I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 405: Reincarnation Nine Revolutions

This is a mutilated soul, without memory, only the last trace of instinct during his lifetime.

He floated, swam past Jiang Chen, and floated towards the other side of the abyss.

Jiang Chen just stood on the spot, looking down at the abyss, really wanting to go down and see what is under the abyss.

However, Jiang Chen knew that this abyss was not something ordinary people could touch, even if it was a divine king, it would be difficult to enter the abyss!

Jiang Chen looked at the abyss, wanting to understand the truth.

However, there is a layer of mist under the abyss, blocking the line of sight, even the sun and the moon can't see through it!

In the end, Jiang Chen sighed and turned around to go back.

After all, the road ahead has been broken, and there is an unknown danger here.

Jiang Chen didn't dare to stay here any longer, in case something really happened, he couldn't cope with it at all with his current strength.

After all, even the **** king has fallen here, and the little cultivator of his heavenly realm, coming here is tantamount to looking for death!

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't encounter any danger along the way.

After Banzhuxiang, Jiang Chen walked out of Tongtian Road and returned to the bottom of the ancient well.

However, at the moment he stepped out of the bronze door, a wave of fluctuations spread out on the road to the sky behind him!

This fluctuation is very weak, but there is an unspeakable feeling for Jiang Chen!

As if, like a family member!

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen frowned, stood at the bronze door and hesitated for a while, turned around again, and stepped into the road to the sky.

All the way forward, there was still no danger encountered, until before returning to the abyss again, Jiang Chen's pupils suddenly shrank!

Just because, above the abyss, I don't know when a man appeared.

This man, with his back to Jiang Chen, his golden hair was flying, and the snow-white robe on his body was even more stained with dark blood!

"You are finally back."

At this moment, the blond man turned his back to Jiang Chen and whispered softly.

Its voice is full of vicissitudes and ancient atmosphere, but it also contains an invincible spirit!

He stood on the abyss, like a mountain, suppressing the abyss!

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen stared at the man, feeling a touch of intimacy!

However, Jiang Chen is sure that he has never seen this man!

Moreover, there is not a trace of life in this man!

This is a dead man! ?

"Nine turns of reincarnation, finally waited." The blond man whispered and suddenly turned around to face Jiang Chen!

In an instant, Jiang Chen's expression changed suddenly and his eyes widened.

It was because he couldn't believe that the appearance of the blond man in front of him was exactly the same as him!

"Are you dead or alive? Who is it!?" Jiang Chen stared at the man, throbbing in his heart.

Just because, if it is exactly the same, that's fine.

However, Jiang Chen could still feel that this man's soul was actually the same as him!

how can that be! ?

The same person, the same soul! ?

How is this going! ?

"I am you." The blond man whispered, "I have been waiting for you."

"You are me!? Impossible!" Jiang Chen shook his head and said in a deep voice: "There are only similar flowers, no identical people!"

"Not only I am waiting for you, but others are also waiting for you." The blond man continued, "There are eight people in total, and nine of them are you."

"Nine? What do you mean?" Jiang Chen was puzzled, completely unable to understand what the blond man was saying.

What kind of reincarnation, what I am you, what kind of nine people! ?

What is going on with all this! ?

Of course, it was only at this moment that Jiang Chen knew that he should have hidden many secrets!

It's just that he doesn't even know this secret!

"Nine rounds of reincarnation, Wanhua will return to one." The blond man said, "You don't need to understand this now. You will know when you truly awaken one day."

"At that time, it is unknown whether it will be the dusk of the gods or the dawn of the ghosts."

Having said this, the blond man paused and said, "That battle! I want to see you!"

"He can't come back!"

Suddenly, a roar came from under the abyss!

Then, a dark figure, like a shadow, appeared beside the blond man.

This person can't see his appearance, and he doesn't even know what race he is!

However, he was full of demons!

"How can a person who has fallen into reincarnation come back! The body has changed, the soul has changed, he is no longer there!" The voice of this dark figure was very harsh, as if two pieces of steel were rubbing!

And, as he spoke, black chains appeared on his body, entwined with the blond man!

Afterwards, the two slowly fell towards the bottom of the abyss!

"It's impossible to see the sun again!"

After more than ten breaths, a cold voice came out below the abyss.

Afterwards, it became silent, and there was no more sound.

Jiang Chen stood on the spot, his expression was solemn, his brows furrowed, there were many doubts in his heart, but he was puzzled!

He knows that there may be a problem in his previous life!

After all, Jiang Chen is not stupid!

"Could it be that when I was a **** king, there was another reincarnation!?" Jiang Chen thought: "Nine reincarnations...Is it possible that I have reincarnation nine times?"

But Jiang Chen didn't believe it either!

You know, if it wasn't for the help of the Moon God to ignite the Wanhua Celestial Lamp with his life, Jiang Chen wouldn't be able to go into reincarnation and be reborn!

Being able to be reborn once or twice, Jiang Chen can still accept it, but rebirth in reincarnation nine times, no one believes it!

What's more, Jiang Chen has no impression of the memories of previous lives!

So, what went wrong! ?

After thinking about it for a long time, Jiang Chen still didn't have a clue, and could only leave here.

When he came up from the ancient well, the nine princesses looked at Jiang Chen with a weird expression, opening their mouths to prophesy.

Wu Heng was surprised, and said, "Can you still come out alive?"

"There is no danger inside." Jiang Chen said, "Could it be that when you went in before, you encountered danger?"

"You didn't encounter any danger inside?" Wu Heng was stunned, and said: "It's impossible... Didn't you encounter those strange creatures?"

"Strange creatures?" Jiang Chen frowned. After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "I saw a few bones, but no special creatures."

It was impossible for Jiang Chen to tell Wu Heng that he met a person like himself in it.

It is impossible to tell Wu Heng that he also encountered a person who was entangled in devilish energy.

And Jiang Chen also knew that the strange creature Wu Heng was talking about should not be the bones, but there should be something else!

"You are inside... don't you see anything?" asked the nine princesses, her expression very calm, but deep in her pupils, there was an unusual light gleaming!

"I didn't see anything." Jiang Chen said: "I only saw the body of the wandering swordsman."

After all, Jiang Chen said no more, and said to the Tomb Star Wolf: "Go back."

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