I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 993: Destined

The Guangming Lord God also knows that cursing people and not cursing his mother, but he is really angry!

He can't leave the Palace of Light, nor dare to come here, what else can he do now besides cursing others?

What makes him most angry is that Jiang Chen is unruly!

"What do you bring a pinnacle **** over here!? Not following the rules!" Guangming Lord God scolded angrily: "The strongest in Xuansen Hall is just a higher Lord God!"

Princess Tianyong kept translating on the sidelines, Jiang Chen raised her brows when she heard the words, and jokingly said: "What about unruly? When you destroyed my Tianchen Divine Sect, were there any rules?"

"Now talk to me about the rules? Are you worthy?"



When the voice fell, Jiang Chen asked Princess Tianyong to take action, and under the slap, directly Nirvana extinguished the ray of God's spirit of Guangming Lord.

"Tianchen! I will kill you sooner or later!" The main **** of Guangming was incompetent and furious. He was in the Palace of Guangming, his eyes flushed.

"Boss, why don't you attack directly?" Huang Dade was lying in the air, Jiang Chen lying on his back, he also pulled out a few feathers and made a fan, very leisurely.

Huang Dade didn't dare to complain, but he was very curious.

"What are you going to do to attack? Do you think this Xuansen Temple is so easy to attack?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Xuansen Palace, Jiang Chen also knew this power.

The strongest of this power is not combat power, but prohibition!

The Xuanming ban with one hand is extremely insidious, and if he breaks in rashly, even the king of God may drink hatred!

For the sake of safety, Jiang Chen had to block this place first, and then break the ban before he could invade Xuansen Hall.

"Is it necessary to be so careful? We have an aunt!" Long Dade said with a whisper. Since don't behave and recognized Princess Tianyong as his aunt, the whole dragon has been confident!

The same is true for the Bird Dade on the side, slacking off Princess Tianyong's flattery all day long, almost forgetting who he belongs to.

"She has lost the memory of her past, and now she has a cultivation base, she has no magic skills at all." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly: "If she breaks in rashly, she will be seriously injured if she doesn't die."

"But waiting here... it's a waste of time!" Mu Youde said angrily: "With this time, this king will go to steal a few tombs and get you some natural treasures. Your cultivation is early. It's improved!"

When these words came out, the three great virtues suddenly nodded, and when they looked at Mu Youde, their eyes were full of worship and gratitude!

You know, it didn't take long for these three great virtues to enter the Nine Heavens God Realm, but now their cultivation bases have reached the main god!

The credit for this, naturally goes to Mu Youde!

This guy doesn't do good things all day long, just like a grave robber!

And the things stolen, I don't need them, I gave them all to the three great virtues!

You know, which of the things in those ancient tombs is Fanpin?

The strange treasures of natural materials are trivial matters, and some of the treasures that have been brewed for several eras are the most precious!

Those medicinal pills, one by one, not to mention becoming a god, but it can also make a person reborn, and cultivate a lot of diligence!

Moreover, Jiang Chen also found that the titles of these three great virtues were very special, hazy, and contained mystery and great power.

It was also thanks to Jiang Chen that he asked, otherwise he really didn't know that Mu Youde had dug up three Tianzi-level titles in an ancient tomb.

And these three Tianzi-level titles are now in the body of the three great virtues!

"Why don't you wait here? I'll go around and see if there are any ancient tombs." Mu Youde said, it seemed that he couldn't be idle anymore.

"By the way...what do you keep robbing the grave?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

When I first met Mu Youde, this guy had been robbing the tomb.

However, at that time, Mu Youde also suffered from memory loss, and kept robbing the tomb to find his own life experience.

But afterwards, Mu Youde's memory recovered, so what would he do to rob the grave?

Sometimes, Jiang Chen really couldn't understand Mu Youde, and always felt that this thief Taoist still had something to hide from him!

"I'm looking for something." Mu Youde said: "To be precise, it's a group of creatures."

"What?" Jiang Chen was stunned. The tomb was robbed to find someone?

What kind of creatures are they?

However, Mu Youde didn't explain much, he just told Jiang Chen that those creatures were extraordinary and related to reincarnation!

After that, Mu Youde groaned a few times, feeling really bored, so he left first to check the surrounding terrain and see if he could find the ancient tomb.

However, after only half a stick of incense, Mu Youde returned.

It's just that this time he didn't come back alone, but brought a creature from the underworld!

"Ji Liuyun?"

"Hey, isn't this the kid in Yongzhou City?"


A group of people were dumbfounded, looking at Ji Liuyun with a swollen nose and swollen nose, it hurts!

But Ji Liuyun was even more resentful, secretly saying that he was really unlucky!

As soon as he arrived near the Xuansen Temple, he met Mu Youde!

Before he could speak, he was directly suppressed by Mu Youde!

Ji Liuyun was shocked and angry. What was shocked was that Mu Youde's combat power was too sturdy, and he didn't even have room to fight back. He was directly suppressed, and he was beaten by Fat!

As for anger...

That was the second time that Ji Liuyun was suppressed!

As the saint son of the Great Flowing Clouds in the underworld, he was suppressed by the same group twice in succession. If this were to be spread, it would be too shameful!

"You are so unruly, in the future, the strong from my underworld will come, will you not be afraid of retaliation?" Ji Liuyun said solemnly, still coughing up blood while speaking, obviously because he was beaten by Mu Youde.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said jokingly: "You have to figure out the situation. You are the one being suppressed now. Why would you dare to threaten me to wait? Don't kill me?"

As soon as these words came out, Ji Liuyun suddenly stopped.

He is really scared, Jiang Chen and the group of people do not play cards according to common sense!

"Master! Did you see that the old man! You asked me to help Shengshi Academy at the beginning, now you look at them, are they humans doing things like this!" Ji Liuyun was crying, but she was still very strong on the surface. !

He didn't say a word, and chose to be silent!

"By the way, if you stay in Yongzhou well, what do you come to Pingzhou for?" Jiang Chen asked.

Ji Liuyun was initially resentful, but when he heard this, his chest was ups and downs, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"You still have the face to ask! What did you do in the underground palace of Yongzhou City!? Now that the entire Yongzhou is enveloped by formations and barriers, I will be driven out! If not, who wants to come to this broken place!" Ji Liuyun said angrily.

"Oh...what a coincidence." Jiang Chen smiled and said: "We seem to be very destined."

"Who wants to have a relationship with you! I knew you were in Pingzhou, I wouldn't come here if you killed me!" Ji Liuyun's face was dark, and he didn't want to talk or see Jiang Chen's face!

But, the next moment, Ji Liuyun screamed: "What are you going to do!?"

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