“Where is Ji Liushui?”

Li Changsheng asked coldly.

Kou Shaoqing said: “He has been in retreat for many years, and he has not shown up.”

“Take me to find him.”

“Yes “Kou Shaoqing did not dare to disobey Li Changsheng’s orders.

Take Li Changsheng to the mountainside of Xuanyuan Sect.

“Elder Kou, what are you going to do? Are you going to betray Sect Lord?”

Sun Zhengguang stopped at this time.

“Elder Sun, there are a lot of things you don’t understand, you leave the way, I will explain to you later.”

Heard Kou Shaoqing’s words, Sun Zhengguang shook the head: “No! Elder Kou, I absolutely don’t allow you to do anything I’m sorry to teach you.”


What else does Kou Shaoqing have to persuade? Li Changsheng has already An impatient wave of his hand.

Only hearing a bang, Sun Zhengguang flew horizontally back like a broken kite under the applause, with spit blood in his mouth.


Li Changsheng’s voice is indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

Kou Shaoqing glanced at Sun Zhengguang guiltily, and then took Li Changsheng to the mountainside.

Along the way, the dísciple of Xuanyuan Sect took the initiative to get out of the way, no one dared to stand up and stop it.

Before the two came to a Cave Mansion in the mountainside, there was a Formation outside the Cave Mansion, and a black portal was faintly discernible in the Formation.

“Ji Liushui retreats inside.”

Kou Shaoqing lowered his head and said.

“He has never come out since he entered this portal.”

At this point, Kou Shaoqing stopped talking.

“Just say what you have, don’t grind.”

Li Changsheng frowns saying.

“I even sometimes wonder if Ji Liushui had a problem in retreat and died inside.”

Li Changsheng did not speak, but moved forward. Before Formation, raise your palm and drop it.

Only hearing a bang, the entire mountainside was shaking, and many stones hugged by two people rolled down from the top of the mountain.

And the array under the Ji Liushui house cloth was also completely broken under this palm, the Formation was broken, and the appearance of the stone gate behind was completely revealed. You can see that above the stone gate Engraved with two door gods, tigers and tigers are powerful and imposing manner.

It’s just that when Li Changsheng saw the face of the door god, his face couldn’t help being gloomy, because it was clearly his own appearance.

Although the other door god dresses up differently from this one, his face is clearly that of Li Changsheng.

“This Ji Liushui, deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors is also that’s all, and carved my head into a door god, really a rebel!”

Li Changsheng is a ruthless one! The palm blasted the two stone gates into smash, and after a burst of dust and smoke, the dark cave inside was exposed.

Li Changsheng stepped inside without the slightest hesitation.

After about a dozen steps, I saw a small stone gate again, and still ruthless open the stone gate, I saw a closed stone chamber.

In the stone chamber, there is a futon and a few books, but they are empty. Not at all I can see the silhouette of Ji Liushui.

“What’s going on?”

Li Changsheng frowned and couldn’t help looking at Kou Shaoqing next to him.

Kou Shaoqing hurriedly waved his hand: “Teacher Li, I don’t know what happened.”

At this moment, Li Changsheng found a letter lying beside the futon. It actually read: “Master Li Changsheng, please.”

“What trick is Ji Liushui playing?”

Li Changsheng picked up the envelope and took out the letter paper inside. , You can see a few lines of Delicate and Pretty font.

Ji Liushui is very innate talent in writing, and the writing is very clean, giving people a pleasing feeling.

“Master, I have already calculated that you might not have died. With my prestige in Xuanyuan Sect, those subordinates would not dare to open the stone chamber without the courage of them, indicating this letter. If it’s not that you’ll never see the sun, Master, you’ve come back and opened the stone chamber, and I’ll be tentatively as Master. You are really alive.”

“Seeing the status quo of Xuanyuan Sect, you Will you be particularly angry? I will erase all traces of you, just to tell you that if you can establish the Longevity Sect, I can turn him into Xuanyuan Sect, and dísciple need not be inferior to a teacher.”

“Now I am referring to the first half of the profound realm. When you read this letter, it may have been five years, ten years, or even more distant. At that time, I should have broken through to the legendary Immortal Realm and surpassed you. This Master, if you meet next time, you are willing to respectfully call me a Fellow Daoist. For your preaching and teaching, I can protect you.”

“number one expert under the Heavens Ji Liushui book.”

Seeing these words at the end, Li Changsheng couldn’t help snort disdainfully, but he was very upset in the heart.

I finally found Ji Liushui, thinking about clearing the door, but didn’t expect to see this letter only.

It is too arrogant that Ji Liushui, an adversary, said that he wanted to protect himself.

“Master, what did Ji Liushui say in the letter?”

Kou Shaoqing cautiously asked.

He saw Li Changsheng complexion is gloomy, and he was a little scared.


With a wave of his hand, Li Changsheng lit a flame out of thin air, burning the letter to ashes.

“Let’s go.”

Li Changsheng glanced at the stone chamber, turned around and walked outside the Cave Mansion.

Kou Shaoqing hurriedly followed and asked in a low voice: “The head teacher has now returned, do you want to take over as the head teacher? And change Xuanyuan Jiao to the longevity education?”

After hearing Kou Shaoqing’s words, Li Changsheng shook the head.

“Today’s Xuanyuan Sect does not have the shadow of Longevity Sect, except that the cultivation technique was passed down by me, and it has almost nothing to do with me, so this Sect Lord has nothing to do with it. What a meaning.”

While speaking, the two walked out of Cave Mansion.

But I saw that there were densely packed silhouettes standing outside Cave Mansion. They were all dísciples of Xuanyuan Sect. Among these people, besides Supreme Elder Sun Zhengguang, there were nine men with strong aura.

The moment Kou Shaoqing saw these nine people, Kou Shaoqing’s face changed slightly, with a bit of worry, and said to Li Changsheng: “Master Li, these people are Ji Liushui’s discipline, all of them are extremely talented. Although none of them refers to the Profound Realm, the nine people practice a kind of Formation. The formidable power is very powerful, and I want to ask Master Li to show mercy to them and not kill them.”

Hearing Kou Shaoqing’s words, Li Changsheng said with a sneer: “Why? They are Ji Liushui’s discipline, and they are equivalent to traitors.”

“They are the future of Xuanyuan Sect. If they die, then Xuanyuan Sect really collapsed.”

After Ji Liushui retreat, Kou Shaoqing fully grasped the power of Xuanyuan Sect, and at the same time had deep affection for Xuanyuan Sect.

It’s like raising a child by one person and growing up. Even if the child is not his own biological son, but just picked it up, he will be treated as his biological son.

In Kou Shaoqing’s heart, Xuanyuan Sect is just like his son. Naturally, he does not want Li Changsheng to ruin the future of Xuanyuan Sect.

As they talked between the two, the nine people had already formed a Formation, approaching Li Changsheng step by step.

“Bold thief, ran to my Xuanyuan Education to run wild, not hurry up obediently surrender!”

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