I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1778: Got caught again

Seven days later.

Jiang Chen saw the ancestral fire in the huge secret room below the main hall.

Just like the cursed fire that Huo Yuanba wanted to pull away from Huo Fu, it burned in the spring water, but it didn't have the evil aura, but was full of vitality.

Standing around the spring, Huo Fu's face was flushed.

"Is it very hot?" Jiang Chen asked in a low voice, feeling the hot temperature around him.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Huo Fu didn't go to see Jiang Chen, but moved away, keeping a certain distance from him, but the blush on his face didn't retreat at all, but instead became richer.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

He had already read the contents of the scroll.

It's almost the same as what I knew in the lower realm.

It is nothing more than using the ancestral fire of the original source of fire to wash his blood into blood that has the blood of the fire-bath Phoenix clan. Although it would be very painful to do it by an outsider, he does not know how many times he has experienced this kind of pain. , Didn't care about it at all.

"Jiang Chen, are you ready?"

After saluting the tokens of the ten or more patriarchs before the family, Huo Xuan turned around, holding the scroll in his hand, and asked with his hand.

"Be ready at any time." Jiang Chen nodded and replied in a deep voice.

"Enter the Ancestral Fire." Huo Xuan said, pointing to the spring water, "Ancestral Fire will burn all the impurities in your body first, and then merge your blood with the power of the Fire Phoenix bloodline. The process is very painful. According to family records, fewer than five people have done it, and even among them, two of them couldn't make it through and fell here."

"Huh?" Jiang Chen shuddered. It was obvious that the surrounding temperature was hot, and he actually felt a hint of cold.

"It's too late to regret now." Huo Xuan did not change his expression.

"In my life, I have never regretted it."

A confident smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth. After taking off his coat, only wearing clothing that covered the triangle area, he jumped directly into the spring water.

As soon as he entered, Jiang Chen felt like he was boiling in boiling water. The skin of his whole body instantly became red, and the heat also penetrated his skin, toward the flesh, internal organs and meridians, and even The bones are constantly eroding.

"not bad."

Seeing Jiang Chen's expression normal, Huo Xuan smiled with satisfaction.

"It deserves to be the young master selected by Emperor Qianji." Huo Quan also said next to him.

However, after the words fell, he and Huo Xuan looked at each other, both showing an unusual smile.

Huo Xuan took two steps and patted Mu Youde's arm, "Boy, go out, the next scene is not something you can watch."

"No, I have to stay here, you say, five people go in, only three people come out alive, if he is in any danger, I have to help." Mu Youde shook his head firmly.

"Take him out!" Huo Xuan couldn't explain, so he had to ask Huo Quan.

Pulled by Huo Quan, Mu Youde was dragged out of the secret room by him.

"Xiaofu, are you ready?" Huo Xuan took a deep breath, looked at his daughter, and asked softly.

"Yeah." Huo Fu's face flushed.

"Go in and take care of Jiang Chen. He will not only be the young master of the Thousand Chance Sect, but also your husband-in-law. If his life is in danger, bring him out immediately, and I will try my best to preserve his cultivation." Huo Xuan took a closer look at Huo Fu, and after putting down the scroll in his hand, he strode out of the secret room.

When he opened the door, Mu Youde wanted to take the opportunity to rush in.

However, Huo Xuan directly carried the collar and slipped outside.

Gritting her teeth and looking at Jiang Chen soaking in the ancestral fire, Huo Fu gently untied her belt, and the clothes slid down from the smooth skin, naked, she walked into the long jade legs and went directly into the spring water. Among them, sat down face to face with Jiang Chen.

After Huo Fu came in, Jiang Chen obviously felt that the blazing temperature had slowed down, and it was not as unbearable as it was just now, so he opened his eyes and prepared to talk to Huo Xuan about his feelings.

Just this one opened his eyes.

Jiang Chen saw what he shouldn't.

He bounced directly, closing his eyes tightly, and holding the edge with his hands firmly, "What are you doing, Huo Fu? If you take a bath, you can go to other places to wash. The spring water is really too crowded."

"If you want you to have the blood power of our Fire Bathing Phoenix Clan, I must reconcile it, otherwise you will not be able to withstand the violent power at all. Even the fairy king may fall here." Huo Fu He lowered his head and closed his eyes, and said softly.

"Then I don't want it." Jiang Chen raised his leg, ready to step out.

"You already have the source of fire in your body. If you don’t proceed, it will burn in your body all the time, absorbing your immortal power, your cultivation base, and in the end, even your body and bones will be destroyed. Burning out." Huo Fu continued to explain.

"Really, the chief Huo Xuan said that he would pay some price, and he didn't say that it was such a price!" Jiang Chen wanted to cry without tears. Now he feels like he has fallen into a thief's den, and the power of his blood has not yet merged. In the blood, he put himself in first.

Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, Huo Fu opened his eyes, and Liu eyebrows suddenly stood up.

The repeated rejections made her think that Jiang Chen was repelling her, and even meant to look down on her.


Huo Fu raised his slap and threw it directly on Jiang Chen's chest.

"If you don't want to die, just continue, otherwise I will go out now, regardless of you!"

Jiang Chen sat back honestly, losing his life was small, if he really lost his life, it would be really troublesome.

The two gradually calmed down. Under the hot temperature, the two sat face to face in this way, and a strange atmosphere rose in the air.

The blazing temperature is still raging in Jiang Chen's body.

Even when the fire of Siwon entered and entered the body, the pain caused him to bite his teeth, and his nails were embedded in his palm.

However, when Huo Fu's palm rested on Jiang Chen, it seemed as if a basin of cold water was splashed from his head, causing Jiang Chen to recover a bit of calmness, and the hot temperature was also reduced.

As the blood in Jiang Chen's body was washed little by little, the temperature continued to rise.

From the very beginning, Huo Fu just put his palm on Jiang Chen’s chest, and then shrank his body. He got into Jiang Chen’s arms. The power of the pure blood in his body moved along the skin into Jiang Chen’s body, suppressing Jiang Chen. The fire of the origin.

Jiang Chen also hugged Huo Fu tightly, as if he was holding a huge block of ice.

When the temperature of Huo Fu's body surface was raised a little, Jiang Chen would instinctively place his hands elsewhere.

Before long, he was touched by Jiang Chen.

Huo Fu gritted his teeth and quietly endured the discomfort in his body.

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