“Don’t talk nonsense, come and die!”

Li Changsheng still uttered rants, facing the head of Seven Mysteries Sect, it was like any cat any dog ​​in his mouth.

“The kid is going to be rampant, wait a minute to see if you can be so stiff!”

Hao Nanyue’s hair stands up in anger, pedaling on the ground, his figure rises from the ground, Leaping into the air, waving his palm into a great hand seal, volleyed down towards Li Changsheng, which is similar to Li Changsheng’s great hand seal has several points of.

“To play a big axe in front of Luban, such insignificant ability!”

Li Changsheng has disdain in his eyes.

Although the opponent’s hand is similar to his own great hand seal, its formidable power is fundamentally incomparable, which is incomparable.

“This kid is so mad when he died, he can be listed as the madest youngster I have ever seen.”

Lu Xuance shook the head.

In his eyes, Hao Nanyue needs to be careful with this move, but Li Changsheng dares to be so casual. Isn’t this the way to die?

Others also showed a look of pity. Li Changsheng was able to kill Yang Hongbo at a young age. This talent, even many people in the field are ashamed of being inferior.

But in the eyes of everyone, Li Changsheng is too young after all.

For ordinary martial artists, maybe young represents the full of vigor, which means that all physical conditions are in Peak, but for Daoist, the older the older the deeper the cultivation base, this is iron law.

“Master, be careful!”

Tong Xuan clenched his fists.

At that time, Li Changsheng easily shot Yang Hongbo to death. He was proud of having such a Master in his heart. However, Hao Nanyue showed such a strong strength that he actually flew up, and that dropping from the Sky’s great hand seal reminded Tong Xuan of the Tathagata Buddha in the TV series, the Five Fingers Mountain that suppressed Monkey Sun.

For him, the one who can fly to the sky is Divine Immortal. No matter how powerful his own Master is, is it better than Divine Immortal? So at this moment, his face is full of tension, worry and fear.

Hao Nanyue’s palm was less than three meters away from Li Changsheng, and the strong wind brought sand and rocks flying under Li Changsheng’s feet, and the wind howled.

At this time Li Changsheng finally moved. He raised his head and clenched it into a fist, then punched out lightly.

“hong long!”

At this moment, it seemed as if thunder was blasted between Heaven and Earth, the earth was trembling, and the huge handprint hit Li Changsheng’s fist at the moment, unexpectedly Torn by the tyrannical fist strength instantly.

At the same time, Yu Wei was puzzled by fist strength, so he flew directly into the sky and hit Hao Nanyue’s chest.


In the next second, Hao Nanyue planted directly from in the sky like kite with its string cut, and landed on a rock, which will be the size of a house. The boulder was smashed into pieces, and his mouth was even more a mouthful of blood spurted.

“it’s impolite not to make a return for what one receives, since you make a move, then I will give you another punch!”


Step on the ground, like a big bird flying up in the sky, and after flying to a height of 100 meters, it will dive down like an eagle watching its prey, fist like a dragon, by dropping from the The power of sky hit Hao Nanyue’s chest directly.


At this moment, under Li Changsheng’s fist, Hao Nanyue’s body split directly from the middle and flew to both sides, bleeding into the sky.

The master of dignified Seven Mysteries Sect was killed by Li Changsheng with such a blow.



Seven Mysteries Sect dísciple saw this scene, one by one eye socket cracked, I didn’t even consider Li Changsheng’s ability to kill Hao Nanyue rushed forward one by one.


Zeng Wenshan, who had made friends with Hao Nanyue, just wanted to give a reminder. The next second I saw Li Changsheng waving a hand gesture, the little stone that Hao Nanyue had just smashed into pieces. The pieces, all converged with his gestures, condensed into a round ball, and as Li Changsheng pushed it out with a palm, the ball split up and in pieces instantly, and countless gravel flew out all directions like densely packed bullets.

“peng~ peng~! peng~ peng~! ”

The Seven Mysteries Sect dísciple that rushed up was hit by rocks, some were directly crushed to the head, some The chest was pierced, and the other half of his cheek was blown out.

In an instant, all the people who rushed up fell to the ground, some died on the spot, and some were seriously injured with a scream.

The entire Xuan Mount Huang top seems to be transformed into a purgatory on earth, which is terrible.

Li Changsheng stood in the center of the battlefield, like a Demon God. His young face and indifferent expression left a deep impression on many people at the scene, and it will become a nightmare for many fainthearted.

The leader of Seven Mysteries Sect, die.

Li Changsheng who came out halfway, no one dares to look down upon at this moment.

How can he be so strong? I have never heard of such a person before.

This time, even Zeng Wenshan and the others looked towards Li Changsheng with a look of dreading. Hao Nanyue was definitely not a weak one among the many experts, but from the shot to the killing, it was just one minute that’s all, and it was completely crushed by Li Changsheng.

“Aren’t you two going to take action just now?”

Li Changsheng looked at Lu Xuance and Xiaoyao Zi.

Lu Xuance’s eyes are changing, and his heart is struggling. After all, the scene of Li Changsheng killing Hao Nanyue is too shocking. He really has no bottom when facing Li Changsheng.

At this moment, at the moment when Xiaoyao Zi’s gaze swept across his cheek, Li Changsheng’s heart couldn’t help but a kind of fear arose.

Even Hao Nanyue died at the hands of Li Changsheng, what is he worth?

“Didn’t you guys be strong just now? Why don’t you talk now?”

Li Changsheng curl one’s lip.

Without waiting for Lu Xuance and two of them to react, they directly raised their palms and turned them into a great hand seal, and then took the shot. His move was many times stronger than Hao Nanyue’s handprint just now.

In the face of such an attack, Lu Xuance didn’t dare to carry it hard, moving his body and mind into an afterimage, directly avoiding the envelope of palm prints.

But Xiaoyao Zi doesn’t have the speed of Lu Xuance’s reaction. Facing the falling palm, he even tried to stop him, but he just raised his arm and was shot directly by the palm print.

“pu 呲!”

The body burst into a cloud of blood mist directly under the palm print.

Just now, Lu Xuance escaped with a move. Li Changsheng not at all continued to make moves, but coldly swept everyone present.

“The divine object born by Xuan Mount Huang is owned by me alone. Who of you has any opinions?”

Arrogant and domineering, one man is in charge, and one man is not open.

“My friend, even if you are strong, do you think you alone can fight against the many experts present?”

At this time, Ying Shaoan could not help but stand up .

“If you can kill Hao Nanyue, you are indeed eligible to get Xuan Mount Huang’s divine object. In this way, since Hao Nanyue is dead, you will take his place. We sit down and discuss Xuan Mount Huang’s share. How should the divine object be distributed?”

Ying Shaoan made suggestions, and several other people also nodded.

In this world of monasticism where whoever has the biggest fist makes sense, Li Changsheng’s strength has been recognized by them.

In the eyes of everyone, Ying Shaoan has already made concessions by saying that.

Who knows that Li Changsheng shook the head very decisively, opened the mouth and said: “I said, Xuan Mount Huang’s treasure is owned by me alone, not your share.”


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