Four-Great Demon Kings are terrified.

“Why is it so powerful? Run away.”

Almost at the same time, the four silhouettes flee to all directions.

The monsters were originally beasts, and they had the consciousness of seek luck and avoid calamity, so they chose not at all to escape in one direction.

“Want to escape? How easy is it.”

Li Changsheng stepped on the ground with one foot.

“hong long! hong long!”

From all directions, beams of light rose one after another to illuminate the night sky, and the four Monster Kings flying out were flying to When he was on the edge, he was shaken back by a powerful counter-shock force.


The four of them did not expect that Li Changsheng would randomly deploy such a powerful array, which was terrifying.

At this time, Li Changsheng’s body has turned into a stream of light, rushing towards the fastest flying Skyhawk Monster King.

“Acknowledge allegiance or die!”

Li Changsheng is floating in the air, coldly said.

In the next second, the Skyhawk Monster King suddenly shook out the black spear in his hand, stabbing shatter void.

Four-Great Demon Kings are kings among thousands of monsters. They are extremely arrogant, especially eagles. Even ordinary ones are difficult to tame, even more how.

Only facing the flying spear, Li Changsheng just gently extended the hand and pointed.


Naked eye can see that a crack appeared on the black spear in an instant, and the Skyhawk Monster King below also spit a mouthful of blood, This is his Life-Source Weapon, his heart is connected, and he was hurt by Li Changsheng to Divine Soul in an instant.

“I said, I will die if I don’t acknowledge allegiance!”

I saw a black mist surging behind Li Changsheng, and then I was incarnation as an ancient god and demon. It’s several stories high.

Seeing this scene, the Skyhawk Monster King hurriedly transformed into his body and wanted to escape, but was caught by the god and demon when he reached out.

“Give you one last chance.”

Li Changsheng’s voice became very loud, staring at the Skyhawk Monster King in his hand.

In the distance, Jiang Tao was completely stunned.

“Is this Li Changsheng also a monster?”

Xiaoying and Bai Shujie were scared to death.

“I won’t!”

A proud voice came from the White Eagle Monster King.

Next moment, I saw Li Changsheng put him directly into his mouth.

“Kaki Kacha!”

The first generation of Monster King was eaten by Li Changsheng.

The remaining three Monster Kings were so scared that they ran the secret technique one by one, desperately fleeing.

Li Changsheng’s arrangement of the array was really knocked open by them and disappeared into the night sky.

“Want to run? How could it be so easy!”

Li Changsheng changed back to the original appearance, stepped out, and turned into a stream of light, disappearing into the night sky .

A hundred miles away, the gasping for breath Monster King, the white bear, sat on a boulder. Just now he used the breakthrough Li Changsheng array, and only consumed his demon pill as big as his thumb. , Now its own strength is less than one-tenth of its heyday.

He was sighed in relief and muttered: “What a damn bad luck, I encountered such a cruel person. It seems that the human world is too dangerous to set foot in freely in the future.”

“Do you think there is a future?”

At this moment, a cold voice rang in his ears.

Looking back, I saw Li Changsheng with his arms around his chest, looking at him playfully.

The face of the White Bear Monster King suddenly collapsed.

“The same sentence, acknowledge allegiance or death!”

Only when the “Death” character exits, the white bear Monster King has already plopped and fell to his knees, and then turned into a huge head Polar bear.

At that time, the tragic situation of Tianying Monster King was still vivid, since he was chased by Li Changsheng, then he had no choice.

The White Bear Monster King used his actions to show what he meant.

Looking at the two-story white bear, Li Changsheng was satisfied and nodded.

“Such a mount is definitely very domineering, but in modern society, it cannot be ridden. Otherwise, wherever you go, the rate of turning back is not 200%. Since the acknowledge allegiance is to me, I signed the contract. , Otherwise you are going back on one’s word, it is also very annoying.”

Li Changsheng bit his finger, and a drop of blood essence flew into the night sky to shine, facing the white bear Monster King’s forehead Falling, only when it touched the forehead, it suddenly shattered.

In the next second, Li Changsheng slapped directly, and the white bear Monster King’s body a few stories high flew out directly. I don’t know how many trees were crushed, and his mouth sprayed out. blood.

“Since you are willing to acknowledge allegiance but still resist, do you want to end up like the Skyhawk Monster King?”

Li Changsheng’s voice is full of coldness.

The White Bear Monster King struggled to get up from the ground, and the huge bear’s head dropped.

“I was wrong, please give me another chance.”

Li Changsheng coldly snorted, and dripped another blood essence, blooming brilliance, this time fell smoothly Into the polar bear’s forehead.

At this moment, the white bear Monster King’s body trembled slightly, and then turned into a normal-sized white bear, crawling under the feet of Li Changsheng, showing the meaning of acknowledge allegiance.

Heaven and Earth Bag can’t feed anything, Li Changsheng thought for a while, used his own blood to draw a white bear on his arm, and then gently waved his hand, the white bear turned into one The white light flew into the pattern, and soon the outline of the pattern on his arm was just now. It is now extremely clear, lifelike white bear, like a tattoo, covering his arm.

One hand is wearing a red bracelet, and the other hand is a white bear pattern.

Li Changsheng was quite satisfied with his masterpiece, muttering to himself: “It’s quite fast.”

In an instant, his body chased Southwest again.

At that time, when the White Bear Monster King, the Great Elephant King and the Giant Bone Snake King broke through Li Changsheng Formation, what they didn’t know was that a trace of Li Changsheng’s Divine Consciousness fell on them, so Li Changsheng It’s so leisurely and leisurely, because no matter they escape to the ends of the earth, they can’t escape Li Changsheng’s induction, as if they were equipped with a locator.

In the endless wilderness, an elephant king is running hard, and his each step is a distance of several dozen meters, like a fast-moving train.


It’s just that when Dali Elephant King was running fast, he suddenly felt like he was hitting a hill, his head was dizzy, and his head was shaken. , Lifts the head and saw a huge god and demon several stories high looking down at him.

When King Lixiang saw the god and demon, he turned and fled.

At that time, he had seen Li Changsheng’s changes.

Just two steps after he ran out, he saw that his limbs had left the ground and he had been caught in his hands.

The god and devil opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, exuding endless baleful qi, and was about to stuff him into his mouth.

Thinking of the end of the Skyhawk Monster King, Daxiang Wang suddenly shuddered all over his body, and hurriedly begged for mercy: “Master, please be forgiving, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance as your mount.”

He is really scared. Beast cultivation is particularly difficult. He also has a chance to be able to Human Transformation and set foot on the demon way. How can he be willing to let such hundreds of years of cultivation base vanish.

“You are quite acquainted.”

Li Changsheng threw the Great Elephant King on the ground.

According to the process that was used to deal with the White Bear Monster King just now, let him sign a contract, and then turn it into another pattern and attach it to his arm.

Just when all this was done, he suddenly let out a surprise, because he found that the trace of Divine Consciousness attached to the Giant Bone Snake King had disappeared.

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