About a few days later, this place was clear of people, and I saw a black palace standing in front of me, straight to the clouds.

Black smoke bursts above the black palace. No wonder it is called Demon Palace. In this snowy Land of Extreme North, it is very conspicuous.

“Very powerful demonic energy!”

Gu Bairen has a grave expression on his face.

Even the demon ancestor who played against Li Changsheng did not have such a strong demonic energy.

Although the demon ancestor is called a demon, it is actually only a cultivation Demon Sect cultivation technique, not a real demon, but a human being, but this Demon Palace seems to be imprisoned in a truly intangible heavenly demon.

Just when Li Changsheng was about to move forward, suddenly a black long streamer came from in the sky and then inserted in front of Li Changsheng.

On the flag face, there are several words composed of black air: “Step forward and die.”

Li Changsheng saw these words and took a step forward without the slightest hesitation.

“hong long!”

At this moment, the entire Demon Palace was boiling, and there was a sharp sound.

Li Changsheng’s actions have obviously angered the existence of Demon Palace.


In the next second, Li Changsheng without the slightest hesitation took out a sword light and cut the black flag in front of him directly into two.

The black gas in the Demon Palace has become more turbulent, countless black gas condensed into a black silhouette, unable to see his face, shrouded in the black robe, but you can feel his cold eyes Watching Li Changsheng.

“Who are you? Dare to ignore my warning, do you want to die?”

The voice in the sky is constantly echoing, and the boundless demonic energy becomes the All kinds of shapes, skull, grimace.

“Are you juggling?”

Li Changsheng curl one’s lip.

“courting death!”

The other party made a cold voice.

In the next second, Li Changsheng directly punched out.

“hong long!”

The mighty fist strength ravaged the hundred zhang, and instantly blasted the black silhouette into residue.

“I just got a little Illusion Technique, and I want to deal with me.”

Li Changsheng walked towards Demon Palace coldly snorted, without the slightest hesitation.

At this moment, the existence in the Demon Palace was completely angered. The densely packed black air rose in the sky, and finally turned into a huge palm, which was like a mountain and pressed down against Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng kept walking, still cutting out a sword light, shattering the palm of his hand, and at the same time directly drew out the Heavenly Sword and slashed it to the Demon Palace in front of him.

“hong long!”

The sword light is dazzling, and it is as long as thousands zhang.

I saw it cut on the black Demon Palace, and the Demon Palace suddenly shook violently.

The earth was trembling, and there was a mournful scream sound from inside, and then a silhouette flew out from inside, a silhouette shrouded in a black robe.

His palms are dry and skinny, his voice is gloomy and his words are hoarse.

“Who are you? Are you the guardian of the Ancient Road of this world?”

Li Changsheng asked directly.

“I want to set foot on the Ancient Starry Sky Road and return to the Xuanhuang Star Domain.”

Li Changsheng knows that for the people in this world and they say Earth, they don’t even know it is Something, but if you tell them about the Xuanhuang Star Domain, it will be very famous.

Sure enough, after Li Changsheng’s words fell, the opponent’s body was shocked.

“Are you from the Xuanhuang Star Domain? Being able to pass through the Ancient Road guardian of Xuanhuang Star Domain shows that there are some skills, but Xuanhuang Star Domain has cultivation base restrictions. The most powerful powerhouse does not allow breakthrough to Immortal. Realm, do you think that if you can defeat the Ancient Road guardian of Xuanhuang Star Domain, you will be able to deal with me?”

“Boy, I didn’t care about you when you returned back, but since you dare to use it Sword to my Demon Palace, then you will save your life.”

Speaking, I saw the dark shadow rushing towards Li Changsheng instantly.

“act recklessly!”

Li Changsheng is too lazy to talk nonsense, the Heavenly Sword has taken out, the sharp sword glow crosses Heaven and Earth, and it hits directly with a sword, and the shadow is Fly backward at a faster speed.

Li Changsheng has long been with one’s heart set on speeding home, unwilling to waste time, directly ascends into the sky, with the Tiandu sword in his hand facing the black energy in front, cutting out 81 swords.

“This sword is called the Slaughter God.”

“This sword is called Behead Immortal.”

“This sword is called the Demon.”


“This sword breaks mountains and rivers.”

“This Sword Breaks Heaven and Earth.”

“This sword breaks the world.”

… …

Li Changsheng’s voice kept ringing, and the sword light kept cutting out. The densely packed sword light resembled a rotating gear, slashing above the Demon Palace at a speed of dozens of swords per second.

At this moment, the sword energy is mighty, the energy is raging, criss-crossed, the black Demon Palace is constantly shaking under the sword light, cracking countless gaps, and the black mist is swept away.

Under the attack of Li Changsheng such as howling wind and torrential rain, the Ancient Road guardian’s voice finally came from inside: “Stop it, or you want to ruin my Demon Palace?”

“I warn you, if you don’t stop, I’m not polite to you!”

“Scary master, please stop!”

” Master, I’m wrong, please stop.”

“Don’t cut it, I was really wrong.”

The tough voice from the very beginning threatened the final begging for mercy , Even has several points of crying.

But the other party was shrunk in the Demon Palace and did not dare to show up. Li Changsheng had too much sword light. As long as he showed up, he would be cut into pieces like dumpling stuffing.

Finally, one hundred and eighty swords were cut out. The Demon Palace had been cut to pieces. Li Changsheng stopped the attack and looked at Demon Palace coldly.

I saw a black silhouette congealing again, this time even the black robe covering the head was also taken off, revealing a pale cheek with blood on the corners of his mouth. It is obvious that Li Changsheng was cut at Demon. He also suffered serious injuries from the palace.

Looking at Li Changsheng, his eyes were full of fear, and his voice trembled: “I didn’t expect to let me see the powerhouse with the capital of the great emperor. I was wrong, the Ancient Starry Sky Road. “

Li Changsheng is coldly snorted, these people are itchy, he wanted to talk to them well, he still treats himself as a soft persimmon so as to bully, don’t give him a bit of color, he doesn’t Know how good you are.

Shangguanxue all swallowed subconsciously when seeing this scene, it was too fierce.

Li Changsheng fell from in the sky, and walked inside with Shangguanxue and others.

They followed Li Changsheng into the Demon Palace. The space originally belonged to the Guardian of Ancient Road in the Demon Palace. It can be said that he is the master of this space.

In the past, the Guardian of Ancient Road could act wilfully if he wanted his enemies to enter it, but today he is obediently and honestly afraid to play what the hell.

Li Changsheng is too terrifying. With the sword lights that will cleave out, even if he can successfully control Li Changsheng with the technique of space, I am afraid Li Changsheng can break through, when the time comes He can breathe one’s last.

“Why is the golden light of the palace guarding Ancient Road on Earth bright and full of Immortal Qi, but your demonic energy soars into the sky?”

Li Changsheng looked at the black robed man.

“The Ancient Road guards on Earth came from Great prestigious families, and I came from Demon Sect, and Demon Sect naturally uses Demon Palace.”

“putting it that way, you guys The Guardian of Ancient Road is not a member of the power?”

Li Changsheng was surprised. He thought that the Guardian of Ancient Road belonged to one Sect.

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