I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 125: No wind zone

  Chapter 125 Windless Belt

   Stutsi had been chasing Lynch for more than a thousand meters in the windless zone before stopping.

  I confirmed that the young man Qiao Luno, he was really determined to escape to the depths of the windless zone, and Stucci could only give up.

   Just as Lynch said before...

   Lynch is flying directly with the ability of the natural element. Compared with the long-distance journey that consumes a lot of physical energy, it is far easier.

  On the great route full of islands and boats everywhere, Stutsi can chase to the ends of the world.

  There is no wind in this area, and the sea is almost still. It is called a huge sea king nest. There will be no "windless zone" sea area where any ships will pass... Stutsi can only turn back temporarily.

  I stepped on the moon step all the way, even to save energy, fell on the sea and walked on the waves... When Stushi returned to the flower boat, he couldn't help feeling very tired.

  A pair of slender and straight legs, due to excessive muscle breakout, bulged up twice, and the stockings would be split.

   "..." Stushy stepped on high heels and walked a few steps on the flower boat, the muscles that bulged in his legs quickly subsided.

  When she met the desperate Caesar and the excited birdman Morgans around the corner, she had returned to normal.

Caesar seemed to have been ravaged and abandoned mercilessly, and said with tears and resentment: "Morgans, you must report this incident! Let the whole world know that that guy has such a terrifying ability!!! Taking away my devil fruit...It's really hateful!! A guy like him must live in the fear of being chased and killed every day!!!"

"Although I don't think that after this ability is made public, he will be hunted down by everyone..." Morgans chuckled, "But of course, of course I will publish this in the newspaper! This is big news! Big news, it’s going to be published in the newspaper. It’s that simple. Quack quack!!”

  Stuxi walked towards him and said calmly: "You were robbed of the devil fruit, Caesar. Is it really okay to be reported for such a shameful thing?"

  "Huh?" Caesar, who was crying with snot and tears, took a sniff, turned his head and begged Morgans, "Can you not just log out my name?"

   "How can this be?" Morgans was surprised, "Our newspaper never makes fake news!"

   "It's not for you to make fake news!" Caesar said anxiously, "I just didn't mention my name! Change your alias, Brutus, Udawei, etc., make up whatever you want, whatever!"

  Moorgans shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, no, what Brutus, what Udawei, who has heard of this? Who would believe that they are the powerful natural ability persons in the incident?"

  This guy emphasized the tone when he said the word "powerful", right? It must be intentional, right? ! Caesar was so angry that he was so angry that he pleaded, "It's really impossible, can you not post my photos? It's fine to make a mosaic!!"

   "Let me tell you the truth, Caesar, great genius!" Morgans smiled and patted Caesar on the shoulder. "This big news, your amazing reputation is indispensable! Quack..."

  Morgans flapped his wings and walked away.

  Stuxi almost couldn't help it, and shot the birdman with a flying finger gun. After thinking about it, let it go.

I casually said a few words about the poor Caesar Courant, so that he should not be too sad, and live on the boat with peace of mind, and wait until the next island to send him down... Stutsi left, waved his hand, and asked the people on the boat to take the priest to the old man. The corpse is processed.

  Caesar can't help crying, how long hasn't he been honestly on a boat until he disembarks?

  In the past, he always came and wanted to go, fluttering, fluttering away, waving his hand without taking away a cloud, how chic!

  Now, he is going to be pitifully nestled on the boat, licking his wounds alone, sulking...Oh no, in a few days, his wounds will be shown to everyone in the world! !

   "Jobana Giorno!!!" Caesar said the name through gritted teeth.

"Jobana Giorno..." In a certain room of the flower boat, Stutsi took out a miniature phone bug and dialed the number of the CP0 dedicated line. "There is still an empty note. Xu Lun, there is the latest about Their intelligence..."

   "It's almost like this. These two people have escaped into the windless zone...Although Caesar has lost the Devil Fruit ability, his mind is still worthwhile, and there is still a need to pay attention..."

She simply said the matter again and asked: "Send people out on both sides of the windless zone. There must be someone staring at the sea line on the'paradise' side of the great route, and on the other side of the South China Sea. ! Once they find that they fly out with the gas fruit ability, immediately report..."

The opposite said ashamed: "Sir, where do we have so many manpower...unless all CPs, including all the agents including CP0~CP9, are organized, and the children at the training base are brought along, it is possible to bring the windless belt. The exits on both sides are all blocked..."

   "Let the navy help them too." Stutsi said, "They were the criminals they were offering rewards for. They should be the main force..."

  End the call.

   Stussi put away the mini-phone worm.

   Shake out a cigarette, flick it to the lips. Stushi flipped his hand to find a lighter, snapped, the flame approached the cigarette butt, and sparked...

  Speaking of it, if Lynch hadn't directly acted on the boat today, which broke the rules of the flower boat, and the object of the act was the genius scientist Caesar their CP is concerned about, Stutsy would not have acted directly at all.

  Reviewed the fight with the Qiao Lunuo and Xu Lun girls...

   Very strong girl! Stushy thought of the face of the girl with short silver and white hair. The girl wanted to practice that level of moon steps, iron blocks, and especially her feet. The hard work involved in this is not what silly boys can imagine... …She gently stroked her slender and straight legs, and a doubt that lingered until now flashed in her heart:

  Why, that young man just got a brand-new devil fruit, but he can use it so skillfully?


   "Could it be that this is the so-called genius? The wizard who can control the devil fruit..."

  Stuzi breathed out the smoke ring, looked out the window, looked across the sea, and looked in the direction of the calm zone...

  A ray of sea breeze drifted over the windless sea area, disappearing silently.

  A cloud-like thing, wrapped in a girl with short silver hair, is flying in the air.

   "Suck it...ahhh!!"

  The elemental Lynch looked back, and said, "Should I say, is he a civil servant? There is a reason not to chase him, so he just went back to get off work?"

  Although there is no wind and no ships in the windless zone, these do not affect Moonwalk’s aerial walking.

  It’s not that there are no islands in the windless zone. If Stutsi is willing to take a heart and chase her hard, it is not that there is no island where she can rest...

  Wow! !

  The boundless sea that was as flat as a mirror below suddenly broke through the waves, and a huge sea king like a mountain came out, almost biting Lynch in the sky-Robin in his arms dozens of meters in the air.

   Lynch hurriedly controlled the gas body and flew up ten meters high again.

  Below the sea surface, there is a huge black shadow swimming like mountains...It is a monster in the sea with an unusually large head.

   is a giant sea king that only "Poseidon" can control.

"It's over if you fall!" Lynch sighed, "Now I and Lao He are both capable... Robin, too. As long as the three of us touch the sea, we won't be saved! Hey, you still All right?"

  Robin's face became paler, and there was a thin cold sweat on his forehead.

  (End of this chapter)

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