I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1958: Go to the wild forest


Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"Also, Brother Jiang Chen should not be curious about this in the future, otherwise you will kill your own life sooner or later." Zhou Wu reminded worriedly, he was afraid that the master who had just joined the mercenary group would be killed.

"Listen to Leader Zhou, I won't mention it later."

Jiang Chen agreed with a smile.

But he also understood that Zhou Wu absolutely knew some news about the Suzaku clan, but he might have scruples and would not tell him.

The more Zhou Wu didn't say it, the more Jiang Chen thought the news was important, and the more he had to think of a way to get it out of his mouth.

"Brother Jiang Chen, let’s go and rest first. We will gather in the manor tomorrow morning. Let’s go hunting the beasts in the deep forest together. We just take advantage of this opportunity to show off your strength, let everyone in the group take a look, and establish prestige by the way. ."

Zhou Wu was relieved now.

The place he arranged for Jiang Chen was a small courtyard in the villa.

Even at the gate of the yard, there are two guards guarding it.

Early the next morning.

When Jiang Chen walked out, many mercenaries had already gathered in the manor.

It can be seen that Zhou Wu is considered to be out of his family this time. In addition to Jiang Chen, there is also a cultivator in the fairyland, and the rest are all relatively low-level.

"Brother Jiang Chen, how are you resting?" Zhou Wu hurriedly stepped forward and asked when Jiang Chen came out.

"not bad."

Jiang Chen replied casually.

"Everyone, let me introduce to you, this is Jiang Chen, who just joined our beast-slashing mercenary group yesterday, don't look at him looking young, but he is a real five-tier powerhouse in the fairyland!"

When Jiang Chen walked in front of everyone, Zhou Wu pointed at him and shouted to everyone present.

Even the mercenaries outside the manor craned their necks to look over.

One by one is envious.

They don't understand why there are so many powerful people in the beast-slashing mercenary group, and in their mercenary group, not to mention the fairyland, even the heavenly fairyland can't find a few.

"Leader Zhou, let's go quickly." Jiang Chen frowned slightly and said.

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhou Wu waved his hand and walked out of the manor first.

When Jiang Chen turned around, everyone behind him saw the wooden sword on his back.

The group of people suddenly became sluggish.

The weapon used by the five-tier powerhouse in the dignified fairyland turned out to be a wooden sword? !

You know, in the mercenary town, there are many forces that forge weapons.

Ordinary people buy spears and swords made of profound iron or refined iron. Those with a little money can add some spars to them during casting to improve the rank of weapons.

And those who can really produce millions or even tens of millions of immortal jade can possess weapons made from the bones of spirit beasts, and the more they give, the higher the rank of that fierce beast.

Today, a big knife in the town is made from the bones of fierce beasts in the fairyland, and the price is about one billion immortal jade.

"Is he a liar?"

"No, the leader is a powerful person in the Immortal Venerable Realm, how could he be deceived by him."

"Then why does he use a wooden sword? Could it be said that he is so poor that he doesn't even have a fairy jade to buy almost a weapon?"

When Jiang Chen followed Zhou Wu out of the manor, many people behind him started talking.

Jiang Chen heard them clearly.

Someone who didn't like the wooden sword at first, suddenly felt the special charm of the Vermillion Bird Talisman Wooden Sword.

Such an ordinary wooden sword that was even looked down upon by others was used at this time. If the sky-breaking spear was used, it would be too eye-catching.

Leaving the town, a group of people walked towards the wild mountains.

The more you go there, the more you can feel the gradual aura of recklessness coming out, especially the vaguely feeling the fluctuations of the fierce beast.

"Brother Jiang Chen, have you been to the wild forest?"

Zhou Wu and Jiang Chen walked in front of everyone. He looked at the mercenary groups that were constantly coming and going in and out of the wild forest, and asked.

"the first time."

Jiang Chen scanned the people around him.

"Then you have to follow me closely. Don't look at your high cultivation level, but there are many dangers hidden in the forest. Even a few years ago, a strong immortal rushed in and fell into one. The point where there is no bones left."

Speaking of this, a confident smile appeared on Zhou Wu's face.

He can be said to be the person who knows the wild forest the best in the entire town, not to mention Immortal Venerable, even if the strong immortal monarch wants to enter, he has to come over and ask him.

"With Commander Zhou, I shouldn't be in danger." Jiang Chen smiled and said casually.

"That's not necessarily true. The forest is too dangerous, and it may not be possible to find the wood-attributed fairyland beasts nearby. Maybe we have to search in the entire mountain range. In that case, we may encounter more unknowns. danger."

Zhou Wu put away the smile on his face and said in a deep voice.

"I can trust Leader Zhou's judgment."

Jiang Chen said something lightly and casually. He knew the danger in the wild forest, but with his own strength, even if he encountered a fierce beast of the fairy monarch level, he could easily escape, as far as the fairy king level.

At this level, it is basically impossible to exist in it.

"Haha, Brother Jiang Chen really believes me!"

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely protect you, you are now the only godly powerhouse in our beast-slashing mercenary group."

Hearing Jiang Chen's boasting, Zhou Wu was very helpful. He raised his hand to pat Jiang Chen's arm and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, thank you, Chief Zhou."

Jiang Chen nodded and responded.

The group of people walked toward the wild forest in this way.

Many people around who wanted to go in together cheekily came forward to strike up a conversation.

They all knew that as long as they followed Zhou Wu and others in, it meant that they would get the greatest protection, even in the face of some fierce beasts, they would be able to save their lives.

As for the price, you need to pay some fairy jade.

For the sake of their lives, a little fairy jade is nothing, and Zhou Wu is also very willing to take them.

Anyway, they are all going to the forest. It is fun to have these people in their company, not to mention that when facing a murderer with a high level of cultivation, they can be used as bait.

Before this, he had no idea how many times he had done it, but the people in the town never knew it.

the reason is simple.

Those who were protected by him almost all died in the forest.

There is no chance to go back alive.

For a time, dozens of people followed Zhou Wu mightily. They looked at Jiang Chen with a little surprise, and they wondered why Jiang Chen could reach such a high level of cultivation in the fairyland at such a young age.

It's just that they want to return to it, but they dare not ask.

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