“hong long long!”

Jieyun appeared one after another, covering the entire sky from all directions, and finally fuse together, everyone’s cheeks reflected by the bright lightning were very clear.


The power of terror is shocking.

“This Thunder Tribulation is very powerful, it seems that Transcending Tribulation is very talented!”

Futeng Daoist said.

Thunder Tribulation like this reminded him of the situation when he had survived the Earth Immortal Tribulation.

“The intensity of Thunder Tribulation corresponds to a person’s potential. I don’t know who is in Transcending Tribulation?”

“With the power of Thunder Tribulation, he will break through the Immortal Realm. It must be amazing.

In the Demon Sect camp, the top ten leaders sitting in the upper position opened their eyes almost at the same time.

“Is it the Transcending Tribulation of my Demon Sect? Go ahead and ask, does Demon Sect have Tianjiao in Transcending Tribulation? “

Mozun’s voice fell, and immediately replied by his subordinates.

“It has been investigated that it is not my Demon Sect who is in Transcending Tribulation, but should come from the positive camp. “

“There was someone in the square camp at this time. I passed my order to lock the target. Once the Earth Immortal is broken, he will be killed immediately. It is absolutely impossible to allow another Earth to appear in the opposing camp. Immortal. “

The devil’s words fell, and the subordinate immediately gave up.

Earth Immortal is coming, no one dares to take action at the time of Transcending Tribulation, because at that time will be locked by the heavens. Think of it as provoking the majesty of Heavenly Dao, so I can only wait for the weakness of the complete crossing tribulation for the best time to shoot.

“hong long!”

Li Changsheng lifts the head , The flashing thunder and lightning resembled a ferocious ominous beast, with blood spurting open, revealing sharp fangs.

“Good morning! “

Finally, the first thick bucket of thunder and lightning struck Li Changsheng’s head.

Instead of showing fear, Li Changsheng’s face became excited.


He has lived 99 lives and passed 99 Thunder Tribulation, but he has never looked forward to it like today.

“ka-cha! “

The thick lightning strike of the bucket was on Li Changsheng’s body, and he didn’t even mean to block him. He stood there with lightning hitting his body.

Just after the lightning, His coat has been burned to ashes, revealing bronze skin, and there are no injuries on his body.

After 99 times of Thunder Tribulation, this body is already incredibly strong. Changsheng is just an appetizer.

2nd, 3rd, 30th…

Lightning keeps falling, and each time is stronger than one.

After 90 lightning, Li Changsheng stepped out suddenly and rushed directly into the thundercloud.

At this moment, countless lights can see a silhouette submerged in the robbery cloud, hit one after another lightning Disperse.

“It’s such a courage to enter Jieyun actively! This is very confident in his fleshy body. “

“Yes! He is using Thunder Tribulation body tempering, is he actually a man who proves the Tao with strength? This proves that Daoist is more powerful than other cultivators in the same realm. “

“Quickly check, which cultivation technique of my Tiandu Star Domain is the body refinement? “

Futen Daoist hurriedly ordered to go down.

Soon a bunch of body repair Sects were found out, but unfortunately they all shook their heads and denied that the transcending tribulation was the dísciple.

“Are you really from Demon Sect? “

Futen Daoist shook the head, his expression gradually became serious.

Three hundred, five hundred, and five hundred and eighty.

Black Cloud Among them, Li Changsheng’s body is completely shrouded in the ocean of thunderbolt, with golden light faintly glowing above his body, as if casting a golden body.

Nine hundred, one thousand.

For three hours, Thunder Tribulation became more and more terrifying. Even Li Changsheng’s body began to torn skin and gaping flesh. Finally, a purple sky thunder turned into a pagoda to suppress it.

“This should be the most powerful part of Thunder Tribulation! “

At the moment the pagoda fell, Li Changsheng felt a huge sense of crisis in his heart. He took a deep breath, and the blood burned within the body, making a roar, and suddenly throws A punch, and hit the pagoda together.

“hong long!”

The horrible energy is sweeping in the sky.

“So formidable power! Stronger than Thunder Tribulation during my Transcending Tribulation! “

Futen daoist muttered to himself, his face finally changed color.

It was not just him, Su Taibai, Shen Yan, and Miedu Daoist were all dumbfounded.

As for the ordinary cultivator, it is even more shocking.

In Thunder Tribulation, the pagoda cracked under Li Changsheng’s fist, and a purple thunderbolt submerged on top of his head.

Li Changsheng did not stop him, allowing the purple thunderbolt to enter his body.

Thunder Tribulation contains the power of life and death, but after the destruction, it naturally ushered in life, this is the greatest The benefits.

When the purple lightning blended into the body, the crackle sound came from Li Changsheng’s body within the body. At the dantian, there was lightning flashing.

An azure seedling swayed gently, and the purple lightning turned into a drop of liquid the size of a thumb, silent in the dantian, making Li Changsheng feel that the body was changing like shedding body, exchanging bones every moment.

“Is this the Immortal Realm? “

Li Changsheng looked at his palm and felt this completely different power.

But soon he frowned: “No! Although my body has undergone a particularly big change, I am not at all entering the Immortal Realm. What is going on? I obviously survived the Earth Immortal disaster? “

Li Changsheng feels a huge loss in his heart.

In order to wait for this day, he has reincarnated for 99 lives, but can’t he still succeed this time?

But this time is obviously different from other times, and I failed Transcending Tribulation not at all.

“What’s the matter? “

While he was browsing tightly frowns and was puzzled in his heart, suddenly a vague premonition gradually rose, which seemed to be exactly the same as the previous impulse to Transcending Tribulation.

“Isn’t Transcending Tribulation over yet? Or is there Second Layer Thunder Tribulation? “

This kind of thought has just arisen, and I saw the Jie Yun that had dissipated in the sky in the distance, and once again gathered like a tide, it was condensed from the Jie Yun that was more terrifying than the previous one.

Lightning flashes, one after another lightning strikes Li Changsheng like a chain.

“Really came Second Layer Thunder Tribulation? “

Below, countless viewers were still discussing who was in Transcending Tribulation. At this moment, they all looked at the sky and the condensed clouds, all of them dumbfounded, not understanding what happened. .

“What is going on? “

Even Su Taibai is at a loss.

“Is it a legendary dual tribulation thunder? It is said that the real people who are against the sky, the first tribulation thunder cannot make their lives sublimated, so there will be double, 3rd-layer, and even 4th layer. According to legend, the Great Emperor Void can survive the 5th layer. Yun, finally achieved the Supreme throne. “

Futen Daoist thought of some ancient secrets, blurted out, and his face was full of shock.

“Double robbery! “

He is arrogant and talented, but he is only much stronger than the ordinary person’s Thunder Tribulation when crossing the Earth Immortal Tribulation, far from reaching the level of double Thunder Tribulation.

“If this person is a person in the demonic path, and survive the Earth Immortal catastrophe, it will cause great disaster to my various sects. “

Futeng Daoist has a bit of murderous intention in the eyes. Once this potential grows, it will be the second demon, even stronger than the demon.

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