A big mountain dropping from the sky, falling on the island, shook the sky loudly.

In the sea, under the powerful force penetrating through, it shook the ten thousand zhang waves.

There are countless Divine Consciousness approaching from all directions, in the middle of the deep ocean, one after another, or a vague or sharp aura is rising.

The sea has always been the site of Monster Race. As the mountain fell, I don’t know how many sleeping old monsters were alarmed.

It’s just not at all that people from a power dare to come forward and ask.

The ability to move a mountain is already silent.

All Sect people who came to congratulate, waited until Li Changsheng fell from in the sky, all of them were excited.

Moving mountains and seas, this is a method used by immortals in the legend.

In a water mansion deep in the sea, three big monsters are gathering together. They are the kings and hegemons in this nearby water area.

“Brother Li, did you know that the mountain dropping from the sky just now fell on the Azure Dragon Island?”

A man in a green robe , Asked.

“I’m so close to Azure Dragon Island, how can I not know or where the Great Expert came from? I have this skill and moved a mountain directly.”

“I let my subordinates go over and inquire quietly, as if it is a human repairing Daoist.”

Another middle age person with horns on his head said.

“Human powerhouse? How could they come to the sea?”

“Is it Penglai, the fairies of Ying State Mishima are here?”

“Impossible! Penglai Ying State Immortal Qi is full, how could it run into our Spiritual Qi Barren Sea Territory?”

“No matter what his background, what should we do next? This was originally ours. Suddenly, there was a new force in the middle of the site. According to our previous practice, we should work together to beat him away.”

The middle age person with horns on his head buzzed.

This is a rhino named Niu Xi, but the word rhino is reversed.

Another azure robe wears carp essence, named Li Gan.

The third one is a sea snake, which is self-proclaimed Great General.

After hearing what the cow seat said, the Great General hurriedly waved his hand: “Absolutely no! It is indeed possible to move a mountain and blatantly run to us to build up power. How can we deal with it? , If it annoys him, I am afraid that the three of us will be skinned and cramped.”

Hearing the words of the Great General, Li Gan and Niu Xi fell into silence.

“What should I do then? Not equal to me. The three of us will visit him, surrender to him, and are willing to treat him as a Monster King. Presumably he is not easy to kill us.”

“But he is obviously a human! What’s the matter of naming him a Monster King?”

“Since we have come to sea, we should come by the name of sea. In this way, we will not only It can defuse a strong enemy, and there will be a strong backing.”

When I heard the words of the Great General, Niu Xi and Li Gan felt quite reasonable.

Establishing the sect at sea, many people in the monastic world were surprised by Li Changsheng’s handwriting.

But it is indeed a good place away from the noise of the city.

Just hesitating for a while, Ding Qingyang still couldn’t help but reminded: “Mr. Li, although the place is good, but above the sea is the activity area of ​​the monsters, and the monsters are brutal and Human Race. Different, I’m afraid it will cause a lot of disputes!”

“It’s okay.”

Li Changsheng said with a smile indifferently: “If anyone who doesn’t have eyesight dares to come and provoke him, Then I will level the Monster Race together.”

I heard what Li Changsheng said.

The hearts of all people could not help but surging.

How heroic this is, and even the Monster Race within a thousand miles, Li Changsheng dare to say this in the world today.

At this moment, a dísciple outside came in and reported: “Teacher, there are three grotesquely shaped people outside saying that they want to see you.”

“grotesquely shaped?”

Li Changsheng couldn’t help being amused by the other’s description.

“Let them come in, I want to see how to grotesquely shaped.”

Li Changsheng sat down in the main seat of the hall.

The master teachers of other various sects are also seated on both sides.

Because the people who came to congratulate have not had time to leave, the whole Yunding Mountain can be described as expert as clouds.

The three aggressive demons, prepared by the little demons behind, walked all the way up the mountain, trembling in fear.

There were thousands of people who came to congratulate Li Changsheng, and they were all senior executives of each Sect. They fell in the eyes of the three great monsters, and they could not help but secretly startled, thinking: “This newcomer What is the status of his neighbors? With so many powerful sect members and disciples, even the experts of the entire monster alliance are nothing but that’s all.”

Go into the hall and feel the various Sects in the hall. The imposing manner on the palm teacher is good, and it is trembling with fear.

Thinking in my heart: “Fortunately, I didn’t recklessly go to war with the opponent, otherwise I don’t even know how to die.”

“Under Li Gan, Niu Xi, and the Great General, I have seen Immortal Elder.”

The three demons were shocked by Li Changsheng’s imposing manner, and at this moment they bowed their heads respectfully.

“Are you fairies around here?”

Li Changsheng glanced at several people.

No wonder that dísciple said grotesquely shaped. Normal people don’t have a single horn on their head.

“What are you looking for me for? Is it because the island I occupy has invaded your territory?”

Li Changsheng stared at lightly saying.

But the three fairies were trembling in fear, and they all bowed their heads and dared not look up at Li Changsheng.

“I heard that your monsters have their own territories. Once you are invaded, it will be the result of irreconcilable. Do you three want to challenge me? To tell you the truth, I occupy this territory. It’s settled. If you don’t accept it, you can do it all. One-on-one is also OK. Three people can work together. I will fight.”

I heard Li Changsheng’s words.

Fanhai Great General shook his head first: “No, no, the immortal master is misunderstood. We came to visit the immortal master because we want to focus on the immortal master in the future. The powerhouse of the demon class is respected, and the immortal master possesses great magical. power, from now on will be the Monster King of our three forces.”

“Monster King is a good name. Since you are not in the future, please sit in.”

Li Changsheng With a command, someone immediately moved to a chair.

The three sit down in separate seats.

“Since the three are here, you might as well tell me about the distribution of forces on the sea.”

Li Changsheng rode a white bear to track the Giant Bone Snake King that day, although in the end the Giant Bone The Snake King escaped, but when he let go of Divine Consciousness by the sea, he just happened to discover the island.

Thinking that Beijing is a country of Dragon Veins Converging Ground, with a large population, Genting Villa attracted a large number of tourists soon. I don’t know how many incidents will happen in the future, so Sect was built on the sea and laid down. Formation, you can avoid interruption.

Of course, the premise is to convince this sea Monster Race first.

Li Changsheng is impossible to kill among humans. For non-self Monster Race, he will not have the slightest psychological burden when he shoots.

If the nearby Monster Race listens to him, then it will give them a way to survive. If they dare to be an enemy, then they will calm down.

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