“I really am a fake.”

Li Changsheng said.

Ji Men can’t wait to hold Li Changsheng’s hand and say thank you loudly. He is too aggrieved. Obviously he is a genuine brand. The counterfeiters have already admitted, but these people just don’t believe it and let him Feeling helpless.

“I am real, I am real!”

Ji Men said loudly: “Why don’t you believe it?”

” Do you say you are real? If you can make a little white rabbit become as big as Old Hu at once, we believe you.”

“Yes, it can’t become as big as Old Hu. It’s okay to be the size of a dog.”

Jimen was dumbfounded when he heard the words of a few people.

“Now the entire world does not have such advanced reagents, how can I turn a little white rabbit into the size of Old Hu?”

Everyone sneered.

“You can’t do it, he can do it!”

“Yes! We saw him become that big with our own eyes.”

“Should not Is it magic?”

Jimen curl one’s lip, said.

He doesn’t believe that he can turn a rabbit into the size of Old Hu.

“hmph! What makes magic? We saw it with our own eyes.”

The company’s boss, coldly snorted, immediately instructed: “Come on, give that big rabbit to this self-proclaimed Jimen The professor’s guy pulls over.”

A few minutes later, a huge rabbit in a cage was pulled over.

Ji Men was completely dumbfounded.

“Is this true? This is a miracle!”

Speaking, he looked at Li Changsheng.

“How did you do it?”

“This is confidential, I can’t tell you, but I really am not Jimen.”

Li Changsheng repeatedly emphasized.

Everyone present also began to believe a little.

“But why do you pretend to be Professor Ji Men?”

Yu Youwei’s Teacher asked.

“Because Yu Youwei is my girlfriend, I couldn’t find her when she wanted to enter the building but couldn’t enter. I just heard that Professor Ji Men was coming, so she faked this name.”

“Since you are not Professor Jimen, how can you make the rabbit bigger?”

“This is the latest technology, and I happen to know this technology.”

I heard what Li Changsheng said.

Everyone present, including Ji Men, looked at Li Changsheng’s eyes differently.

For those professors, they have been researching life technology medicine for so long, but they have not made much progress, but they can make the rabbit bigger, which gives them great hope.

For the biotechnology bosses, once they master this technology, it is equal to continuously wealth.

So Li Changsheng, in their eyes, it is sparkling gold.

“It turns out that because of this, we won’t hold you accountable for pretending to be Professor Ji Men.”

The CEO of the company first apologized to Professor Ji Men and then looked towards Li Changsheng.

“Now I officially invite you to be the guest professor in our laboratory. The salary is as you ask. Please help us to study biotechnology together. You don’t need to come to work. You just need to come and give them some advice. “

Li Changsheng frowned upon hearing the other party’s words.

When the other party saw the situation, he was afraid that Li Changsheng would refuse, so he hurriedly opened the mouth and said: “If you become our company’s Professor Qing, you can stay with Yu Youwei every day, or just and honourable to enter our laboratory.”

Hearing this condition, Li Changsheng was immediately moved.

Anyway, he has nothing to do. He decides to stay with Yu Youwei in the capital for a period of time, so he nodded agrees.

At this moment, everyone is excited.

Even Professor Ji Men came over to hold Li Changsheng’s hand.

“You are welcome to join. With you, our biotechnology will definitely speed up.”

In this regard, Li Changsheng just smiled slightly, he doesn’t understand anything Biological technology, but he knows spell and also knows what kind of effect Spiritual Qi recovery will produce.

So in some respects, he is actually more expert than these experts.

“Okay, Yu Youwei still needs my care, so I will leave first.”

Li Changsheng thought that Yu Youwei was still lying in the hotel, so he hurriedly left.

After he left, everyone in the biotechnology company hurriedly invited Professor Ji Men in.

Professor Ji Men didn’t even have time to change into work clothes, so he began to study the white rabbit.

For him, this is absolutely the same as Gods Vestige.

Back to the hotel, Li Changsheng saw that Yu Youwei was up.

Seeing Li Changsheng coming in, Yu Youwei hurriedly asked worriedly: “How are things in the company?”

“I have taken care of it, don’t worry. “

Li Changsheng said.

“And I am now the guest professor in your laboratory.”

“Really? Longevity, you are great.”

Wei said happily.

“Changsheng, staying in a hotel is not convenient, let’s go back to my dormitory apartment.”

Speaking of this, Yu Youwei could not help but blush.

Her dormitory apartment is not big, and there is only one bed. She thinks that she is a little too direct, a girl should be more reserved.


Li Changsheng smiled and watched.

Yu Youwei could not help but lowered her head shyly.

So the two of them left the room and returned to Yu Youwei’s apartment together.

Along the way, many people in the apartment saw Yu Youwei and Li Changsheng walking back to the house. The news about Goddess Yu Youwei, a super-shen biotechnology company, had a famous flower. I don’t know much. People feel heartbroken by this, beat their chests and feet, even weeping bitter tears.

After spending a week in the apartment, Yu Youwei finally recovered.

Shangguanze called Li Changsheng several times and asked Li Changsheng why he did not come to class recently.

Li Changsheng said something.

Everyone also understands that, after all, with Li Changsheng’s strength, the need to attend classes doesn’t actually make much difference.

Professor Ji Men and Yu Youwei’s Teacher are going to the Baihong Martial Arts Society to investigate.

Baihong Daoshe and Chaoshen Biotechnology Company have a cooperative relationship, and they will go there every time.

So Yu Youwei asked to go together.

Li Changsheng is naturally with Yu Youwei.

A few people came to the door of Baihong Budosha in a car.

The president of Baihong Wudao Club waited for a long time at the door, with banners hung on it, and the supershen biotechnology team is welcome to come and guide.

Li Changsheng got off the car and said to Yu Youwei: “You go to investigate first, I will meet some friends.”

Yu Youwei nodded.

So Li Changsheng walked to the training room, while Yu Youwei and the others were led into the office by the president.

“I said you brat is finally willing to come, but you brat must be able to pinch it, and Yu Youwei is coming here today. You must seize the opportunity.”

Shangguanze came up and patted Li Changsheng on the shoulder and said.

He knew that Li Changsheng joined the Budo Club entirely for Yu Youwei.

“It’s not that I can pinch it, but I came with Yu Youwei.”

“Damn! Brother, are you talking nonsense? Don’t tell I, you haven’t seen you in the past seven days, and you’ve been soaked in Yuyouwei.”

“Of course.”

Li Changsheng patted Chest: “You don’t look at the level of your buddies Yu Youwei has already been taken down by me and is now my girlfriend.”

When I heard Li Changsheng’s words, several people around laughed.

Although Li Changsheng is good at Kung Fu, Yu Youwei is the Goddess of many people. They have heard that in Super God Biotechnology, how many young talents like Yu Youwei, that Yu Youwei is directly Refused, how could it be taken by Li Changsheng so quickly.

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