.

Gu Mangong is the most innate talent under Li Changsheng.

“Sir, after you disappeared, you left a letter saying that one day you will come back. We all thought you were lying to us.”

Gu Mangong mentioned three Things happened ten years ago with some emotion.

“Back then, your appearance changed the destiny of many of us. Chi Yu, Xu Xiaolin, and Chu Yaotian. You also accepted Xiao Ji as a recipe. Unfortunately, he was rebellious after you left. In the ninth year, I apostasy and took away the sword you left behind. I went to him to reason, but he broke a finger. I have been tracking his news all these years, but he is like It disappeared from the face of the earth, but recently I got some news that he seems to be involved in a mysterious force. I am sending someone to investigate and there is no result yet.”

With regard to the bow, Li Changsheng was lost in thought.

In his mind, a young but arrogant cheek gradually became clear.

previous life, he met Gu Mangong, Xu Xiaolin and Chi Yu when he traveled around the world. These three people are very suitable for his appetite. It is a pity that only Gu Mangong has a spiritual innate. Talent, Chi Yu and Xu Xiaolin can only dominate the secular world at best.

Li Changsheng trained the three of them. Later, when all three of them had just started to improve their careers, Li Changsheng met a fourth person, Ji Liushui.

At that time, Ji Liushui was just an orphan, but he was born with a Heavenly Sword body. When Li Changsheng first saw Ji Liushui, he knew that he was like a lone wolf in the bones and was not reconciled. Bend to others.

But this kind of physique is too special. Li Changsheng couldn’t help but accept him as a disciple in the end. I hope that even if he is hostile to the entire world, it is enough to be grateful to himself as the Master. It is a pity He still misunderstood the person.

Li Changsheng created a Sect casually, named Changshengjiao, and became the Sect Lord himself, intending to pass on his own traditions. Before he went into deep sleep, he handed Changshengjiao to Ji Liushui to take care of it. , This is also a gift he left to his discipline.

However, in the ninth year after he fell into a deep sleep, Ji Flowing Water Sword Technique Great Accomplishment directly tampered with the teachings left by Li Changsheng and pushed Li Changsheng’s longevity ranking off the altar. Change Changshengjiao to Xuanyuanmen.

It even took away the Life Source of Li Changsheng from the forbidden area of ​​Changshengjiao, completely betraying Li Changsheng.

The followers of Li Changsheng were furious. Gu Mangong, the most powerful, went to Ji Liushui for an explanation, but was broken a finger.

“The Life Source sword was made by my heart and blood sacrifice. Sooner or later, I will find it back. Please keep track of it. If there is news about Ji Liushui, please inform me in time.”

Li Changsheng said to Gu Mangong.

“That’s natural, sir, you will live in this villa first. I have sent my subordinates to look for people with aptitude, but those who can set foot on Dao Road in ten- Thousand does not have one, I’m afraid it will take a long time to gain something.”

“It’s okay, I will wait patiently.”

Next, Li Changsheng will take care of Live in a villa full of bows, secluded cultivation every day, and live a life far from the city.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Gu Mangong came to Li Changsheng.

“Mr. Li, just yesterday, my subordinates found a genius dísciple. The purple talisman you gave burned to ashes in an instant, and I plan to go and see it myself.”

Li Changsheng’s eyes also showed a bit of joy when he heard Gu Mangong’s words.

At that time, the talisman he gave to Gu Mangong was divided into three levels: white, yellow and purple.

The white talisman has the lowest level, and the purple talisman is the highest. If the purple talisman burns automatically, it means that the spiritual Qi of the opponent within the body has reached a very strong level. There are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that the opponent is Experts who have been cultivating for many years, another is that the opponent is a certain Innate Spirit Physique, or within the body has an unusual dormant bloodline.

“That was a teenager, only fifteen years old, and he had never worshipped Master. The family was just an ordinary business family, so the possibility of his cultivation technique can be ruled out.”

Gu Mangong was also a little excited. Three months later, he sent out waves of subordinates, but he didn’t get any results. Today, I finally got news, and he is very likely to be a cultivator genius. How could he be unhappy.

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