“The patriarch is dead.”

Bai Cang, the younger brother of the White Jiao Monster King, has blood red eyes, bit his lips tightly, and the hand holding the spear is constantly trembling.

Next to Ji Wu and Ji Meng siblings, they also fell into a daze.

With the status of the White Jiao Monster King, in this hundred thousand li Sea Territory, like a god, now it was killed by Li Changsheng.

“We want to avenge patriarch!”

Bai Cang suddenly turned into the body of Flood Dragon, soaring into the sky, rushing towards Li Changsheng.

“hong long long!”

Golden’s long spear will reflect half of the sky golden.

Facing Bai Cang rushing, Li Changsheng shot directly, and there was a roar between Heaven and Earth, and the white dragon body was instantly pierced, visible with naked eye Speed ​​turned into fly ash.

“hong long!”

The waves on the sea are rough.

And the many Demon Soldiers of the Baijiao Palace are trembling all over.

Li Changsheng is like Demon God, second only to Bai Cang of the White Dragon Monster King, so casually killed by him.

“Everything should be over.”

Li Changsheng held Lie Dragon Spear tightly and rushed into the camp of the Baijiao tribe.

This is a killing.

Golden rays of light are everywhere, and wherever they pass, the clansman of the Baijiao tribe turns into fly ash.

Though these clansman are very powerful, they can face Li Changsheng like a lamb to be slaughtered.

“puff puff puff!”

One by one dragon body fell down, and the dark-green dragon’s blood permeated the entire Sea Territory, and it was so angry.

Ten minutes later, all the Baijiao tribe died in Li Changsheng’s hands.

The Dragon Spear trembles, and there is terrifying energy dormant.

After killing the Baijiao Monster King, the illusory shadow formed by Dragon Spear is already Six Clawed Golden Dragon.

“The highest level of True Dragon Clan is the Nine Clawed Golden Dragon. I don’t know how many Divine Beasts and how much blood can be used to evolve this strong Dragon Spear to the highest level.”

Li Changsheng muttered to himself.

This strong Dragon Spear formidable power is so big, it is already the most powerful weapon in his hand, even the Ruyi Heart Sword can’t match it.

Above the waves of the sea, the Baijiao clan was almost wiped out, leaving only Ji Wu and Ji Mengsiblings shiver coldly, afraid to look at Li Changsheng’s eyes.

Li Changsheng is too terrifying. If a person kills the Baijiao tribe’s nest with a single shot, he is a killer.

A long time later, Ji Wu sighed and said, “Didn’t expect Your Excellency is so amazing. If you go all the way, if you are offended, you still look at Haihan.”

Standing on the sea with his head down.

Li Changsheng’s strength left a very deep impression on his siblings.

The Great White Bear followed Li Changsheng well.

Although Bai Xiong had acknowledged allegiance to Li Changsheng before, he may not have been dissatisfied in his heart. But seeing this scene today is completely willing.

“There are still many secrets in this strong Dragon Spear that need to be explored. The Baijiao Monster King built the mansion here, but it is a good place rich in Spiritual Qi.”

Think of it here. , Li Changsheng looked at Ji Wu and Ji Meng siblings.

“Meeting on the road is also fate. If you have anything to do in the future, you can go to Cyan Sect in the East China Sea to find me. Now I want to retreat here. Please feel free to both of you siblings.”

After speaking, Li Changsheng didn’t wait for the two to answer, and then his body sank into the sea and entered the place where the Baijiao Palace was.

The golden palace has been erected, and you can see a dark cave below.

“Stay outside.”

Li Changsheng was instructed by the white bear, and then rushed directly into the cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, he felt the strong Spiritual Qi assaults the senses, which was not bad as he expected.

When Li Changsheng entered the cave, except for the rich Spiritual Qi, he let go of Divine Consciousness, but found that Divine Consciousness was all dark, like the Nine Nether Hell communicating below , Full of unknowns.

Li Changsheng suddenly gave birth to a clear comprehension in his heart. The reason why the White Jiao clan can get the Lie Dragon Spear and the Golden Palace Supreme Treasure may be related to the cave below.

Thinking about this, Li Changsheng felt a little expectation in his heart. He turned into a stream of light and swept into the cave.

About ten minutes later, the darkness in front of me suddenly disappeared, and in a trance, I came to a colorful world.

In this world, there is a huge white water bird locked by several chains.

“The breath of this white dragon is terrifying.”

Li Changsheng observed carefully and found that this white dragon had five claws.

Five-claw Dragon Race is no longer a Flood Dragon, but has evolved into a True Dragon Clan, so this is a True Dragon in front of Li Changsheng.

This is the place where the Baijiao clan is. There is another White Dragon. It must be inseparable from the Baijiao clan. It may be the ancestor of the Baijiao clan, but I don’t know why it was locked in. Here.

Li Changsheng directly took out the Ruyi Heart Sword as he turned his mind and turned it into one after another sword light, and cut it off to the White Dragon.

Since it is related to the Baijiao clan, it is an enemy or not a friend. Of course, we must eradicate the troubles.

The White Dragon probably slept here for too long and didn’t expect anyone to break in. So when the sword light came in, he reacted, but it was too late and he was directly smashed by the sword light from top to bottom. Became the majority.

I thought that killing the White Dragon would be done, but I didn’t expect that after being crushed by him, the White Dragon would turn into a cluster of white gloom and float directly into the depths of the world.

And the bright and colorful scene just now, as the gloomy light left, it disappeared without a trace in an instant, and it turned into darkness again.

“How could this be? I obviously killed the White Dragon.”

For the changes in front of him, Li Changsheng was a little wary.

“It should be an illusion, just because all the scenes are created by the gloomy light, what should I do? Do I want to continue exploring?”

After thinking a little bit, Li Changsheng made up his mind. He has lived for tens of thousands of years. How can he be frightened by the small changes in front of him if he has not seen wind and rain.

Soon, he moved on.

Since it is under the palace of the Baijiao family, how can Li Changsheng miss the ancient secret history of the Baijiao family.

Continuing to walk for more than ten minutes, suddenly a blood-reeking qi burst out in front of me.

Although the range of Li Changsheng Divine Consciousness is greatly restricted, it can still be detected clearly within several dozen meters.

He had already noticed something abnormal in front of him. Before waiting for the thing with blood-reeking qi to come out, he cut it out with a sword and cut it in half.

Only then can I see that it is a monster similar to a toad, but not strong enough, it is equivalent to the martial artist of the human beings.

It’s just that Li Changsheng frowned, because in his perception, there were countless similar things approaching in front of the cave, as if he had broken into their nest.

“Lie Dragon Spear can absorb the blood of Divine Beast, I don’t know if this toad is also Divine Beast bloodline.”

When his mind moved, Li Changsheng took away the wishful heart sword Going back, took out Lie Dragon Spear and shot it out. The mighty golden light resembled Hong pouring into the hole, rushing along the front.

In an instant, I don’t know how many monsters were shattered.

Sure enough, Li Changsheng found that the wispy aura melted into the Dragon Spear, but this aura was too weak. It is estimated that tens of thousands of them cannot compare to an ordinary Demon Soldier of the Baijiao tribe.

But it is better than nothing.

“I don’t know if there will be a stronger presence in it.”

Li Changsheng has a vague expectation in his heart.

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