I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1615: dilemma

In the darkness, Jiang Chen reviewed the entire book of Light Attraction.

What made him a little surprised was that he had always thought that this was a very ordinary immortal technique before, but now it seems that this immortal technique is not ordinary, but the name has some clichés.

The immortal technique records how to mobilize the surrounding light attribute energy for my own use in the shortest possible time. With my current real immortal triple cultivation base, he can only mobilize about a hundred meters in radius, and if he reaches the immortal, he will It can mobilize all light attribute energy within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

Simply put, this is a fairy technique that can be continuously strengthened as long as one's own cultivation base keeps improving.

The three tricks recorded at the end of the light-inducing technique are how to release the light attribute energy absorbed in the body, but no matter how Jiang Chen cultivates, he can't fully understand it due to the fact that he has only three levels of true celestial cultivation.

And this means that there is no way to break through the barrier of the third floor of the Treasure Treasure Pavilion, and there is no way to get the approval of the immortal emperor to get the treasures on the top layer.

Suddenly opened his eyes.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

Continuous practice for several days made him a little tired.

"It's worthy of the immortal emperor's left, but I underestimated it, but in just twenty days, I am afraid that I can't perceive the mystery." Looking at the light guiding technique in his hand, Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

If you can thoroughly study it for your own use, then when you fight against each other, you can mobilize the light attribute energy in the surrounding area for dozens of miles, and the damage caused by it is not something ordinary people can catch.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen was about to go out and ask if the giant ape could help him understand, but before he got up, Jiang Chen's gaze fell on his fingers.

In the storage ring presented by Qiu Wanli, the wooden sign that was going to come over was stored, and on the wooden sign, it also recorded the three words of light-attracting technique.


With the palm of his hand, the wooden sign appeared on the palm of his hand.

Immediately, Jiang Chen calmed his mind and wrapped it with fairy power. The wooden sign quickly hung in front of him. Jiang Chen controlled his spiritual power and wanted to perceive the mystery.

But when the mental power approached the wooden sign, it seemed to have touched some barrier and was bounced back.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

It was not that he hadn't encountered this situation before, and he didn't take it too seriously. He just thought it might be because of his lack of concentration.

After taking a few deep breaths, Jiang Chen forced all the thoughts in his mind to stop temporarily, and all he heard in his ears was his own faint breathing.

In this state, Jiang Chen continued to control his mental power to touch the wooden sign.

However, the mental power didn't wait to touch the wooden sign and was knocked back again.

The whole wooden sign seemed to be completely wrapped in some energy, no matter what Jiang Chen did, it was suspended in the air, motionless.

Jiang Chen realized that the wooden sign was not as simple as he thought. If it was just an ordinary sign, it would not have such a powerful repulsive force.

In desperation, Jiang Chen took it back.

There are still twenty days.

Either you can fully comprehend the light-inducing technique, enter the treasure chest, and then get the approval of the immortal emperor, so as to get the treasure left by the immortal emperor in the tomb.

Or, you have to give up halfway, and wait until your cultivation level is more refined in the future, and then practice the light-inducing technique, but at that time, the tomb of the immortal emperor has long disappeared, and the things in it have no fate with him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen clenched his fists.

In the past, when I was in other worlds, I always wanted the wind to get the wind and the rain to rain. The treasures I saw would definitely fall into my hands. Now, how can I watch the fairy emperor's things disappear in front of me.

While thinking, Jiang Chen smoothly put the wooden sign back into the storage ring.

A slightly crazy idea appeared in his mind.

Inside the storage ring, there are not only wooden plaques, but also all the herbs obtained from the palace area. Most of these herbs are conducive to the improvement of cultivation.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Chen directly took them out, then mobilized the immortal power to force out the essence of all the herbs.

After a while, a drop of very pure and powerful ball appeared in front of him.

"The true immortal triple cultivation base is indeed difficult to do in the immortal world. If you don't improve your strength as soon as possible, I am afraid that you will be killed by those enemies sooner or later. With my tenth life experience, it shouldn't be a problem to swallow this essence." When this thought came to mind, Jiang Chen opened his mouth and swallowed the small ball into his mouth.

As soon as he entered the body, Jiang Chen felt a very powerful energy spread out in his body. However, this was not the energy of the small ball itself, but the basis of what happened when the small ball touched the celestial power in his body. reaction.

Enduring this swelling feeling, Jiang Chen urged the immortal power in his body to wrap it up and slowly circulate it along his meridians. If you want to absorb all the energy in it, you must first familiarize it with yourself and wait for the right opportunity. , And then tear it apart to completely transform the energy for your own use.

But this strength condensed by dozens of herbs could be suppressed by Jiang Chen's current cultivation base.

When Xianli wrapped it up, Jiang Chen's body instantly became extremely hot, his complexion was flushed, his sweat continued to fall on the ground along his pores, and even the stale breath he exhaled carried hot temperature.

"It's bad, it should be done step by step." Jiang Chen was startled, and he obviously felt that he was a little too eager to get things done. He just remembered to devour this energy with his own experience, but he ignored his cultivation. Only true immortal triple.

When this small ball fell on Jiang Chen's meridians, it was like taking root, no matter how to urge Xianli to carry him through the meridians, it didn't work at all.

Jiang Chen had a bad feeling.

It is no longer possible to spit it out now, as long as the power of the immortal is slightly loosened, this power may burst in an instant, causing himself to explode and die.

But if you put it here, it's like putting an energy ball in your body that will explode at any time, and the meridians simply can't withstand such powerful energy. In a few days, the meridians all over your body will burn.

Riding a tiger is a dilemma.

It is the best portrayal of Jiang Chen now.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Chen forced himself to calm down.

Since the front and back can't be done, it can only take the middle, which is to tear the small ball apart with fairy power, and gradually release the energy inside and slowly absorb it.

Apart from this, Jiang Chen couldn't think of other ways.

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